Rich, Shawn,

> Of course, it probably doesn't help that Apple, in their infinite wisdom, 
> canned
> native suport for ZFS in Snow Leopard (idiots).

For your information, the ZFS project lives (well, limps really) on at You can get ZFS for Snow Leopard from there 
and we're working on moving forwards from the ancient pool support to something 
more recent. I've relatively recently merged in the onnv-gate repository (at 
build 72) which should make things easier to track in the future.

> Ah.  The file systems I'm trying to use are locally attached to the server, 
> and
> shared via NFS.

What are the problems? I have read-write files over a (Mac-exported) ZFS share 
via NFS to Mac clients, and that has no problem at all. It's possible that it 
could be permissions related, especially if you're using NFSv4 - AFAIK the Mac 
client is an alpha stage of that on Snow Leopard. 

You could try listing the files (from OSX) with ls -...@e which should show you 
all the extended attributes and ACLs to see if that's causing a problem.

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