Re: Can you order the Num column?

2017-08-16 Thread Geert Janssens
On woensdag 16 augustus 2017 18:29:23 CEST Jonathan Silvey wrote:
> I check my bank and credit card statements by
>  numbering them and putting that number in the Num column. Can I put the
> Num column in order? At the moment they are in the order on the bank
> statement.
> Jo
> nathan

Sure: View->Sort by...


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Re: debian stretch upgrade has made gnucash unworkable

2017-08-11 Thread Geert Janssens
On vrijdag 11 augustus 2017 20:16:26 CEST johnny saylor wrote:
> hi
> i'm not sure what's wrong, but gnucash no longer starts up for me. i've
> attached the screen dump which may help someone smarter than me to
> figure out what's happened.
> to reiterate, once i upgraded my debian installation to stretch i've had
> nothing from gnucash. i've tried uninstall and reinstalling ...
> any help or pointers would be warmly welcomed.
> danke

Hi Johnny,

The error log you have attached indicates a problem with guile 2.0 on your 
system. It doesn't even get to starting gnucash. At first glance the guile 2 
package is finding scm files that are newer than their compiled counterparts 
and so starts recompiling them. That should not happen with guile's own files.

Your best bet is to check with your debian packager for guile what's going on.


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Re: For UK users: Will gnucash get ready for Making Tax, Digital ?

2017-07-28 Thread Geert Janssens
A shared library would even better imo. Similar to what aqbanking does for 
online bank communications.

That would allow for easier integration with gnucash and even other open source 
applications that wish to interact with HMRC.


Alain Williams  schreef op 27 juli 2017 11:01:10 CEST:
>On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 12:52:41AM +, Buddha Buck wrote:
>> GnuCash does not currently (to my knowledge) support any
>> jurisdiction-specify tax policy or reporting requirements. To do so
>for one
>> would imply that it should do so for all, and that is a maintenance
>> nightmare. As such, I think it more likely that someone would write a
>> program that can take reports or data that GnuCash can already
>> (CSV exports? OFX exports?) and uploads the necessary info to HMRC.
>A small program that takes a well defined import and can talk the HMRC
>Tax Difficult protocol might be the best way forwards; similar programs
>then also be written to talk to the tax people in other countries -
>cluttering up the core of Gnucash.
>I am not sure, however, if this would be enough to keep HMRC happy -
>they seem
>to want verification of the whole accounts program ... I am talking
>about a
>standalone shim/add-on.
>I know many companies that have their own accounts s/ware, written over
>years that does just what they need. MTD could cause huge problems if
>there is a
>lot of effort in getting these certified or if the companies need to
>change to
>use an off-the-shelf/bought-in package.
>I don't think that HMRC have thought about it from anything other than
>their own perspective.
>On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 08:03:45PM -0700, John Ralls wrote:
>> GnuCash can generate TXF files that certain US and German tax prep
>software can support. Alex Aycinena maintains the former and Christian
>Stimming the latter, but Christian has had real life intervene and
>doesn’t at present have time to contribute code to GnuCash so I suspect
>that the German version is out of date.
>> If anyone else would like to contribute a similar report for their
>country we’ll be happy to add it to the distribution, but one should
>bear in mind that doing so is a commitment to maintain it with
>typically annual updates.
>> That applies to MTD as well: Of our current regular contributors only
>Mike Evans is British; if he’s not motivated to develop the support
>someone else from the UK will have to step up or it won’t happen.
>I would be willing to help here.
>However: I know nothing about Gnucash, neither as a developer nor a
>user. My own
>small business accounts are essentially manual; if it were not for MTD
>I would
>not see any benefit in changing this - so I want what will be least
>effort to
>keep HMRC off my back.
>Alain Williams
>Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer,
>IT Lecturer.
>+44 (0) 787 668 0256
>Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information:
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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-07-02 Thread Geert Janssens
On zondag 2 juli 2017 13:29:16 CEST Dan Rawson wrote:
> FYI - OpenSuse team updated their repositories so that GnuCash 2.6.16 is
> available on both LEAP 42.2 (Current version), and LEAP 42.3 (Next
> version).
> Dan

Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: Question on multiple layered searches and exporting

2017-08-09 Thread Geert Janssens
On dinsdag 8 augustus 2017 19:32:01 CEST Jeff wrote:
> I have not used internet chat feeds in 30 years so bear with me as I
> relearn how.  I found partial answers to my questions all over the web
> but; nothing that worked for me using the exported reports in other
> programs.
> Anyway questions at hand.  I am using GNUCash 2.16.7 for Windoze 10.  I
> need to to generate some specialized reports that are not supported.
> So my questions are:
> 1)  Is there anyway I can make each search I do output it's results to a
> new tab so I do not have to start all over after getting 5 layers deep
> in a search if I screw up?
Not that I'm aware of, sorry.

> 2) Is there an easier way to get an editable exported document from any
> of the reports, including searches?  The only way to print them properly
> seems to be convert to HTML then print.  I on occasion need to add them
> to Open Office Documents and I have yet to find a way to do this on
> short notice.  Export to open office file type would be wonderful great
> option in my case.

I don't think there will be a way to export gnucash data directly to open 
office format any time soon. Hower you probably don't need that as you can 
open the html file directly in open office. Sevarl users have reported doing 
this successfully already.
> Jeffrey Black M.B.A.
> ___
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Re: Suggestion

2017-08-06 Thread Geert Janssens
On zondag 6 augustus 2017 16:46:24 CEST Sam McCoy wrote:
>I have noticed the time it takes to load all the modules when starting
>up Gnu Cash. Many of these modules have names that suggests they
>support business activities. I believe there are many users (loke me)
>that use gnu cash strictly for personal finances. I would therefore
>like to suggest to the developers that a smaller version of Gnu Cash be
>considered that would be sans business support, i.e invoicing, customer
>db, etc. The resulting module would be smaller and load more quickly.
>Thanks for providing me with the best damn program on planet earth.
>Al Trudeau

Hi Sam,

I'm happy you enjoy using gnucash.

As to your suggestion I am about to integrate some code changes that drop the 
separate business modules and integrate all of that code into the core of 
gnucash. Rather the opposite of what you are asking. The reason for this is 
that most of the business functionality is already part of the gnucash core. 
The only things still in the loadable modules you see at startup were some gui 
related bits and pieces.

Instead I would like to ask: have you actually timed the loading of the 
business modules in the whole of the startup time ? I have my doubts whether 
removing them will have a noticeable improvement on the load performance.

Having said all that however, I do agree it would be very nice to improve the 
load performance. John Ralls has looked at this in the past and from that work 
I remember most time is lost because gnucash makes plenty of jumps between c 
code and guile code, not due to the loading of one random module in itself. 
Work is on the way to improve this, but we're not there yet. There are several 
aspects that are planned in this respect:
1. the use of guile will be reduced in the core
2. module loading will probably be revisited at some point
3. the long term goal is to make gnucash a database driven application, to 
eliminate the slow load time of the data file itself


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Re: Blank reports on OpenSuse??

2017-06-27 Thread Geert Janssens
On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 03:08:25 CEST Dan Rawson wrote:
> I built 2.6.16 locally; it works fine there.  I'll report it to the OpenSuse
> applications forum and see what turns up . . . .
Hi Dan,

This sounds like bug 763279 [1], which was reported against gentoo. That bug 
was fixed in gnucash 2.6.12 so that would match your experience that gnucahs 
2.6.16 works as well.



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Re: MS Money income category converted to expense account when importe d t o Gnucash

2017-06-27 Thread Geert Janssens
On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 02:53:14 CEST wrote:
> Michael, thanks for the suggestion.
> Edit Account shows the Account Type as Expense.
> GnuCash shows: The account contains Transactions.  Changing this option is
> not possible.

Indeed. This restriction was introduced in gnucash 2.6.16. It turns out to be 
way too strict and had been relaxed quite a bit again in the upcoming 2.6.17. 
There you will be able to change the account type again, even if there are 
already splits in that account.

If you can't wait for this release (which is due next weekend), you can also 
install gnucash 2.6.15 instead to fix the account type.


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Re: MS Money income category converted to expense account when imported t o Gnucash

2017-06-27 Thread Geert Janssens
On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 10:30:59 CEST Maf. King wrote:
> In all prior versions, it was possible to change the account's "Type" as
> Mike describes, and that *is* what you need to do.  However, it is not
> possible in 2.6.16; you can only set the account type at creation.
> You have 2 ways forward.
> 1. downgrade to 2.6.15 and then do as Mike suggests (or wait for .17 and see
> if it is possbile to edit the account type - I don't know what the Devs
> have planned in that regard)
This is how it will be for 2.6.17 following a couple of changed I made last 

1. If the account has no splits yet, everything is possible (this has always 
been the case by the way, also in 2.6.16).
2. If there are already splits in the account, you will still be able to 
change it's account type barring 1 restriction and 3 exceptions:
The restriction:
- you can only change to an account type that has the same commodity family 
(so from a stock type account to a stock type account or from a currency 
account to a currency account, but not from a currency account to a stock type 
account or the other way around).
And the 3 exceptions:
- You can't change the type of A/R, A/P and trading accounts because gnucash 
depends on internal details of these account types and would get confused/
loose data if they were changed.


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Re: MS Money income category converted to expense account when imported t o Gnucash

2017-06-27 Thread Geert Janssens
On dinsdag 27 juni 2017 10:58:33 CEST Maf. King wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 09:49:14 BST Geert Janssens wrote:
> > This is how it will be for 2.6.17 following a couple of changed I made
> > last
> > week:
> > 
> > 1. If the account has no splits yet, everything is possible (this has
> > always been the case by the way, also in 2.6.16).
> > 2. If there are already splits in the account, you will still be able to
> > change it's account type barring 1 restriction and 3 exceptions:
> > The restriction:
> > - you can only change to an account type that has the same commodity
> > family
> > (so from a stock type account to a stock type account or from a currency
> > account to a currency account, but not from a currency account to a stock
> > type account or the other way around).
> > And the 3 exceptions:
> > - You can't change the type of A/R, A/P and trading accounts because
> > gnucash depends on internal details of these account types and would get
> > confused/ loose data if they were changed.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> Hi Geert,
> sounds like you've given it some thought!  thanks for clarifying the changes
> you've made for the next version, and the sane return of
> occasionally-useful functionality.
> Maf.

You're welcome :)


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Re: simple find transactions report

2017-10-10 Thread Geert Janssens
Heh, sorry. I'm not near a computer to verify my directions and won't be until 
next week...

Glad you managed to decode my terse answer.


Elmar <> schreef op 9 oktober 2017 21:37:57 GMT+01:00:
>Perfect!  Thanks, although I had to translate this to the menu entry 
>"edit/find" (not "search")
>- elmar
>On 10/09/2017 04:16 PM, David Carlson wrote:
>> Geert,
>> Gmail used those ing triple dots to hide your reply in my mail 
>> folder.  Lucky for me I suspected as much when there appeared to be
>> reply .
>> David C
>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Geert Janssens 
>> < <>>
>> Start with a search from the account hierarchy page and then open
>> an account report on the search results tab.
>> Regards,
>> Geert
>> Elmar < <>> schreef op 9
>> oktober 2017 20:35:06 GMT+01:00:
>> >Good afternoon to the list
>> >
>> >I seem to be having a brain fart.  I am trying to retrieve all
>> >transactions (all dates) with a certain payee in the description
>> field,
>> >
>> >and only those transactions.  Somehow I cannot make the
>> >report do this - what am I missing?  It should be easy, which
>> tells me
>> >I'm at fault.
>> >
>> >- Elmar
>> >
>> >
>> >___
>> >gnucash-user mailing list
>> > <>
>> >
>> <>
>> >-
>> >Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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>> Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.
>> ___
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>> <>
>> <>
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Verzonden van mijn Android telefoon met K-9 Mail.
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Re: simple find transactions report

2017-10-09 Thread Geert Janssens
Start with a search from the account hierarchy page and then open an account 
report on the search results tab.


Elmar  schreef op 9 oktober 2017 20:35:06 GMT+01:00:
>Good afternoon to the list
>I seem to be having a brain fart.  I am trying to retrieve all the 
>transactions (all dates) with a certain payee in the description field,
>and only those transactions.  Somehow I cannot make the transaction 
>report do this - what am I missing?  It should be easy, which tells me 
>I'm at fault.
>- Elmar
>gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: Customized saved-reports file per gnucash file (i.e. per company)

2017-10-13 Thread Geert Janssens
I'm not sure symlinks are properly honored. Please check before relying on 


Eric Siegerman  schreef op 13 oktober 2017 11:08:25 
>On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 02:31:10PM +0530, Amish wrote:
>> cp ~/.gnucash/saved-reports-$1 ~/.gnucash/saved-report-2.4
>> exec gnucash /path/to/$1.gnucash
>Problem: If you modify any reports, you'll have to remember to
>copy the new file back again.
>It might be better to create a symlink rather than copying the
>file.  That way, changes will automatically go to the right
>  - Eric
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Re: GnuCash on ArchLinux

2017-09-09 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 9 september 2017 10:28:21 CEST B. Dielhenn wrote:
> Hello,
> due to the fact that gnucash depends on webkitgtk2 which is deprecated,
> gnucash was removed from the official repository. For more info see the
> Archlinux mailinglist archive:
> ch-dev-public/2017-June/028900.html
> and this bug:
That should read "depends on webkitgtk" not webkitgtk2. The next major release 
will solve this issue and hopefully gnucash will return to the main Archlinux 
repo when it comes out.



