On Mar 28, 2012, at 10:52 AM, adi wrote:
> youtube masih hidup, mas. walaupun google secara itung-itungan
> masih rugi (banyak) untuk itu. dan sampai sekarang pun google
> belum mampu me-monetize youtube :-)

youtube model bisnisnya jelas, mirip TV, dari iklan. Berikut kutipannya:

In October 2006, Google Inc. announced that it had acquired YouTube for US$1.65 
billion in Google stock, and the deal was finalized on November 13, 2006. 
Google does not provide detailed figures for YouTube's running costs, and 
YouTube's revenues in 2007 were noted as "not material" in a regulatory filing. 
In June 2008, a Forbes magazine article projected the 2008 revenue at US$200 
million, noting progress in advertising sales.

In November 2008, YouTube reached an agreement with MGM, Lions Gate 
Entertainment and CBS, allowing the companies to post full-length films and 
television episodes on the site, accompanied by advertisements in a section for 
US viewers called "Shows". The move was intended to create competition with 
websites such as Hulu, which features material from NBC, Fox, and Disney. In 
November 2009, YouTube launched a version of "Shows" available to UK viewers, 
offering around 4000 full-length shows from more than 60 partners. Viewers in 
the United States can rent full length films from YouTube, and the service is 
scheduled to be launched worldwide.

Starting in March 2010, YouTube started streaming all 60 cricket matches of the 
Indian Premier League worldwide for free, which YouTube claims is the first 
worldwide free online broadcast of a major sporting event.

In May 2010, it was reported that YouTube was serving more than two billion 
videos a day, which it described as "nearly double the prime-time audience of 
all three major US television networks combined."

> saya rasa, berhasil atau tidak dalam bisnis itu nasib. canonical
> sejak awal menyasar pasar desktop. sedang redhat, dari sejak awal
> sudah minder di desktop.

Makanya di awal saya usulkan untuk meniru model Redhat. Desktop masalahnya 
banyak :-) Canonical nggak fokus.

> konstelasi perdesktopan sekarang juga sudah bergeser. jadi memang
> masalah canonical ini lebih banyak. walaupun, menurut mark,
> pangsa server pun redhat sudah kalah sama ubuntu.

Dengan maksain 'unity', dan survey ubuntu baru-baru ini*), Canonical 
kelihatannya ujicoba untuk bundling ubuntu ke 'new device'. Entah itu 
smartphone atau tablet mungkin :-) Model bisnisnya masih eksperimen.
Ubuntu One mengadopsi App store-nya Mac.

*) http://blog.canonical.com/

> soal penghasilan lebih besar dari redhat, itu soal lain. mungkin
> mark masih belum butuh duit hi..hi..

Nah itu dia, kalau mau ikut model canonical, menunggu Mark-nya Indonesia. 
Mungkin terjun ke politik dulu, dapet duit bikin foundation seperti itu. :-D

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