On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Alex Blewitt wrote:

Hi Alex,

> For your information, the ZFS project lives (well, limps really) on
> at http://code.google.com/p/mac-zfs. You can get ZFS for Snow Leopard
> from there and we're working on moving forwards from the ancient pool
> support to something more recent. I've relatively recently merged in
> the onnv-gate repository (at build 72) which should make things easier
> to track in the future.

That's good to hear!  I thought Apple yanking ZFS support from Mac OS was
a really dumb idea.  Do you work for Apple?

> What are the problems? I have read-write files over a (Mac-exported)
> ZFS share via NFS to Mac clients, and that has no problem at all. It's
> possible that it could be permissions related, especially if you're
> using NFSv4 - AFAIK the Mac client is an alpha stage of that on Snow
> Leopard.

See my other messages for a description of the problem--but I am using
NFS v4 on the server, so that might be the cause of breakage...

> You could try listing the files (from OSX) with ls -...@e which should
> show you all the extended attributes and ACLs to see if that's causing
> a problem.

That ls command works (it shows files on the server), but of course, none
of the files shown atually have extended attributes...

Rich Teer, Publisher
Vinylphile Magazine

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