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Re: No suitable backend was found for /Volumes/Secure/GnuCash2016/Personal2016.gnucash

2017-09-28 Thread Geert Janssens
On donderdag 28 september 2017 20:17:31 CEST Eric Beversluis wrote:
> Eric Beversluis
> Short fiction at
> On September 28, 2017 at 12:56:30, Eric Beversluis 
( wrote:
> > Eric Beversluis
> > Short fiction at
> > 
> > On September 28, 2017 at 12:17:20, John Ralls ( wrote:
> > > > On Sep 28, 2017, at 8:58 AM, Eric Beversluis wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > I’ve recently moved to Mac Sierra. Have been using GnuCash
> > > > successfully there. This> > 
> > > morning when I opened gnucash I got this message:
> > > > No suitable backend was found for
> > > > /Volumes/Secure/GnuCash2016/Personal2016.gnucash
> > > > 
> > > > ??
> > > > 
> > > > Only thing I can think is that I moved some older versions of my
> > > > GnuCash files to trash.> > 
> > > Had several sitting in other places as a result of the move and of
> > > setting up the encrypted image /Volumes/Secure.
> > > 
> > > > I seem to be able to open one of the backups,
> > > > Personal2016.gnucash.20170927131325.gnucash.> > 
> > > But when I try to save it as Personal2016.gnucash, after having moved
> > > the original Personal2016.gnucash to trash, I get the same “No suitable
> > > backend” error.
> > > 
> > > > Also strange: Mac or GnuCash or something is creating these two zero
> > > > byte files:
> > > > 
> > > > Personal2016.gnucash.20170927131325.gnucash.0.1139.LNK
> > > > Personal2016.gnucash.20170927131325.gnucash.LCK
> > > > ??
> > > 
> > > Those files are created by the xml backend. The LCK file is the lock
> > > file that the backend uses to ensure that only one user is connected to
> > > the file at a time. The LNK file is part of a hack to ensure that
> > > locking works on an old remote file protocol called NFS, for "network
> > > file system".
> > > 
> > > If you save Personal2016.gnucash to a non-encrypted volume is GnuCash
> > > able to open> 
> > it?
> > 
> > > Does enabling or disabling compression in Preferences (General tab,
> > > middle of the> 
> > page,
> > 
> > > "Compress Files") make a difference?
> > > 
> > > Is /Volumes/Secure encrypted with File Vault or a third-party program?
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > John Ralls
> > 
> > If I save the backup to Desktop as Personal2016.gnucash, it opens.
> > 
> > If I ‘save as’ the open version to /Volumes/Secure/GnuCash2016/, it get
> > the error. Even after disabling compression before the save as.
> > 
> > I tried saving to /Volumes/Secure/Gnucash2016/ as Gnucash2016_New.gnucash,
> > but that generated the same error on opening.
> > 
> > If I try to copy the GnuCash2016_New.gnucash version to Desktop I get this
> > error:
> > 
> > "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in
> > “GnuCash2016_New.gnucash” can’t be read or written.
> > (Error code -36)”
> > 
> > But despite this warning, it copies something there with a size of 3.3MB,
> > whereas the other files are all aboutl 254KB.
> > 
> > The wierd thing is that it seemed to be working OK until I moved the
> > non-secure copies to Trash.
> > 
> > The secure partition (image?—not fully up on Mac jargon yet) was created
> > with Disk Utility> 
> > > New Image > Blank Image. Whether that uses File Vault I don’t know. I
> > > somehow thought> 
> > File Vault encrypted the whole disk.
> Thought maybe it was a permissions thing. Changed to 755 and used terminal
> to copy to /Volumes/Secure. Looked like that solved it.
> But no. What’s happening: even if I click on the file in the secure
> directory, GnuCash is opening the one on the desktop. 
> If I rename the one on the Desktop and try to open the one from the secure
> directory I get the old “No suitable backend” error. I think this has been
> happening all along and moving the non-secure versions to trash made that
> no longer possible.
> That’s weird: click on one file and gnucash chooses to open a different one.

That's a known issue on the OS X version of gnucash. The way OS X passes the 
file to be opened to gnucash is not compatible with the code gnucash is built 
on. The application originates from the linux world so not all OS X specific 
details are handled the Mac way.

The way to solve it is to open the right file from within gnucash using File-

After that gnucash will remember that file to be the one you last opened and 
will reopen it the next time you start gnucash (regardless of which file you 
click in the Finder).

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Re: Default terms

2017-09-30 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 30 september 2017 13:17:48 CEST David T. wrote:
> > On Sep 30, 2017, at 3:31 PM, Geert Janssens <>
> > wrote:> 
> > On zaterdag 30 september 2017 12:17:11 CEST Maf. King wrote:
> >> On Saturday, 30 September 2017 10:15:29 BST David T. via gnucash-user 
> >>> Bob,
> >>> 
> >>> I’m no expert, but the Guide at 14.5 says:
> >>> 
> >>> "You can specify the billing terms on each invoice/bill. Invoice billing
> >>> terms will default from the customer billing terms. Bill billing terms
> >>> will
> >>> default from the vendor billing terms.”
> >>> 
> >>> It makes no statement about setting up default terms for customers,
> >>> however. To me, that would imply that you had to set each customer up
> >>> with terms yourself, unfortunately. That sounds like it would be a
> >>> useful
> >>> enhancement, though.
> >>> 
> >>> I will let others, who use the business features expand on my answer.
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> Indeed, the "new customer" dialog (and, by extension I presume, but
> >> haven't
> >> actually checked, the Edit Customer box)  allows for a default terms
> >> setting. It is on the 2nd tab, "billing information"
> >> 
> >> HTH,
> >> Maf.
> > 
> > That's right. However what is missing is a book wide setting similar to
> > how
> > you can set a book wide default for which tax table to use by default for
> > bills and invoices (in File->Properties->Business). So you have to
> > remember to set a term each time you create a new customer/vendor.
> > 
> > Geert
> …which I believe the original poster was after—a default that would preclude
> his having to set terms for every new customer he was creating.

Indeed, which is why I chose to add my answer. I should have addressed the 
question more directly probably, like you did.

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Re: Default terms

2017-09-30 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 30 september 2017 12:17:11 CEST Maf. King wrote:
> On Saturday, 30 September 2017 10:15:29 BST David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> > Bob,
> > 
> > I’m no expert, but the Guide at 14.5 says:
> > 
> > "You can specify the billing terms on each invoice/bill. Invoice billing
> > terms will default from the customer billing terms. Bill billing terms
> > will
> > default from the vendor billing terms.”
> > 
> > It makes no statement about setting up default terms for customers,
> > however. To me, that would imply that you had to set each customer up
> > with terms yourself, unfortunately. That sounds like it would be a useful
> > enhancement, though.
> > 
> > I will let others, who use the business features expand on my answer.
> Hi,
> Indeed, the "new customer" dialog (and, by extension I presume, but haven't
> actually checked, the Edit Customer box)  allows for a default terms
> setting. It is on the 2nd tab, "billing information"
> HTH,
> Maf.

That's right. However what is missing is a book wide setting similar to how 
you can set a book wide default for which tax table to use by default for 
bills and invoices (in File->Properties->Business). So you have to remember to 
set a term each time you create a new customer/vendor.


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Re: FW: [reminderfox] [ReminderFox #915] ..

2017-09-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Interesting discussion but it looks like this was sent to the gnucash-user 
list by accident ?



On donderdag 28 september 2017 08:12:32 CEST Colin Law wrote:
> Just saying you had no success does not give us any clues about what you
> did.
> Did you look at the link I posted to find your reminders? If so, what did
> you see where the link says to look?
> Colin
> On 27 Sep 2017 10:59 p.m., "Thomas W Peters"  wrote:
> I tried the "back & restore" with no luck at all. I am absolutely
> devastated. I had irreplaceable data in Reminder Fox. Can I used a restore
> point to go backing time, maybe???
> -Original Message-
> From: Colin Law []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 2:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [reminderfox] [ReminderFox #915] ..
> On 26 September 2017 at 18:27, Thomas W Peters 
> wrote:
> > I did a “refresh” as Fire Fox said I should do. Now I have lost all of
> > my
> It is not very nice of firefox not to warn you that you will loose all your
> firefox data if you refresh, which is effectively a 'factory reset'
> > Reminder Fox entries. How do I find and restore the Reminder Fox
> entries???
> See
> You will probably see two profiles, the old one and the new one, In
> Reminderfox you can go to Backup and Restore > Restore from file, and
> browse to the original one (look at the dates or sizes of the files in the
> two profiles to see which is the old one. The new one will be small.
> Colin
> ___
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Re: Help needed: 2.6.17 not building on 32-bit systems

2017-09-01 Thread Geert Janssens
On vrijdag 1 september 2017 18:31:56 CEST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017, Maf. King wrote:
> > worked for me too try the direct link?
> >
> Maf.,
>That worked for me. While I have (had?) a bugzilla account, I needed to
> create one for gnome's version. I wrote a detailed description and attached
> a file showing the warnings and errors that caused the build to fail.
>Re-running the SBo build script just now (after logging out last evening
> and back in this morning) I saw other warnings I didn't see before. One of
> these was:
> (process:26946): gnc.module-WARNING **: Failed to dlopen()
> '../../../src/html/.libs/': cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
>That library version was hard coded in 2.6.16 and provided by
> Slackware-14.1. Slackware-14.2 provides a newer version:
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
What do you mean with "hardcoded" ? Gnucash doesn't hardcode it as far as I 
know. Is it the slackware build script that does ? If so that one should be 

>I can add the latest (complete) build log to the bug report as this might
> augment what I've already provided.

Please do. The diff you attached is not showing full error lines so it's 
unfortunately not very useful.

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Re: Help needed: 2.6.17 not building on 32-bit systems

2017-09-01 Thread Geert Janssens
On vrijdag 1 september 2017 18:42:50 CEST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > What do you mean with "hardcoded" ? Gnucash doesn't hardcode it as far as
> > I
> > know. Is it the slackware build script that does ? If so that one should
> > be
> > fixed.
> Geert,
>I saw that in 2.6.16 and assumed it represented the library version on
> the system building the application. Now a newer version is on the system
> and I would expect that to be used.

I would expect that as well really. Are the proper development packages for 
icu installed ?

Oh, wait! The 2.6 branch of gnucash is not even explicitly declaring icu as a 
dependency. IIRC it's being pulled in via Webkit. You should check whether the 
webkit dependencies in slackware have been properly updated to the new icu in 


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Re: Help needed: 2.6.17 not building on 32-bit systems

2017-09-01 Thread Geert Janssens
On vrijdag 1 september 2017 19:25:37 CEST Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > I would expect that as well really. Are the proper development packages
> > for
> > icu installed ?
> Geert,
>Slackware does not do separate dev packages. Everything's in each library
> package.
> > Oh, wait! The 2.6 branch of gnucash is not even explicitly declaring icu
> > as a dependency. IIRC it's being pulled in via Webkit. You should check
> > whether the webkit dependencies in slackware have been properly updated
> > to the new icu in 14.2.
>Now there's a thought.
>I just checked and both webkitgtk and libwebp have newer versions than
> what's on the SBo repository. I had not checked; assumed the maintainers
> were up to date.
>I will now build and install libwebp, webkitgtk, and gnucash-2.6.17 and
> will report the results.
>Thanks for catching this, Geert.
> More later,
Good luck. With webkitgtk you're probably busy for a couple of hours...

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Re: Unsaved Book

2017-09-02 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 2 september 2017 08:19:55 CEST isuy wrote:
> Hi, there was a power outage while I was working on GnuCash. Since then,
> whenever I start the program, instead of a window showing the opened
> gnucash file, it shows two buttons, "Save" and "Close"  with "Unsaved
> Book" on the title bar. I can still open the gnucash file from that
> window, but this is not normal. Another problem is that I can't change
> anything on preferences window. All check boxes and radio buttons are
> fixed.
> My OS is FreeBSD(ver 11.1) and I uninstall and removed ~/.gnucash and
> then reinstalled it, but the problem is still there.

These preferences are stored in OS X' native defaults system. It appears the 
power outage has corrupted these in some way. These preferences are stored in 
You can try to restore a backup of this file from before the power outage or 
reset your settings by removing that file.

Note the Library folder is hidden from the finder so to access it you'll have 
to use Go->Go to folder... (this is from OS  X 10.7, the name and menu 
location may have changed meanwhile).


