Jeff Breidenbach said:

> Solution sets that I see are:
>   b1) ask mailme to do monthly sorts off of x-archive-with-date
>       headers primarily, received headers secondarily
>   b2) modify to generate x-archive-with-date based on
>       received headers.

Attached is b1), then.  I've added some sanity checking for the date
field so it should be pretty robust.  With this implemented, it means
that mailme expects (or equivalent) to set the
x-archive-with-date field intelligently, and doesn't do any second
guessing, which is how I think it should be.  If it doesn't find
x-archive-with-date, it looks for Received:, and if that's not set it
falls over to Date:, which is the way Jeff's rcfile deals with dates
too, so is consistent.  So now mailme and rcfile agree that, if
you're importing, you HAVE to set an intelligent x-archive-with-date
field; else, they both use Received:, which goes by the clock on
Jeff's server.

I won't hack for fear of doing wrong, but yes I'm pretty
sure I agree now that it should set x-archive-with-date from the
original Recieved: fields if possible.

--- mailme.jeff Sun Sep  5 14:08:19 1999
+++ mailme      Sun Sep  5 15:25:07 1999
@@ -319,8 +319,26 @@
 X14=`echo "$T" | grab "list-post"`
 # If indexing by month, we care about the date
-DATE=`echo "$T" | grab "date"`
-JUSTDATE=`echo $DATE | sed 's/^date: //i'`
+# If importing, see if x-archive-with-date is set first.
+# Use "Date:" as last resort because of mis-set clocks.
+XDATE=`echo "$T" | grab "x-archive-with-date"`
+[ ! "$XDATE" ] && XDATE=`echo "$T" | grab "received"`
+[ ! "$XDATE" ] && XDATE=`echo "$T" | grab "date"`
+if [ ! "$XDATE" ]
+       emergency_divert NODATE "Unable to find any date field."
+       exit -1
+JUSTDATE=`echo "$XDATE" | sed -e 's/^date: //i' \
+                              -e 's/^x-archive-with-date: //i' \
+                              -e 's/^received: //i'`
+date -d "$JUSTDATE" > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ "$ex" != "0" ]
+       emergency_divert NODATE "Unable to find valid date field."
+       exit -1
 # Extract email addresses
 CHANCE=$(echo $TO $CC $X1 $X2 $X3 $X4 $X5 $X6 $X7 $X8 $X9 $X10 $X11 $X14 |\

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