Wouldn't the behaviours of Muhammad or even Hussein have
also been permitted under "righteous warfare"?



In relation to Muhammad:
*** The military expeditions of Muhammad, on the contrary, were always
defensive actions: a proof of this is that during thirteen years, in Mecca,
He and His followers endured the most violent persecutions.  At this period
they were the target for the arrows of hatred:  some of His companions were
killed and their property confiscated; others fled to foreign lands.
Muhammad Himself, after the most extreme persecutions by the Qurayshites,
who finally resolved to kill Him, fled to Medina in the middle of the night.
Yet even then His enemies did not cease their persecutions, but pursued Him
to Medina, and His disciples even to Abyssinia. 
        (`Abdu'l-Baha:  Some Answered Questions, Pages: 18-19)***

In relation to the Imam Husayn
Please Please see
The Martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali 

      The principal events surrounding the death of Imam Husayn, the Prince
of Martyrs (sayyed al-shuhada') are clear and fairly well documented, though
their interpretation may not always be. However, this event soon became the
event of central significance to the entire Shii history--indeed, it became
seen as a central event in the entire history of humankind, one towards
which previous history was teleologically drawn and from which subsequent
history charted its course[52]--and its details became highly elaborated
upon and surrounded with numerous non-historical embellishments. While any
academic history of Shiism will present the details of this history, it is
only the event as seen through the eye of the believer that concerns this
project.[53] As this event is foundational for Shiism and Babism and its
details and characters will be referred to and cited frequently in this
study, a summary of the incident is necessary here. The following account,
which is representative of what has become a distinct genre of narrations of
Husayn's death, will be telescoped from an apologetic (and, incidentally,
Bahai) source: Abu'l-Qasim Faizi's The Prince of Martyrs: a brief account of
the Imam Husayn.[54]

Lawh-i-Zíyárat-Namih-i-Imám Husayn[1]
Tablet of Visitation for Imám Husayn
A PhD thesis
another Ph D thesis

The Ra'fati thesis

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