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Re: New user

2017-09-02 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 2 september 2017 06:23:52 CEST David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> John,  Peter, 
> Whatever the reason for Morris to want this (I, for example occasionally
> want to see all the payments to/from one payee), the fact remains that
> GnuCash already offers this functionality, although it is buried in
> View->Sort by (our whatever that menu option is). So, Morris is mostly
> asking for an interface improvement to make using this feature more
> accessible. Frankly, I think it might make sense. David
True. However it will be difficult to achieve with the current register code. 
The unfinished attempt to rewrite this code to use standard gtk widgets did 
provide this. Unfortunately that never got far enough to be added to the 
stable gnucash releases. I haven't completely given up that alternative path 
just yet, so it may still appear in a future release. That's the best I can 
predict at this point :(

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Re: bad and corrupt data

2017-09-02 Thread Geert Janssens
On vrijdag 1 september 2017 13:47:40 CEST Sandro Grech wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> I tried both for no avail.
> currently with the version 2.6.14, it is working.
> install 2.6.17 and could not save again.
> rolled to .14 and works again --- hence my suspicion of a bug .. . but am
> not knowledgeable enough to say so
This definitely looks like a regression. Can you file a bug for this please ?
If you do, please add a trace file [1] from a failed attempt. The best way to 
do so is this:
- first remove all existing trace files (or move them aside)
- start gnucash (2.6.17)
- try to save to mysql, which will fail
- quit gnucash
- obtain the single trace file now found in the temporary directory
- create a bug [2] and attach the trace file


[2] Refer to to learn how to use 
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Re: GnuCash documentation (gnucash-docs-2.4.3-1.el6.noarch)...

2017-09-02 Thread Geert Janssens
On zaterdag 2 september 2017 17:13:47 CEST Robert Heller wrote:
> At Sat, 2 Sep 2017 07:35:22 -0700 John Ralls  wrote:
> > > On Sep 2, 2017, at 7:25 AM, Robert Heller  > > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > For some reason, yelp (yelp-2.28.1-17.el6_3.x86_64) crashes when reading
> > > the GnuCash help files (using the Help menu item).  Is there some other
> > > tool that can be used to read them?  Or some way to convert them to
> > > some other format?> 
> > Have you tested with a version of the GnuCash documents that's a little
> > more recent than 2013?
> I don't believe a newer version of GnuCash will work under CentOS 6. GnuCash
> 2.4.3 works just fine for what I need to do.
> It is not GnuCash's docs that are broken, but yelp-2.28.1-17.el6_3 itself.
> See
> > That aside, they're available as online HTML and for download as PDF,
> > ebook, and mobi from
> OK, I guess I will have to download them sometime when I am someplace with
> faster Internet access (I have dial-up at home).
> > . If that's not sufficient you can
> > point
> > calibre at the docbook XML that you have installed and convert it to a
> > variety of other formats.
> What is calibre?  I don't seem to have it installed on my CentOS 6 system.

Calibre started out as an ebook manager, supporting many different file 
formats. It also allows to convert between several of them. I don't think 
RHEL/Centos provide it.

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Re: Help needed: 2.6.17 not building on 32-bit systems [FIXED]

2017-09-03 Thread Geert Janssens
On zondag 3 september 2017 19:26:25 CEST Rich Shepard wrote:
> Everyone:
> Found and fixed the problem!!
> Ran ldd on the not-found library (libgnc-gnome) and saw two missing
> dependent libraries:
> => not found
> => not found
> These are missing because Slackware-14.2 provides both in version 56.
> Made soft links from the gnucash-required version to the installed version
> and the build script completed. Installed it and it's loaded and waiting
> for me to enter a couple of week's worth of transactions.
> Thanks very much for all your patient help,

I'm glad you got it fixed locally, but the core issue is not solved really. 
Some of gnucash' dependencies are built against that older libicuuc version. I 
continue to point at libwebkitgtk because that's the only dependency we have 
that requires icu (and you may have noted libwebkitgtk is also listed by ldd).

You could run ldd on that library and see what it's trying to link to. If it's 
version 51, I think the libwebkitgtk maintainer should know. Unless he's of 
the opinion libwebkitgtk1 is dead and not worth spending any time on any more 
(several distros have taken that position).

I know it's not your priority, you need your transactions entered :)
I just wanted to point this out though as on my system making soft links like 
that would be a no-no as it just kicks the can a bit further down the road. 
And sooner or later it comes back to bite.


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Re: Issuing a refund: how to record it and have it show up in the Customer Report

2017-08-31 Thread Geert Janssens
On donderdag 31 augustus 2017 07:16:50 CEST DaveC49 wrote:
> Robert,
> Would the Credit Note facility not suit to record what essentially becomes a
> reversal of part of an Invoice which would be included in the Customer
> report? The discussion of the implementation is not all that clear in the
> manual
> (
> usnss-ar-invoicenew2) but there is a little more in the Wiki mainly about
> it's future
> implementation in 2012? I gather it was been implemented in 2.6. The
> Tutorial and Concepts guide mentions it in the section on Invoices but does
> not discuss what it does in any detail.

It has been implemented for 2.6 indeed. The first versions were a bit buggy. 
It stabilized around gnucahs 2.6.5. I would recommend to use at least that 

> What a Credit Note should do in principle is to credit the Accounts
> Receivable by the amount of the repayment and debit any Sales Revenue
> (Income) and any associated Tax accounts to reverse the corresponding parts
> of the original transaction. The implementation of the business features is
> normally pretty rigorous in GnuCash so I think this is what will occur.
This is exactly what happens.

> Frequently in accounting practice  th reversal of the Revenue componentis
> done by debiting a contra account to the Sales Revenue often called Sales
> Returns and Allowances. I.e. you have a Summary placeholder account Nett
> Revenue  which has Sales Revenue and  Sales Returns and Allowances as child
> accounts summing into it. Accountants generally prefer this way of doing it
> as it makes clear how much of the total revenue has had to be refunded which
> most managers would want to control. You could also simply debit the Sales
> Revenue account directly with a note in the Description/memo fields if this
> is not something you need to manage
I never thought of the contra account idea. It's an interesting way of 
recording refunds and gnucash can be set up for this purpose.

> I have not yet checked out whether the Credit Note does actually reverse
> both part of the original Sales revenue account and any Tax accounts
> affected, but as it uses the Invoice structure to implement it, it should do
> so using any tax tables you have in place for your Invoices.
It does.

> When you make the actual repayment to the customer, the transaction will be
> a credit to your Check/Bank account for the amount of the refund and a
> corresponding debit to the Accounts Receivable for the amount of the refund
> which reverses the credit entry made to Accounts Receivable when you post
> the Credit Note.

Indeed. Just to be complete I'll add that to clear the "invoices due 
reminder", one should apply the payment via any of the available business 
options to do so.
- directly from the Invoices Due reminder window
- or via Business->Customers->Process Payment... and select the customer and 
credit note there.
- or via Business->Pay Invoice when the credit note is open in front of you


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Re: Quantity total below create / view / edit invoice

2017-10-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 19 oktober 2017 02:56:27 CEST schreef Amish:
> Hello
> Recently in India GST was implemented.
> The government requires to report sale / purchase quantity too in invoice.
> When I create / view / edit invoice, I can see Invoice total and tax
> total in status bar.
> Is it possible to add Quantity total too? Or is there any other way?

The only way I see is to create your own custom invoice report, which will 
unfortunately require you to write some code in the guile/scheme language.


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Re: Version 2.6.18 help files

2017-10-18 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 18 oktober 2017 16:09:44 CEST schreef Gary Holtum:
> Version 2.6.18 has no help files. What do we do??
> Gary
> ___
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Which OS ?



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Re: which documentation to download

2017-10-18 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 18 oktober 2017 00:17:25 CEST schreef Mitch:
> when I upgraded to 2.6.18, the process removed prior version, including
> documentation, but did not offer to install fresh documentation ( or if
> it did I missed it ...)  .  so anyhooo, which documentation should I
> download so that the help > contents (F1)  works as expected?  I see
> PDF, epub, and mobipocket options on*/l/*
Which OS are you using ?

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Re: Specific Due Date

2017-10-23 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 23 oktober 2017 21:55:21 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I see the Billing Terms Editor only allows Net days & Proximo (which seems
> nearly useless for most cases because of the ‘current month’ issue) but no
> way to set a specific date either explicitly or such as “end of year.”
> In particular, I’m dealing with a property tax bill which is due 12/31/17.
> (they are always due on 12/31) To handle this each year for each property
> and each taxing agency, I’d have to make custom Net terms that I more than
> likely will never use again due to day/postal service variations. (and
> can’t delete once they are used even though that bill is paid)
> While terms seem very useful for many cases with respect to invoices, for
> bills, it would be much more useful to enter the actual due date on the
> bill rather than having to calculate it and make up a little used billing
> term.
> Am I missing something or should I file a bug/enhancement request?

For such uses you can choose the "None" terms for your invoice. Then when you 
post you can manually enter the due date.


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Re: Specific Due Date

2017-10-23 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 23 oktober 2017 22:06:30 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Thanks Geert,
> I guess that was too obvious for me to recognize. Sorry to take your time.
> Regards,
> Adrien


You're welcome.

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Re: CSV Imports

2017-10-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 24 oktober 2017 07:33:24 CEST schreef Nick Judd:
> Hello everyone,
> I have been using Gnucash for personal accounting for the last couple of
> years. I have questions about CSV imports relevant to this thread:
> 1. Using Gnucash 2.6.18, my experience is that it is not straightforward
> to import transactions from CSV using a CSV /I have generated using
> GNUCash/, into exactly the same account structure.
> Am I missing something here?
Yes. The thread you refer to talks about the CSV import improvements I have 
implemented in the development series. Anything in development will only 
appear in the next major release. In this case that will be 2.8 in a couple of 
months. If you're impatient, you can already test this functionality by 
downloading and installing gnucash 2.7.0, our first test release that will 
eventually lead up to gnucash 2.8.0. Do backup your data before you do so! 
There are still a few known crashers in that version (particularly on 
Windows). On the other hand your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

> 2. Looking over previous threads, I understand that Gnucash's CSV import
> cannot really handle multi-split transactions. I need multi-split
> transactions and I can code well in Python but am useless in Gnucash's
> native C/C++. The solutions that immediately come to mind are trying to
> shoehorn the data in using Gnucash's Python API (bad) or to use Python
> to reshape the CSV into a more Gnucash-friendly object (easier ->
> better). However, the threads I have seen focus more on the general
> notion that CSV import really isn't going to be ready for prime time
> until 2.8 than on the kinds of things CSV import can currently do well.
> I am interested in the latter.

Indeed, the major improvements to the CSV importer will only appear as of 
2.7/2.8. The current CSV importer is pretty limited and was designed with only 
one fairly simple use case  in mind: import bank statements. These typically 
have very little data: a date, a (bank) transaction number, a description and 
an amount. This reflects in the column options you have available in the CSV 
importer. Bank statements don't have multi-split transactions, and one split 
is always implied (to be in the bank account for which you're importing the 
bank statement). Later a few additions were made to the CSV importer but 
multi-split was not one of those...

With that in mind you have only a few options IMO:
- wait for 2.8 (the easiest, but perhaps not viable for your situation)
- write a python script that does the import for you. There's no way the 2.6 
version of the CSV importer will correctly import multi-split transactions. It 
will always interpret each line as a separate transaction. So manipulating the 
csv file to that effect won't work.
- and perhaps one of the other import formats does support multi-split, but I 
have no experience with those. There is a utility on the net somewhere to 
convert xls files to qif. Perhaps that can be an alternative route.


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Re: Latest WIKI page for stock quote setup

2017-11-13 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 11 november 2017 16:12:16 CET schreef Ken Schneider:
> After all of the discussion on the yahoo quotes no longer working I was
> trying to find the latest wiki page describing how to change to
> AlphaVantage and changing all of the required files.


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Re: Unable to open 2nd set of accounts on one MacBook Pro

2017-11-24 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 24 november 2017 21:51:18 CET schreef Mike or Penny Novack:
> On 11/24/2017 10:24 AM, D wrote:
> > Michael, your "shortcuts" are essentially the command line entry I
> > provided. The OP could put that in a text file and make it executable on
> > a Mac, for sure. It's a little more involved to set up.
> > 
> > They are both still methods to work around a default behavior that many
> > users find surprising, especially on a Mac.
> It is not just on a Mac. Nor do I agree that the developers were wrong
> to make the default "last file" because perhaps 90% or more of gnucash
> users only keep one set of books. Those who have only one set of books
> ALWAYS want "the last file open" and would probably complain "why do I
> have to go through an extra step to select which file I want when I only
> have one".


Michael, there *is* a difference between how gnucash behaves on OS X compared 
to Windows an Linux.

This issue is not the fact gnucash tries to open the last opened file again by 
default, the issue is gnucash on OS X does that even if you double-clicked on 
*another* file to open. On Windows and Linux this does exactly what the user 
expects: it opens this other file. On OS X it will still open the file gnucash 
remembers as the last opened file and it will ignore the file the user 
actually clicked on. This is not default behaviour, this is a bug in the 
integration code between gnucash/gtk and OS X.

