On 22 Apr 2010, at 20:50, Rich Teer <rich.t...@rite-group.com> wrote:

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Alex Blewitt wrote:

Hi Alex,

For your information, the ZFS project lives (well, limps really) on
at http://code.google.com/p/mac-zfs. You can get ZFS for Snow Leopard
from there and we're working on moving forwards from the ancient pool
support to something more recent. I've relatively recently merged in
the onnv-gate repository (at build 72) which should make things easier
to track in the future.

That's good to hear! I thought Apple yanking ZFS support from Mac OS was
a really dumb idea.  Do you work for Apple?

No, the entire effort is community based. Please feel free to join up to the mailing list from the project page if you're interested in ZFS on Mac OSX.

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