On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Shawn Ferry wrote:

> I haven't seen this behavior. However, all of my file systems used by my
> Mac are pool version 8 fs ver 2. I don't know if that could be part of your
> problem or not.

Thanks for the info.  I should have said that all the file systems I'm using
were created on the Solaris server, rather than ther Mac.  It's just files on
that Solaris-created ZFS file system that I'm having problems creating.

Of course, it probably doesn't help that Apple, in their infinite wisdom, canned
native suport for ZFS in Snow Leopard (idiots).

> I am attaching two ways direct attach and iSCSI zvol with pool and FS created
> locally.

Ah.  The file systems I'm trying to use are locally attached to the server, and
shared via NFS.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

Rich Teer, Publisher
Vinylphile Magazine

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