The merits of the gnucash default while interesting in itself to debate on is 
not really an answer to the original question.


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Re: Building (or trying to) GnuCash on Windows

2017-11-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 30 november 2017 09:47:28 CET schreef Geert Janssens:
> Op donderdag 30 november 2017 04:26:37 CET schreef Brian Davis:
> > I attempted to run the script at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > To create a build environment for GnuCash on Windows where it failed at:
> > 
> > Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
> > Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> > 
> > Boostrap GnuCash Development on Windows
> > ---
> > This script is intended for people that wish to develop GnuCash on Windows
> > It will download and install the minimal set of tools
> > to run a first build of the GnuCash sources.
> > It will install
> > - mingw-get, an msys shell and wget in c:\gcdev\mingw
> > - git in c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4
> > - a gnucash-on-windows git repository cloned from
> > 
> >   git://
> >   into c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
> > 
> > - a GnuCash git repository cloned from
> > 
> >   git://
> >   into c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
> > 
> > Notes:
> > * Components already found in the given locations
> > 
> >   won't be touched. Instead the available versions
> >   will be used in that case.
> > 
> > * If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
> > 
> >   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
> >   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
> >   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
> >   Which parameters you can modify can be found near the beginning of this
> > 
> > script.
> > 
> > Continue with the set up (Y/N) ? y
> > Checking c:\gcdev\mingw\bin\mingw-get.exe... Found, no need to install
> > Installing msys and wget... Success
> > Checking c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4\bin\git.exe... Found, no need to install
> > Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
> > 
> >  is a gnucash-on-windows git repository... Most likely ok, won't
> > 
> > clone
> > Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
> > 
> >  is a GnuCash git repository... Not found
> > 
> > Set up GnuCash git repository...
> > Failed
> > 
> > *** ERROR ***
> > Failed to set up GnuCash git repository.
> > 
> > Cannot continue until this has been resolved.
> > 
> > Pres enter to continue...
> > 
> > 
> > Also FYI "Pres" is spelled "Press" also when running script with command
> > line switch:
> > 
> > c:\projects\GnuCash>bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash
> > 
> > Gives the impression that:
> > 
> > If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
> > 
> >   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
> >   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
> >   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
> > 
> > is a complete lie as it still installs to c:\gcdev\
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> It's not a complete lie, rather incomplete. I have just tested again locally
> and apparently the GLOBAL_DIR parameter is only picked up if you run the
> command through cscript. The message mentions to do this only in case of
> unexpected errors, but it looks like it should always be done.
> So, please try this instead:
> cscript.exe bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash
> Regards,
> Geert

Looking more closely at this, it turned out to be a bug in the boostrap 
script. I have committed a fix for this just now. So if you start from the 
most recent version of the script, it should work even when not explicitly 
called from cscript.



P.S.: John's thoughts are worth considering still. Developing gnucash on 
Windows does add some complexity. And for the 2.6 series it's even cumbersome. 
The scripts for 2.7 and the upcoming 2.8 will help improve the situation. 
However depending on your skill and specific goals it's still worth 
considering to set up a virtual machine running linux instead.
More generally though I would also love to see people on Windows pick up 
gnucash development (on Windows) and in particular help improve the Windows 
situation where possible. I'm thinking of Windows specific bugs, or 
improvements to the build system to reduce the complexity gap between 
developing on Windows and linux. Not sure what could be done for the latter 
but one can hope, right ;)
If this interests you and you think you can, you're certainly welcome to 
contribute in that area too.
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Re: Building (or trying to) GnuCash on Windows

2017-11-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 30 november 2017 04:26:37 CET schreef Brian Davis:
> I attempted to run the script at:
> To create a build environment for GnuCash on Windows where it failed at:
> Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Boostrap GnuCash Development on Windows
> ---
> This script is intended for people that wish to develop GnuCash on Windows
> It will download and install the minimal set of tools
> to run a first build of the GnuCash sources.
> It will install
> - mingw-get, an msys shell and wget in c:\gcdev\mingw
> - git in c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4
> - a gnucash-on-windows git repository cloned from
>   git://
>   into c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
> - a GnuCash git repository cloned from
>   git://
>   into c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
> Notes:
> * Components already found in the given locations
>   won't be touched. Instead the available versions
>   will be used in that case.
> * If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
>   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
>   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
>   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
>   Which parameters you can modify can be found near the beginning of this
> script.
> Continue with the set up (Y/N) ? y
> Checking c:\gcdev\mingw\bin\mingw-get.exe... Found, no need to install
> Installing msys and wget... Success
> Checking c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4\bin\git.exe... Found, no need to install
> Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
>  is a gnucash-on-windows git repository... Most likely ok, won't
> clone
> Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
>  is a GnuCash git repository... Not found
> Set up GnuCash git repository...
> Failed
> *** ERROR ***
> Failed to set up GnuCash git repository.
> Cannot continue until this has been resolved.
> Pres enter to continue...
> Also FYI "Pres" is spelled "Press" also when running script with command
> line switch:
> c:\projects\GnuCash>bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash
> Gives the impression that:
> If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
>   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
>   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
>   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
> is a complete lie as it still installs to c:\gcdev\
> Thoughts?

It's not a complete lie, rather incomplete. I have just tested again locally 
and apparently the GLOBAL_DIR parameter is only picked up if you run the 
command through cscript. The message mentions to do this only in case of 
unexpected errors, but it looks like it should always be done.

So, please try this instead:
cscript.exe bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash


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Re: Cannot edit opening balance

2017-12-14 Thread Geert Janssens

Now that you mention it, indeed :blush:

There were two elements I wanted to bring up:
- perhaps the starting balance was entered backwards (due to starting from the 
Equity account instead of the bank account)
- and I wanted to stress the fact the starting balance should be ignored in 
this case.

Carmelo, you messages don't indicate whether you have tried to complete the 
reconciliation regardless of an incorrect starting balance being presented in 
the reconcile window. So with this you have two more things to check :)



Op donderdag 14 december 2017 13:05:35 CET schreef D:
> Geert,
> That's a nice summary. It's a lot like what is in section 4.4 of the
> tutorial.
> David
> On December 14, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Geert Janssens
> <> wrote:
> Op donderdag 14 december 2017 07:41:03 CET schreef Carmelo Pagan:
> > I guess I stated the issue improperly.  I was trying to edit the opening
> > balance after a reconciliation attempt had failed. The reconciliation
> > difference was exactly the amount of the opening on my paper statement. I
> > then realized I had not entered an opening balance amount (using the
> > opening balances tab) when I created the account.  I then entered an
> > opening balance via the Equity:Opening Balances account. When I attempted
> > the reconciliation, the “starting balance” in the reconciliation window
> > displayed a deficit amount instead of the amount I had entered in the
> > Equity account.
> > 
> > I tried several measures in an attempt to get the negative amount in the
> > reconciliation to reset to the newly entered opening balance.
> > 
> > These included but were not limited to,.
> > 1. Deleting the previously entered opening balance, hoping I could return
> > to the original state  Result: Negative starting balance remained
> > unchanged 2. Unreconciled all previously reconciled transactions and
> > reattempted reconciliation. Result: Same Negative balance displayed, 3.
> > Reverted to one of the backup files dated before the first
> > reconciliation. Result: Same Negative amount displayed.
> > 
> > Hopefully this sheds some light on the discussion.
> > 
> > Sincerely ,
> > Carmelo Pagán
> Here is how a reconciliation should be corrected when transactions were
> added before the last reconciliation date:
> 1. add the opening balance in your bank account register (assuming you were
> reconciling a bank account). The transfer account is Equity:Opening
> Balances. Starting from here rather than from Equity:Opening Balances makes
> it less likely you enter the transaction backwards.
> 2. start the reconciliation process in the register. *Ignore* the starting
> balance. Just make sure you set the end balance to what you expect it to be
> (that is what it is on your bank's statement).
> 3. Check the opening balance transaction and optionally any other
> transactions you had unreconciled and that appear on the bank statement.
> If the data you entered in gnucash matches your bank statement, this should
> now allow you to reconcile, even if the start balance doesn't match up. I
> don't know the exact details of how this is calculated but it's known to be
> not what you expect when you make corrections after reconciliation.
> So the most important thing to take away from this is to ignore the starting
> balance in this case and just continue.
> Regards,
> Geert
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
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Re: export general ledger

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 15:58:38 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Thanks Geert,
> Good to know if I ever need this, export is not the way to go.
> Out of curiosity, could you shed light on why the limitation to export only
> one account type at a time?
> Regards,
> Adrien

I believe this stems from the state of import/export at the time this feature 
was added. Csv import was primarily intended to import bank statements and 
with that limited scope had limited functionality. The csv export was written 
as an inverse operation for this csv import, and in that mindset it was never 
considered to export the GL as the csv import wouldn't be able to import it 
anyway (support for roundtrip export-import was taken in consideration but not 
properly implemented).

In 2.7 the csv importer has been made much more flexible and I believe it 
would even be able to import GL like transaction data now.

The csv exporter has not (yet) gotten the same attention in 2.7 so GL export 
is still not available. It would make more sense now though to line it up with 
the improved csv importer.

Is there an enhancement request for this ? If not, feel free to file one.


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Re: Newbie needs help ( bills and payments)

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 12:18:11 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> Hi Geert,
> hartelijk bedankt. Thank you, that was exactly what I missed.
> Would be very nice If open bills would be shown after selecting vendor..
> groetjes
> Paul

Dag Paul,

(I readded your reply to the list as the remainder of this conversation may 
also be of interest to others. Please use reply-all in the future)

I'm not sure I understand what you mean or would like. Can you explain in some 
more detail what happened and what you would have liked instead ?


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Re: Can't use AR type accounts with invoices

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 16:09:59 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Thanks again Geert,
> Indeed, the type alone was the issue. I placed the desired accounts back
> under their A/R & A/P parents and everything still works the way I want.
> As far as I can tell, the customer and vendor reports still work properly
> because I still use invoices and bills at some point in the process. The
> special accounts are just for accruals. If I notice any other report issues
> I’ll be sure to post an addendum.

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Re: Error in Tip of the Day

2017-12-15 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 10 december 2017 22:26:40 CET schreef Daniel Narvaes:
> I've been using gnucash for a long time, and I usually read the tip of the
> day, and try it if I have not seen it before.  Today it said "To switch
> between multiple tabs in the main window, press Control+Page Up/Down."  I
> tried it and it didn't work.  After browsing the users mailing list, I
> found out the correct key combination is "Ctrl+Alt+Page Up/Down."
> I'm using gnucash 2.6.12 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.  Can someone check and see if
> the description is still wrong on the latest version?  If so, I'll file a
> bug report, unless you want to do that for me too.  I would still have to
> create an account on Bugzilla to make a bug report.
> ___
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You are correct it should be "Ctrl-Alt-Page Up/Down". That's how it works on 
the current stable version (2.6.18) as well.

On the current development version this appears to be broken. It will only 
work if a notebook tab is clicked on first (which is defeating the initial 
idea). And it breaks down on report pages.

Please do file a bug report and feel free to quote my findings as well.



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Re: GnuCash: Docs: Where to document?

2017-12-14 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 13 december 2017 01:57:43 CET schreef brad:
> I would like to see something on this in the wiki.
It's a wiki, so everyone is invited to make (sensible) changes to it :)

You can request an account and add a summary of this yourself. It would be a 
great contribution.


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Re: Cannot edit opening balance

2017-12-14 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 14 december 2017 07:41:03 CET schreef Carmelo Pagan:
> I guess I stated the issue improperly.  I was trying to edit the opening
> balance after a reconciliation attempt had failed. The reconciliation
> difference was exactly the amount of the opening on my paper statement. I
> then realized I had not entered an opening balance amount (using the
> opening balances tab) when I created the account.  I then entered an
> opening balance via the Equity:Opening Balances account. When I attempted
> the reconciliation, the “starting balance” in the reconciliation window
> displayed a deficit amount instead of the amount I had entered in the
> Equity account.
> I tried several measures in an attempt to get the negative amount in the
> reconciliation to reset to the newly entered opening balance.
> These included but were not limited to,.
> 1. Deleting the previously entered opening balance, hoping I could return to
> the original state  Result: Negative starting balance remained unchanged 2.
> Unreconciled all previously reconciled transactions and reattempted
> reconciliation. Result: Same Negative balance displayed, 3. Reverted to one
> of the backup files dated before the first reconciliation. Result: Same
> Negative amount displayed.
> Hopefully this sheds some light on the discussion.
> Sincerely ,
> Carmelo Pagán

Here is how a reconciliation should be corrected when transactions were added 
before the last reconciliation date:

1. add the opening balance in your bank account register (assuming you were 
reconciling a bank account). The transfer account is Equity:Opening Balances. 
Starting from here rather than from Equity:Opening Balances makes it less 
likely you enter the transaction backwards.

2. start the reconciliation process in the register. *Ignore* the starting 
balance. Just make sure you set the end balance to what you expect it to be 
(that is what it is on your bank's statement).

3. Check the opening balance transaction and optionally any other transactions 
you had unreconciled and that appear on the bank statement.

If the data you entered in gnucash matches your bank statement, this should 
now allow you to reconcile, even if the start balance doesn't match up. I 
don't know the exact details of how this is calculated but it's known to be 
not what you expect when you make corrections after reconciliation.

So the most important thing to take away from this is to ignore the starting 
balance in this case and just continue.


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Re: export general ledger

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 02:55:14 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Sorry if my understanding of the GC General Ledger was off.
> By combining the files, I meant the exported csv files. So a simple: “cat *
> > gnucash.csv” after those 4 exports would do the trick.
You'd probably end up with lots of duplicate transactions rather than a 
properly exported general ledger...

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Re: Can't use AR type accounts with invoices

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens

To clarify your experience: the limiting  factor is indeed the account type. 
A/R and A/P type accounts can only be used to post invoices/bills/vouchers to 
and to assign payments to customers/vendors/employees. This is a limitation 
embedded deeply into the design and can't be easily changed unfortunately.

As you found you can create an account of type Asset instead of A/R to do what 
you want. What is not clear in your report is that you can add this Asset 
account under your A/R account as a subaccount so at least your chart of 
accounts continues to make sense.

Similarly for A/P you can create subaccounts of type Liability. You can *name* 
them A/P-something if you prefer, but the account *type* must not be A/P.

To be complete, I haven't verified if all reports will be able to handle this 
unusual arrangement of accounts though.



Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 06:11:10 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> So, trying to work around the multi-period posting date issue in another
> thread, I opted to bring in a vestige of paper accounting and utilize an
> Accrued Revenue account. (otherwise known as ‘unbilled revenue’ or
> ‘unbilled work’)
> The guidance I found online suggested this should be a Current Asset,
> generally of type A/R.
> I tried to create an A/R sub-account. This worked until I tried to adjust an
> invoice so it’s line items hit this Accrued Revenue account instead of an
> Income account. The invoice feature won’t let me see it in the list to
> select it.
> So, I moved the account out of the parent A/R and placed it under Current
> Assets. Still no dice.
> Apparently, the account ‘type’ was ‘A/Receivable’ and the business features
> look at this when deciding what to allow you to use in an invoice and bill.
> This type is apparently not allowed, even though it isn’t the main A/R
> account created by the Business Features and to which I do not manually
> post.
> Note, I can *post* the invoice to the standard A/R account (or likely any
> other A/R type I create) but I can’t use other A/R types for the line
> items. This means contra-accounts are not allowed.
> The solution was to delete the Accrued Revenue account I just created, and
> re-create it with the parent Current Assets and give it type Asset. Now
> everything works, but instead of being able to roll this under A/R where it
> belongs, I have a flatter account tree. Now I recall a similar issue trying
> to create A/P sub-accounts some months ago. There’s no point. The business
> features won’t let you use them. (except to post to, you can’t use it for
> bill line-items)
> I suppose this behavior is intended and I understand the urge to prevent
> people from using accounts that make a mess of things, but it requires yet
> another work around.
> Just passing this on in case anyone else runs into this.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> ___
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> -
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Re: Newbie needs help ( bills and payments)

2017-12-19 Thread Geert Janssens
Hi Paul,

You're almost there :)

The gnucash importers are not aware of the business features of gnucash 
unfortunately. So for the importer there are only transactions. It won't be 
able to offer bills for transaction matching.

So after the import (as you did correctly) you still have to manually tell 
gnucash which payment belongs to which bill.

The way to do this is to right-click on the payment in the account register 
for your bank and then choose "Assign as payment...". This will open up the 
payment window with all the details gnucash can already extract from the 
payment transaction. Fill in the missing pieces (at a bare minimum the vendor 
and the bill you're about to pay) and hit Ok. This needs to be repeated for 
each imported payment.



Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 10:47:00 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> Hello list,
> I am not sure, if I understood everything about book keeping and
> gnucash's functionalities. I asked previously on German language list,
> and got the tip to ask here.
> What I already did:
> imported extended accounts (according to German standard SKR03) and
> laboriously typed in all vendors and bills. But not the
> according payments yet.
> I hoped, I am able to import the bookings from my bank account
> (aqbanking or csv import) und link it to the bills or reconcile.
> Doing this import gnucash does'nt find potential splits matching or
> creates many balance splits. I also tried to process payments before
> import but also these (same looking) splits cannot be reconciled by
> import.
> What is the correct method?
> I would appreciate any help.
> Here I got some screenshots, how I proceed. (If German translation
> matters, I can make new ones using English translation):
> 1)
> importing CSV, seperator, date, account etc. are ok.
> amount marked as "Deposit" (minus signed ones are withdrawals)
> 2)
> account matching is also ok
> 3)
> from last tries gnucash learned to book to
> "Verbindlichkeiten" (Account/Payable)
> 3a)
> If I try to "R+U" (reconcile + update?), gnucash doesn't find matching
> splits.
> 4)
> if I import the bookings as "new", Gnucash correctly books from
> e.g. credit card to payable account
> actually ok.. but:
> my basic question
> 6)
> How do I link the bookings to the bills/payments?
> The bills stay due, if I click "process payment" I only can create a
> new split, which would look identical to imported ones.
> regards
> Paul Neuwirth
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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Re: API Key

2017-11-10 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 10 november 2017 18:03:59 CET schreef Maf. King:
> On Friday, 10 November 2017 17:02:21 GMT Dale Alspach wrote:
> > On linuxmint 18.2 (likely most linux distributions) the prefix /usr listed
> > in wiki is not correct. It should be empty, i.e., /etc/gnucash/environment
> > is the file.
> > Dale
> Also true on OpenSuSE leap 42.3
> Maf.
> ___
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As is on most cases where the gnucash package was installed via the linux  
system's own package manager.

I have corrected the faq.

Thanks for pointing this out.


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Re: GnuCash Version 2.6.17 No Longer Downloads Quotes

2017-11-13 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 13 november 2017 00:11:52 CET schreef Robert L. Kief:
> Gentlemen:
> I'm running Linux Mint 18.1.
> I've installed Finance::Quote 1.45 and acquired an ALPHAVANTAGE key. 
> I've tested 1.45 by using this string "export
> ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY=" in terminal (using my new key, of
> course).  1.45 returns the proper quote information.  I found the
> "environment" file at "etc/gnucash/environment" and added two lines to
> the bottom of that file:
> Replacing "" with my new key.
> I'm unable to download quotes using the GnuCash Price Editor with
> Vanguard as my source.  After a system restart (because it couldn't
> hurt), and changing my source to "T. Rowe Price, US", I am still unable
> to download quotes using the GnuCash Price Editor.  ALPHAVANTAGE isn't
> one of my choices in Security Editor/Source Quote Information. 
> Obviously, I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
> Any help will certainly be appreciated.

The fact Alphavantage isn't in the list of choices suggests gnucash is not 
seeing your new Finance::Quote version and is still working with the old one. 
Can you check whether you have two versions available and which one is found 
first ?



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Re: Check & Repair All

2017-11-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 19 november 2017 16:38:20 CET schreef John Ralls:
> > On Nov 19, 2017, at 6:34 AM, Fross, Michael  wrote:
> > 
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > I occasionally run Check & Repair all just to get a good feeling that
> > everything is in good running order.  Is this the right thing to do?  I've
> > never detected a problem and it has never provided any feedback of any
> > kind.
> > 
> > I thought I would see if I'm doing harm in any way and if this was a good,
> > bad, or unnecessary practice.
> It’s harmless and generally unnecessary. The checks get run every time you
> start GnuCash or open a file.

I'm not sure this is true for all checks that get run by Check & Repair. I'd 
have to dig deeper into the code, but I can't remember for example the lot 
link cleanups run automatically during start up.

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Re: Finance-Quote 1.43 released!

2017-11-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 8 november 2017 07:19:32 CET schreef Erik Colson:
> Richard Ullger  writes:
> > On 06/11/17 22:43, Erik Colson wrote:
> >> New version 1.43 of Finance-Quote is available with the following 
> > All prices from AlphaVantage are being returned 100 times too big as
> > pence rather than pounds. For example, a price of £7.329 is being
> > returned as £732.90. This is making stock values 100 times too big in
> > gnucash.
> Probably F::Q should return GBp instead of GBP as currency.  However I
> can force division by 100 for .L quotes in alpavantage, maybe gnucash
> can handle GBp to GBP conversion?
> Can GnuCash developers tell which option would be appropriate?
> best
> --
> erik colson

Hi Eric,

There is no facility in gnucash to handle conversions from GBp to GBP 
unfortunately. So I believe the quickest solution to this issue would be for 
Finance::Quote to do the conversion internally.

Thanks for your hard work the last couple of days!

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Re: Newbie needs help ( bills and payments)

2017-12-21 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 21 december 2017 08:46:57 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:32:13 +0100
> Geert Janssens <> wrote:
> > Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 12:18:11 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> > > Hi Geert,
> > > 
> > > hartelijk bedankt. Thank you, that was exactly what I missed.
> > > Would be very nice If open bills would be shown after selecting
> > > vendor..
> > > 
> > > groetjes
> > > 
> > > Paul
> > 
> > Dag Paul,
> > 
> > (I readded your reply to the list as the remainder of this
> > conversation may also be of interest to others. Please use reply-all
> > in the future)
> > 
> > I'm not sure I understand what you mean or would like. Can you
> > explain in some more detail what happened and what you would have
> > liked instead ?
> > 
> > Groeten,
> > 
> > Geert
> Hi,
> (thank you... new to this e-mail client)
> Semms as I cheered too soon.
> If I process as payment, (entering the bill no. manually, as on
> documents bill is not selectable - this is what behaviour I miss), the
> bill stays due (see top screen of screenshot)
> if I click process payment from bill-side, I see the bill and a new
> transaction, identically to the real one is being created, if I confirm.
> Thank you (all) for help

Ah, your bill is not posted to the same account as the one you are trying to 
post your payment to.

After "Assign as payment", set both vendor and post-to account appropriately 
and your open bill will appear.


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Re: GnuCash 2.6.19 released

2017-12-20 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 20 december 2017 15:45:51 CET schreef John Ralls:
> > On Dec 20, 2017, at 6:24 AM, ticotexas  wrote:
> > 
> > I installed 2.6.19 on Win10, ran Install Online Price Retrieval, and now
> > cannot update any quotes using alphavantage. During installation, it said
> > I
> > have the latest version of Date::Manip and Finances::Quote, and
> > installation succeeded. In 2.6.18, updating prices was perfect, but if I
> > downgrade and install 2.6.18 again, quotes will not update any longer.
> > The error I get is Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:, then a
> > long list of all my securities. I'm a newbie and don't know what to try
> > next. Any ideas?
> Unfortunately the environment file is part of the GnuCash distribution and
> gets overwritten when you reinstall or upgrade. You’ll need to edit it
> again to add the alphavantage key.

... a problem that will be fixed in gnucash 2.8 soon. When that release comes 
out, you can create a file named environment.local to store your local 
environment corrections. This file will not be overridden during upgrades.

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Re: Newbie needs help ( bills and payments)

2017-12-21 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 21 december 2017 10:16:45 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> On Thu, 21 Dec 2017 09:50:31 +0100
> Geert Janssens <> wrote:
> > Ah, your bill is not posted to the same account as the one you are
> > trying to post your payment to.
> > 
> > After "Assign as payment", set both vendor and post-to account
> > appropriately and your open bill will appear.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Geert
> got it :) thank you again... too long account names..
> (Passiva:Verbindlichkeiten:1600 Verblk aus Lieferungen und Leistungen.
> so I did not notice.
> Now it seems to work as espected. Great :)
> Regards
> Paul

 Wonderful :)

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Re: [GNC] ofx/qfx import to V3

2018-05-05 Thread Geert Janssens schreef op 28 april 2018 22:31:10 CEST:
> David,
>I was able to get and install the April 28 build.
>Avast AV doesn't like either the installer or the installed executable
>to begin with but satisfies itself that both are malware free.
>This version does import a QFX file, however I did still see some
>- the "Select an OFX/QFX file to process" dialog box had no apparent
>means of browsing to the file, nor of entering any sort of path to the
>file.  It did open the last location I imported from. So, to test, I
>moved the current import to that location - no problem.

This is indeed a new issue on Windows:

>- the import process seemed to be less adept at matching transactions
>than it has been previously, though without going back and testing a
>previous version I can't be completely certain.  However, I've been
>using Gnucash and this feature in particular for a long time and I'm
>pretty sure.  (I just went to check how long by opening an old Gnucash
>archive - the "File/Open" dialog box also does not allow browsing to
>another directory or entry of a path) (opened the oldest gnucash file I
>have available.  I've been using it since at least 2007 and this is the
>first issue I've experienced - huge thank you to all that have made
>that possible!)

There have been a few reports of this recently. Can you please open a bugreport 
at with your findings so we can track this ? 

>- I believe that a couple of transactions that were matched were also
>duplicated in the register.  The file auto-saved so I can't readily
>back out the changes to confirm this...

You can mention this as well in the report though I don't know if this is 


Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.
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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zondag 6 mei 2018 10:22:28 CEST schreef DaveC49:
> Dennis,
> The obvious place to put the build-cmake directory is in the Applications
> directory. I personally would not name it build-cmake but build-gnucash-3.1.
> The reason for that is, to uninstall Gnucash there is no need to retain the
> gnucash-3.1 source directory which can be deleted, but you will need to
> retain the build directory.
> Then there is nothing to identify the build-cmake directory as the build
> directory for GnuCash if you call it build-cmake and if you subsequently
> compiled another program from the Applications directory using the same
> naming convention, you could end up with several build-cmake directories not
> knowing which programs they are for, so you would have difficulty
> uninstalling them, if you wanted to later. The name is more than likely a
> hangover from when the developers were initially testing cmake against the
> autotools configure script. They would probably have used a build-cmake and
> a build-autotools or something similar to distinguish the parallel builds.
> To start the whole process you would after extracting the tarball to
> /home/dennis/Applications
> Open a shell then
> cd /home/dennis/Applications
> mkdir build-gnucash-3.1
> cd build-gnucash-3.1
> "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/dennis/.local
> /home/dennis/Applications/gnucash-3.1"
> make
> make install
> Don't type the quotes in the above. They are to indicate that everything
> between the quotes goes on one line and there is a single space between
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/dennis/.local  and
> /home/dennis/Applications/gnucash-3.1.  Part of the confusion may be that if
> your screen resoluition is not the same as mine the wiki may be wrapping
> lines. I have three different size screens so i will check that out and try
> to find a way to ensure the cammands do appear on the one line.
> That should install GnuCash 3.1 in your local directory. To run it you could
> type in a terminal:
>  /home/dennis/.local/bin gnucash %f
> I am not exactly sure but I think the %f causes gnucash to open with the
> last file it had open. It appears in the installed menu item for gnucash.
No, you don't need to type the %f. Gnucash will open the last file when you 
don't pass any pathname to the command.

The %f is typically used in *.desktop files to pass on a filename from the 
desktop file's commandline on to gnucash itself.

When yo invoke gnucash directly this is not necessary and maybe even unwanted.



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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 7 mei 2018 15:29:07 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> So, I got errors.
> -- Checking for module 'gwenhywfar'
> --   No package 'gwenhywfar' found
> CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:415
> (message):
>   A required package was not found
> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>   /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:593
> (_pkg_check_modules_internal)
>   common/cmake_modules/GncFindPkgConfig.cmake:253 (PKG_CHECK_MODULES)
>   CMakeLists.txt:347 (GNC_PKG_CHECK_MODULES)
> -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
> See also "/home/dennis/Applications/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
> So, I see I was missing "gwenhywfar"  So, I then searched and found it.
> ran
> dennis@dennis-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cc0xx:~/Applications$ sudo apt-get
> update
> dennis@dennis-HP-Pavilion-Laptop-15-cc0xx:~/Applications$ sudo apt-get
> install gwenhywfar-tools
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>   gwenhywfar-tools
> 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> Need to get 119 kB of archives.
> After this operation, 446 kB of additional disk space will be used.
> Get:1 bionic/universe amd64
> gwenhywfar-tools amd64 4.20.0-1 [119 kB]
> Fetched 119 kB in 0s (462 kB/s)
> Selecting previously unselected package gwenhywfar-tools.
> (Reading database ... 164056 files and directories currently installed.)
> Preparing to unpack .../gwenhywfar-tools_4.20.0-1_amd64.deb ...
> Unpacking gwenhywfar-tools (4.20.0-1) ...
> Setting up gwenhywfar-tools (4.20.0-1) ...
> Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2) ...
> After that, I then did the -DCMAKE command line as above, still same error.
> I'm not sure how to get that package.  I have NO plans to use aqbanking and
> thought that dependency was optional.  I do use OFX import all the time.
> *OFX File importing*
> sudo apt-get install libofx6 libofx4 libofx-dev
> *AqBanking*
> sudo apt-get aqbanking-tools libaqbanking-dev   # > v4.0.0
> sudo apt-get gwenhywfar-tools libgwenhywfar60 libgwenhywfar60-dev
> sudo apt-get ktoblzcheck libktoblzcheck1-dev
These commands are missing the "Install" parameter compared to the apt-get 
invocation for OFX.

If you change
sudo apt-get 
sudo apt-get install 

the proper dependencies will be installed. I have updated the wiki page to 
reflect the exact commands.

Alternatively if you don't want to build with aqbanking support you can also 
to your cmake command line options.

If you do that you don't have to install the aqbanking dependencies at all.



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Re: [GNC] more UI issues

2018-05-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 7 mei 2018 11:04:38 CEST schreef Ed:
> Gday again, the new version is proving challenging.
> 1 - when I reconcile, the two windows are now modal. i.e. one obscures
> the other. This makes it hard to change xactions on the go. Before, I
> could just select the original window easily, without the reconcile
> window coming to the front, and covering it.
Fixed in 3.1.

> 2 - in the reconcile window, a scrollbar shows up on the right hand
> side, meaning the checkbox is tiny, so often I scroll by mistake, which
> is rather annoying. This never happened in the past, and I'm not sure why.
Fixed in 3.1

The scrollbar issue is new because of the new way scrollbars are handled in 
gtk3. We have rearranged the columns in the reconcile window such that the 
checkbox is now in the first column. The scrollbar will now only obscure part 
of the price when it gets activated. This is however not a column you need to 
click in.



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Re: [GNC] Tax Report Options not working

2018-05-08 Thread Geert Janssens

I'm glad you got it working.

I have just tried this on my Fedora linux system and there the tax entries do 
stick. I tried with both an xml based file and a sqlite3 based one.

So I don't know why it's not on your system.


Op dinsdag 8 mei 2018 22:29:56 CEST schreef Tom Charles:
> Thanks David!  I downgraded to version 2.6.21 and IT WORKS!!!, i.e. the
> entity type now "sticks" and I can run the report just fine!
> Must be a bug in the v3.x version for Windows 10.

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Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.1: Missing Account Tree

2018-05-09 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 9 mei 2018 05:01:32 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Emmanuel,
> I was going to link another discussion thread for one of my replies on
> custom CSS for theming, but it doesn’t seem to exist. (oddly) So I’m going
> to send this to you privately in a separate e-mail. (if that message ever
> makes it through, I’ll post the reference link to it here in this thread as
> well.) For anyone else reading this, just check out the FAQ on the Wiki
> about customizing colors and fonts and follow the links from there. (my
> message had several of those links included, so perhaps the mailing list
> software had erroneously flagged it as spam.)
> I’ll note otherwise, that there are some bugs concerning dark themes and
> GnuCash 3.1. But I don’t think this one has been reported yet. It looks
> like the expansion triangles are the same color as the background. Please
> check out the Bugzilla for GnuCash and if this specific UI issue has not
> been reported, please do so.
> Regards,
> Adrien
This is unlikely to be a gnucash issue. As Emmanuel suggested already it's 
more likely a gtk3 bug on NixOS. I'm inclined to think so because gnucash is 
not doing anything in particular with the expand/collapse indicators. It just 
depends on gtk to handle them.

Do you have other gtk3 based applications on your NixOS system that use a 
collapsable treeview ? Are the expanders shown there ?



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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-09 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 9 mei 2018 03:31:09 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> Apologies Dennis, my bad Geert, I missed the missing "install" when
> editing the page.
> David
Don't worry. You've been excellent at guiding Dennis to a successful build :)


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Re: [GNC] ofx/qfx import to V3

2018-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
All the way down on the bug report was a link to a more recent gnucash build 
with plenty of fixes applied:
Have you tried installing that one and test the ofx import stuff ?


Op zaterdag 28 april 2018 18:23:23 CEST schreef Deken via gnucash-user:
> Thank you, John. I reviewed
> and tried both the
> configuration change you suggested (adding the line 
> OFX_DTD_PATH={GNC_HOME}/share/libofx/dtd to
>, though I
> translated to 'Windows' as best I could.  It did not work - seemed to make
> no difference
> I also tried replacing libofx-6.dll as suggested and supplied by "Bob" in
> comment 21.  That enabled me to import the QFX file but GNC still failed to
> complete the process, I wound up with both a balanced and an un-balanced
> transaction in the account's register.  And the unbalanced transaction
> would not delete when I tried to delete the transaction.
> This is on Windows 7, on a machine that's in the process of being replaced -
> new Win10 machine due in next week, sometime.  Also, it's WAY too beautiful
> out to fight this today (60's & sunny in Rhode Island!  Finally!) So for
> me, for now, I'm rolling back to v2.6.19, which meets my needs.
> Thank you for your time!
> On to the gardening projects...
>  Deken
> -Original Message-
> From: John Ralls 
> To: dekenbluz 
> Cc: gnucash-user 
> Sent: Fri, Apr 27, 2018 2:58 pm
> Subject: Re: [GNC] ofx/qfx import to V3
> > On Apr 27, 2018, at 11:02 AM, Deken via gnucash-user
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > New computer, new install of GNUCASH and went with the latest available,
> > v3.  Went to import a 'qfx' file, then a different 'ofx' file and got a
> > blank "List of downloaded transactions..." yet I was certain there should
> > be transactions to enter.  Uninstalled v3, installed v2.6.19 and re-tried
> > both imports.  Both worked.
> > 
> > The process doesn't appear to have changed.  Did I find some way to foul
> > it up?
> Probably not. See
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> ___
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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 28 april 2018 18:18:50 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> I was not able to install the swig2.0..  says it's not available and
> there is something else.
> I looked and found that swig2.0 is quite old and the newer version is
> or something.
> Do I need the newer version?
swig3 will work fine as well.

> so, I DL the gnucase file then extract it do I need to create the
> gnucase file?
Typically extracting will create the directory for you. But you may need to 
adapt the exact commands a bit depending on the exact file and directory names 
you use on your system.

> I would then cd to the gnucase folder and run the second part of the
> directions.

Yes, although the instructions mention a gnucash folder, not a gnucase one :)


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Re: [GNC] Tool Bar 2.16.17 - Intel - Sorted!

2018-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 25 april 2018 16:17:01 CEST schreef Yvonne Mc Mahon:
> I’ve found it - of course!
> Sorry for bothering you; I’m finding it a really good system - thank you!
Nice to hear that, thank you.

Enjoy using gnucash :)


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Re: [GNC] Gnucash 3.0 Crashing

2018-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 28 april 2018 05:36:50 CEST schreef Bruce Michael:
> I recently bought a new computer and then tried to access a file on Dropbox
> that had my accounting data.  The file was created with a previous version
> of Gnucash.  I installed v3.0 on the new computer and when i tried to
> access the file it said that it was locked and gave me the choice of
> opening it read-only, opening anyways, open another file or quitting.  I
> have tried the first two and when I due the program crashes.  Now, this
> message pops up whenever I try to open Gnucash and I cannot access my
> data.  I went to my old computer and I can still open the file with the
> previous version.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
The "file is locked" message is what you get when gnucash can't close your 
file properly. And if gnucash crashes it obviously hasn't be able to do that. 
So after a crash this is a normal message.

There are several known crasher bugs in gnucash 3.0 on Windows. You could try 
again with a more recent nightly build
This is not an official release, but  it has all the changes so far that will 
go into the next release. Most of those changes are directly addressing the 
windows issues.

Can you let us know how it works for you ?

Alternatively you can also choose to install the latest gnucash 2.6 release 
which is 2.6.21 which can be found on the Downloads page of the gnucash 


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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-04-28 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 28 april 2018 16:33:21 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> I just installed ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my dual boot machine.  I want to
> install v 3.0 and the new ubuntu only has 2.6.19 in the software center.
> What is the best method to get v3.0 installed instead of the older version?
> I see instructions here
> And scrolled down I see these instructions.  I'm assuming this will
> work for 18.04LTS?
> Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)
> To build Gnucash 3.0 from source you need to install following packages:
> sudo apt-get install cmake
> sudo apt-get install libtool libltdl-dev
> sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
> sudo apt-get install icu-devtools libicu-dev
> sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
> sudo apt-get install guile-2.0 guile-2.0-dev
> sudo apt-get install swig2.0
> sudo apt-get install libxml++2.6-dev
> sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev
> sudo apt-get install xsltproc
> sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
> sudo apt-get install google-mock
> sudo apt-get install gtk+3.0
> sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
> sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37
> sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev
> sudo apt-get install libdbi-dev
> mkdir build-cmakecd build-cmake
> cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/gnucash-cmake -D
> make
> sudo make install
> I'm assuming I would then change the  with the downloaded gnucash
> file, right?

No. The target is where you want gnucash to be installed. The downloaded 
gnucash file should be extracted into a directory named "gnucash". And the 
cmake command as used in these instructions should be run from within a 
directory *next* to this "gnucash" directory, not from a directory *inside* 
it. You can read the generic instructions higher on that page to understand 
all the details.

Good luck!


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Re: [GNC] new v3.0 install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

2018-05-12 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 12 mei 2018 15:28:56 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> Hi Dennis,
> It would appear that swig2.0 has not been released for Ubuntu 18.04 but
> swig3.0 has. Generally you can often use updated versions of the
> libraries with GnuCash. It may not always work, particularly across
> major versions, but always worth a try. If it works let me know and
> I'll add a note.
> Cheers
> David

It should in this case. I have been using swig 3.0 for years (though on 
Fedora, not Ubuntu).


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Re: [GNC] import map editor

2018-05-12 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 11 mei 2018 23:10:34 CEST schreef Eric Theise:
> I appreciate Stefan raising this issue. I have the opposite issue; not an
> empty editor, but an editor full of "Map Account NOT found" and
> "Unspecified" lines. Geert Janssens suggested that my import maps have been
> corrupted as the most recent comment in my bug filed at
> and, having just
> installed 3.1.3, I'd like to make a go of fixing them.
> A few questions.
> * is there documentation somewhere that explains the format of the "Match
> String" and what it's matched against?

I don't know this part.

> * is there any reason not to delete the dozens of lines whose "Mapped to
> Account Name" is "Map Account NOT found"?

No, you can safely delete them. These won't we helpful in matching anyway.

> * is there any reason not to delete the dozens of lines whose "Mapped to
> Account Name" is "Unspecified"?

Same here;

> * is there any way to edit, as opposed to delete, a line or am I expecting
> too much of the "Import Map Editor"?

That's too much :(
The import map editor was designed to remove bad import map entries, so they 
wouldn't interfere with future imports any more.

Do let us know if the import behaves better after you have removed the bad map 


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Re: [GNC] import map editor

2018-05-12 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 9 april 2018 09:50:37 CEST schreef Stefan Mueller:
> Hallo all,
> can anyone explain the purpose of the "import map editor" shown in the
> tools menu?
> All what I can find related to mapping imports is this:
> -matching-data-td4685819.html
> but there is nothing about the editor.
> Can anyone explain how to use it is still empty after several csv imports.
> Thank you
> Stefan

The import map editor allows you to delete bad mappings between strings in 
your import data and accounts in gnucash. So if you made a mistake while 
mapping you can correct it here. "Correct" in the sense that you can make 
gnucash forget the bad mapping. It will only learn new mappings during 

As for the maps being empty:
- do you have bayesian mapping enabled ?
- do you actually do matching while importing ? That is in the import 
assistant at some point you get a list of transactions colored green, yellow 
or red. Double clicking on the yellow and red transactions allows you to 
complete them. This is crucial to build mapping data.



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Re: [GNC] Unable to select Drive to Save As

2018-05-04 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 4 mei 2018 10:41:43 CEST schreef keithwjones:
> Gnucash 3.1 Windows 10
> File > Save As
> Window come up but you can not select a drive.
> It automatically opens to where your data file is stored and you can save it
> as a different name.
> You can select folders such as Documents and Downloads.
> Keith
Indeed a new issue with gnucash 3.0 and up.
It's reported as a bug here:



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Re: [GNC] feature request, select all on reconcille

2018-05-18 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 18 mei 2018 13:10:24 CEST schreef Dennis Powless:
> I would like to suggest a feature request.  I would be willing to learn how
> to do it if someone could point me in the right direction on how to
> accomplish this.  Would love to learn how to work with GN.  I'll give it a
> go.
> Would love to have a select all option for the account reconcile.  I have
> to un-click all the entries before I reconcile.  Have the button I can
> click would help a lot.
How about selecting one line and then clicking ctrl-A ?
That should select all of them. If you then want all of them to be reconciled, 
select ctrl-R.

I realize ctrl-A is a hidden feature. It's not in the reconcile window's 
menus. So yes, that might be an improvement.

To add it you'll need some knowledge of gtk's event model, gtk widgets, menus 
and actions, the gtkbuilder format ("glade") and how to tie callbacks to menu 
actions. The code for the reconcile dialog itself can be found in https://



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Re: [GNC] There was an error parsing the file

2018-05-16 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 16 mei 2018 12:12:12 CEST schreef Anthony Marrian:
> Thanks, John
> There is one warning:
>  [GncXmlBackend::load()] Syntax error in Xml File (followed by
> path to data file)
> And two criticals:
>  [dom_tree_handlers_all_gotten_p()] Not defined and it should be:
> trn:date-posted
  [dom_tree_generic_parse()] didn't find all of the
> expected tags in the input 
> How should I proceed?
I'm glad you got it fixed.

The alternative solution would have meant to edit the xml file by hand and add 
the missing posted date that got reported in the trace file.

Depending on your xml editing skills your solution may have been easier.


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Re: [GNC] Backup and restore GnuCash Settings

2018-05-16 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 16 mei 2018 17:00:19 CEST schreef Nikos Charonitakis:
> Hi All
> I have recently made a back of my home directory on a fedora 27 pc
> and then i restored it to a new installation on fedora 28. I was
> expecting to open Gnucash and continue working on my latest Gnucash
> file and also have all my settings in place but this was not the case.
> Running Gnucash on the new installation is like you start application
> for the first time.
> Firefox for example does not have this behavior, all my setting
> plugins, bookmarks,passwords are in their place after restoring my
> home dir.
> Any ideas how to fix  this?
> Note:
> This is not specific to GnuCash 3, i have seen the same thing and on
> previous gnucash versions.
In addition to the other replies, a number of settings (like the first-run 
flag or the last opened file history) is stored in gsettings (which on linux 
is backed by dconf). Did you also backup and restore your dconf storage ?


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Re: [GNC] Color selector in Chart of Accounts possible bug

2018-05-16 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 15 mei 2018 23:36:22 CEST schreef David Carlson:
> Using Windows release 2.6.19 I discovered today that the eyedropper color
> selector in the Account Editor in the Chart of Accounts window seems to
> only select various shades of grey instead of the correct color.
> Unfortunately I cannot test this in release 3.0 or 3.1 because I am not
> ready to install them on this machine, so I am reluctant to file a bug
> report.
> If someone can test this in release 3.0 or 3.1 on Windows and see if it is
> still bad I would be happy to file a bug report.
> David C

As far as I can see there no longer is an eyedropper tool in the 3.1 version 
of gnucash. There is a color selector with predefined colors and an option to 
add your own custom colors from a more detailed color selector. But in neither 
window there's an eyedropper tool.

As this is something that comes directly from gtk, any request to put it back 
(if that's wanted/needed) should be addressed at the gtk bug tracker...


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Re: [GNC] Invoice tax rouding issue in 2.x

2018-05-23 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 23 mei 2018 03:11:26 CEST schreef Matthew Pounsett:
> I've got an off-by-a-cent error on an invoice due to the way taxes are
> calculated.  GnuCash (2.6.21) is calculating the tax on each individual
> taxable item, then summing that up, and adding that value to the subtotal.
> This causes an error because each individual tax calculation is rounded
> prior to subtotalling.
> Given a tax rate of 13%, GnuCash is doing this:
> Item Tax
>   277.50   36.08
>92.50   12.03
> Subtotal: 370.00 + 48.11 = 418.11
> When the real calculation should be:
> Item  Tax
>   277.50   36.075
>92.50   12.025
> Subtotal: 370.00 + 48.100 = 418.10
> This could be fixed by GnuCash not rounding tax amounts until the final
> total, but typically I believe the calculation done is to add up all the
> taxable items and apply the tax calculation to that subtotal, so that it's
> not necessary to track many decimal places to avoid a rounding error.
> I did some searching through the mailing lists and I see a lot of reported
> issues about rounding errors in GnuCash 2.x.  I can work around this by
> putting in an extra line item to correct the taxes, but it would be nice
> not to have to do that.  Is this something that's been fixed in 3.x?  I've
> been avoiding the update because I haven't had time for a careful
> migration, and testing whether I'm affected by any of the various issues
> that have been reported since its release.  But, this might be a reason to
> set that time aside.

The rounding issues are a known bug:
I once implemented a first fix to handle rounding as you are expecting it but 
that immediately broke rounding in jurisdictions that have different rounding 
rules. So that fix got reverted.

Nothing has changed in this area for gnucash 3 so until the above bugs are 
fixed the only option is to add a tax correction line. What sometimes does 
help is entering the amounts as tax included, though in your example it will 
not work: gnucash doesn't accept 3 decimal places for currencies that normally 
only have one so it would round anyway even before starting the calculation.



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Re: [GNC] Invoice tax rouding issue in 2.x

2018-05-23 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 23 mei 2018 15:17:52 CEST schreef Nathanial Jones:
> The "It can't be fixed," attitude is just wrong, since there is a
> conceptually simple fix.
> It may take a while to code, but why not just put a check box or option
> group into the tax rate setup that defines whether it is a "per item" or
> "total" rate.

I love the "just" in there...

For the record I agree it can be fixed. Otherwise I would have closed the old 
bugs a long time ago. But until now nobody stepped up to provide an adequate 



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Re: [GNC] gnucash can not type in any chinese

2018-05-25 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 24 mei 2018 17:30:15 CEST schreef elliott:
> Mac os 10.13.4 (17E202)
> gnucash 3.1
> input method :sogou   and  macos chinese input method
> I can type chinese in any other software  include gnucash 2.6 , but can not
> type in chinese in any  input box of  gnucash 3.1. when I  type chinese
> with chinese  input method, I get English character。

This is a known bug unfortunately:



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Re: [GNC] Deleting an unused tax table (2.6.21)

2018-05-25 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 25 mei 2018 17:29:04 CEST schreef Derek Atkins:
> I thought the name was changeable?  I'm not sure why it wouldn't be.

I think it's not. I happened to be searching for that as well a few days back. 
Probably an omission ?


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Re: [GNC] Editing Scheduled Transaction

2018-05-18 Thread Geert Janssens
Please report this as a bug in bugzilla. It risks getting lost on a mailing 
Refer to to learn how to use bugzilla



Op vrijdag 18 mei 2018 14:19:27 CEST schreef Robin Chattopadhyay:
> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 9:29 PM Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> > You said the work around is to delete and re-add, but does the re-add not
> > generate the same error? Is this only when editing a previously defined
> > SX?
> Correct. Only when editing an existing transaction in an existing SX.
> Doesn't happen when adding a new transaction in an existing SX or when
> adding a new SX.
> I’ll admit I’ve only seen this error when actually trying to edit a real
> > transaction in one account register when I was already “in” the same
> > transaction in another related account register. (usually after a ‘jump’
> > menu instruction) I’ve never seen it in the SX editor.
> Same here.
> > Dealing with scheduled transactions in concert with this is a bit
> > perplexing, other than to suggest, as a test to narrow down the cause,
> > close everything but the Chart of Accounts, THEN open the Scheduled
> > Transaction editor and see if the same error occurs.
> No change.
> > At least, you’ve eliminated (or confirmed) other open accounts as the
> > possibilities or causes.
> > 
> > Also, please report if you are using the XML or one of the SQL backends
> > just to clear that up. (should there be a discrepancy)
> SQLite
> > For myself, all of my scheduled transactions are still working as
> > expected, but all of them pre-existed my transition from 2.6 to 3.1. I’ve
> > yet to create a new SX from the 3.x series and to see how it behaves. I
> > also haven’t yet had a need to edit any of them.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Adrien
> > 
> > > On May 17, 2018, at 9:02 PM, Robin Chattopadhyay 
> > 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi-
> > > 
> > > Using GC 3.1 on Mint 18.3.
> > > 
> > > I've come across something that seems like a bug, but I thought I would
> > > check here first because I didn't see an open bug already.
> > > 
> > > Under Edit Scheduled Transaction, click Template Transaction, attempt to
> > > edit a value in any field of the transaction then move focus to another
> > > line throws an error: "This transaction is already being edited in
> > 
> > another
> > 
> > > register. Please finish editing it there first."
> > > 
> > > Since it's a scheduled transaction, it seems illogical for the
> > 
> > transaction
> > 
> > > to be in another register.
> > > 
> > > The workaround is to delete the transaction from the SX editor window
> > > and
> > > re-add it, but this is not ideal because many of my SXs have multiple
> > > transactions in a particular order.
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Robin
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Re: [GNC] Modifying business function splits

2018-06-10 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 9 juni 2018 15:50:13 CEST schreef Matthew Pounsett:
> My clients typically pay me by wire, and when my bank presents the
> transaction it's as the received wire and their service fee as a single
> line item in my statement.  My inclination is to modify the split created
> by "process payment" and add the service fee to it rather than add the
> service fee as a separate transaction.  Am I likely to cause any problems
> by modifying a transaction that was created automatically?

You should be able to do so without causing trouble. Just be careful not to 
touch the Accounts Receivable split of your payment transaction.



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Re: [GNC] Why Report Stock Fractional Share Price in 3.1?

2018-06-08 Thread Geert Janssens
Op vrijdag 8 juni 2018 06:43:39 CEST schreef Andrew Beard:
> share-prices-in-fractions

This is a bug

I have answerred the same on the Stack Exchange question.


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Re: [GNC] Saved Report Configurations Missing After Upgrade to v3

2018-06-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 7 juni 2018 16:48:11 CEST schreef Thomas Forrester:
> Hi Geert,
> The old saved-reports-2.4 file was found in the  %USER%\.gnucash folder.
> None of the 3.-variations you mention apply here.
> When I located the 2.4 file, I backed up the new 2.8 file to take it
> completely out of the picture, then copied the 2.4 file over to
> %APPDATA%\GnuCash
> to see what would happen.  If nothing, I figured I'd rename the file from
> 2.4 to 2.8, but it worked with the 2.4 name.  Is this alright?  Will it
> cause problems later?  Is there a better way?
No. That is what the migration should have done as well.

>  When I upgraded to 3.x,
> that is the environment it found itself upgrading.

Ok, do you think you could still find the trace file gnucash generated the 
first time you started gnucash 3.x ? Where to find trace files is described 

Secondly, the first time you ran gnucash 3.x did you get a pop up window 
explaining you your metadata was being moved to a new location ?

And lastly, did you ever experiment with the 2.7 development series on your 
current machine ?

> I'm slipping out of scope on the OP topic here, but (in the Windows
> environment, if that matters) what is the best practice for data storage?
> Am I setting myself up for problems using MySQL?  Has my use of MySQL
> contributed to the missing report situation on upgrade to 3.x?
Xml is still considered the most stable format in general. That is independent 
of your OS. On the other hand the db formats are improving with each release. 
We did find a few issues in gnucash 3.0 and 3.1 in this area. So be sure to 
read the release notes for more details.



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Re: [GNC] Where is the theme selection in 3.x?

2018-06-07 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 7 juni 2018 19:03:09 CEST schreef randix:
> /*Hope something similar comes back in a future version, cause speaking on
> behalf of those who (1) don't have the time or (2) the skills or (3) the
> patience, following the instructions in that wiki link to get some decent
> color in GnuCash, well, that just "ain't" goin' happen.*/
> */Not user friendly.../*

It can certainly come back if someone is willing to spend developer time on 

Preferably someone who isn't already buried in other gnucash development 


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Re: [GNC] Migration from 2.6 to 3.0 with mysql/mariadb

2018-06-16 Thread Geert Janssens

Some people experience issues migrating a db based book to 3.x. I believe 
several of these issues have been fixed either in 3.1 or the upcoming 3.2. If 
you can wait, I'd suggest to try with 3.2 in a few weeks.



Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 17:07:58 CEST schreef Paul Neuwirth via gnucash-user:
> Hello,
> I "accidently" upgraded to 3.0 and on startup, I got the message,
> database was errernous or corrupted.
> Could not see any corrosponding messages on console.
> Using mariadb, working great with 2.6.
> I thought, when running 3.0 the first time database would be converted?
> switching to 3.0 is planned after finishing some tax stuff this month.
> maybe best way is backing up database, saving to xml, import to 3.0 and
> save in (new) database again?
> Thank you
> Paul
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Re: [GNC] Updated to 3.1 - lost lots & report

2018-06-16 Thread Geert Janssens
Op donderdag 14 juni 2018 10:37:31 CEST schreef John Bonnett:
> I found it at this path
> "C:\Users\\.gnucash"

Gnucash 3.1 is supposed to migrate from this directory to

I don't know why this didn't happen for you.
> in it I found this file
> "C:\Users\\.gnucash\saved-reports-2.4"
> which looked a bit suspicious. In it I found Scheme code for my missing
> reports.
> Another folder I found in my search was
> "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash"
> Now this Roaming folder often holds configuration information on Windows. It
> also had recently dated files in it so was probably related to my recent
> installation of GnuCash 3.1.

This directory should be generated as part of the first-time run of gnucash 

Can you do an experiment to help evaluate the migration step ?
Can you
1. quit gnucash if it's still running
2. rename 
That moves it out of the way of gnucash.
3. Start gnucash
=> Does it report a migration of meta data ?
4. Quit gnucash
5. Locate the most recent trace file [1] and post it here.

> I copied the above mentioned saved reports file to
> "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\saved-reports-2.4"
> and next time I opened GnuCash my reports had returned.
Indeed. You manually completed the migration. I would like to figure out why 
this didn't happen in the first place.



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Re: [GNC] Search facility

2018-06-16 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 16 juni 2018 13:51:39 CEST schreef Graham Balin:
> Apologies if this is brain-numbingly obvious, but I have tried looking
> for the answer, honest!
> How do I search for a particular item eg search all accounts for $4.35,
> or transactions with 'Harrison' in it?  Quicken had a very simple search
> bar which worked very well. Is there a similar function in GNC?


This behaves slightly differently when started  from the account hierarchy or 
from an account register.

When started from the account hierarchy it will search all transactions and 
splits in all accounts. When started from an account register it will only 
search for splits (and their associated transaction info) in that account.



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Re: [GNC] Wiki:Installation/Building; was: Ubuntu 18.04

2018-06-13 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 13 juni 2018 02:40:25 CEST schreef DaveC49:
> Hi Frank & David T ,
> Thanks for the info re the main page. I will try and hook into the Wiki
> Installation page as you suggest and have a go at making the build
> instructions friendlier for general users and split off a more specific page
> for developer builds. i will then link that back to the pages on the maint
> and master branches, pull requests etc for mods etc. It is possibly better
> to leave the building from git with the developers pages. I'll  reformulate
> a version of the disclaimer for the user build pages. It will possibly be
> the weekend before I get to it unless insomnia strikes
Hi David C,

Thanks for looking into this.

It think the differences between a developer build (from git) or a release 
build are limited only to getting the source tree set up.
For a git build that means cloning a repository and checking out the right git 
branch, for a release build you untar the tarball.

Do you think this requires a separate page ?

Thinking some more, the dependencies may drift apart between the stable branch 
('maint' in git and also used for generating release tarballs) and the 
development branch ('master' in git). So at some point the two branches may 
need different documentation on dependencies.

The only other difference I can think of is that you may or may not want the 
build to include debug symbols. That is one different option to set while 
running cmake. But this can be useful in both a user build or a developer 



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Re: [GNC] Ubuntu 18.04

2018-06-11 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 11 juni 2018 19:19:58 CEST schreef Steve Cohen:
> Solved.
> the ubuntu package name is google-mock

I'm glad you solved it.

If you think more documentation is needed, feel free update the build 
instructions in the wiki



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Re: [GNC] "No suitable backend found for" file after rebuild of gnucash

2018-06-11 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 11 juni 2018 19:50:11 CEST schreef Steve Cohen:
> As detailed in other thread, I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to
> Ubuntu 18.04.  After some difficulty, I built Gnucash 3.0 without error.
>   I had been running 3.0 on 14.04 as well and had saved the data.
> But when I attempt to load it I get "No suitable backend was found for
> [filename].
> What does this indicate?

In what format did you save your gnucash data?

Assuming you built gnucash with dbi support enabled, you may be missing dbi 
drivers for your data format.
If your file was not saved as xml, try installing package libdbd-sqlite3, 
libdbd-mysql or libdbd-postgresql depending on how you saved your data.



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Re: [GNC] "No suitable backend found for" file after rebuild of gnucash

2018-06-11 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 11 juni 2018 20:38:08 CEST schreef Steve Cohen:
> I installed all of these.  I believe the original data was saved in
> sqlite3.  That is the default, isn't it?
No the default is xml.

> But wait a minute, where, actually is the data stored?  I was assuming
> it was the *.gcm, but these files seem to be nothing but config files.
Indeed, those files only store metadata. The actual file is where you chose to 
save it back when you created it. This is just like in any other application. 
The only thing gnucash does different is that it tries to reopen your last-
used file automatically when you close and reopen gnucash.



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Re: [GNC] Payroll - How to generate a Paystub

2018-06-11 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 11 juni 2018 15:01:54 CEST schreef MichaelK:
> What do you send your employee(s) along with their paycheck?  I have one
> employee and pay him twice a month.  Ordinarily, a paystub would accompany
> the paycheck and list Salary and Withholdings for the pay period along with
> Salary and Withholdings YTD.
> I understand gnucash does not have an integrated payroll system, but once I
> add the split for my employee in the Expense:Salary and Liability:Tax
> accounts, I need to send a paystub with that information along with the
> paycheck to the employee.  There is no magic needed here, and seems like a
> pretty basic principal since we have the notion of Employees.

The employee related entries in GnuCash are not related to employee salaries in 
any way. They 
were added to manage expenses an employee makes on behalf of the company.

> I tried working with a modified Transaction Report, but that doesn't really
> get me there.
> Has anyone come up with a solution for this?
You may search for transactions in your Expense:Salary (say, based on date and 
name) and print an account report based on the search result ?


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Re: [GNC] Import transactions

2018-05-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 30 mei 2018 18:33:17 CEST schreef
> Geert, Thanks for the quick response and steering me to the Android support
> channel. As for the export/import, I think my expectations were probably
> misguided. I had hoped the csv import would be the equivalent of a qif
> import but I now see they are totally different. I must explicitly identify
> column associations and manually specify the posting of each row. I can see
> that provides great flexibility for some needs but for what I'm trying to
> do probably not useable. You are correct that I can share gnucash files
> between apps but it's only transactions "on the go" that I'm trying to
> capture with Android. The app claims that to be its intended purpose, it
> just crashes when I try it. I haven't gotten far enough to know how well
> GnuCash imports qif but presume it works okay. Thanks for your guidance.
> You've certainly gotten me further down the road of understanding. Dale
> DeMott

You're welcome. The csv importer is indeed very generic. However it also 
allows you to create profiles (or "Presets") to save commonly used formats. 
Gnucash ships with one preset by default, namely one to interpret a csv file 
as if exported by gnucash (using all default export settings).



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Re: [GNC] Import transactions

2018-05-30 Thread Geert Janssens

Gnucash for Android is a separate project with its own support channels. I 
can't say much of it as I don't use it. The support channel for gnucash for 
android can be found here:

>From what I heard I thought you could simply share your data file between 
Gnucash for Android and Gnucash without having to import/export. I may be 
totally wrong though...

As for export/import in gnucash, I quickly checked and I agree the way to 
select subaccounts is pretty flakey. That should be improved.

What problems did you experience when trying to import a csv file generated 
with gnucash itself ?
A few possible issues that have been reported already are:
- Fails to import if csv data has single \ characters (Fixed for 3.2)
- Price information is not imported correctly (and probably not exported 


Op woensdag 30 mei 2018 16:35:08 CEST schreef
> I'm new to GnuCash and trying to learn and use some of its features. I
> downloaded version 3.1 and experiencing some very unexpected behavior. In
> particular, I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to export transactions from GnuCash
> for Android and import them into GnuCash. Here's what I experience: GnuCash
> for AndroidSolicits filename before selecting the export type (qif, xml).
> Regardless what I specify, ".zip" appends to the filename. Selecting 'qif'
> crashes the app.
> Selecting 'xml' works but I discovered that the resultant file is not
> actually "zipped". Exporting to 'xml' does not allow the same date
> selection and delete after exporting options as offered for 'qif' exports.
> GnuCashRenaming the 'xml' file exported from Android to '.gnucash' will
> open with my transactions. Unfortunately, I can neither import transactions
> from a 'gnucash' file nor can I export transactions to a 'qif' file. I can
> export to 'csv' but I must manually expand every account branch before I
> can successfully include all sub-accounts for export. GnuCash will not
> import transactions from the same 'csv' file it exported. I'm trying to
> create proper expectations. Can someone please tell me whether these
> characteristics are imagined or real, bugs or features? Dale DeMott
> ___
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Re: [GNC] A/P: invoice not displayed and payment is displayed

2018-05-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 30 mei 2018 08:26:50 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Yes, you’ll have to unpost and repost them accordingly.
> Regards,
> Adrien

And note that unposting and reposting an invoice will drop the link with any 
of its payments. So after correcting the invoices you'll need to reapply each 
payment back to the appropriate invoice(s) (which is *not* the same as 
creating the payments again!).

We have a wiki page with some guidelines on how to deal with issues in 
business transactions that can be helpful here:


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Re: [GNC] Printing a report splits line of text with page break

2018-05-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 29 mei 2018 19:16:48 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> > On May 29, 2018, at 10:06 AM, John Dablin via gnucash-user
> >  wrote:> 
> > On 29/05/18 17:28, Maf. King wrote:
> >> On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 17:12:37 BST John Dablin via gnucash-user wrote:
> >>> I've created a custom transaction report and I want to print it, but
> >>> when I do the bottom line of text on pages after the first is split in
> >>> two, with the bottom half of the characters appearing at the top of the
> >>> next page. Exactly the same thing happens when I export the report as a
> >>> PDF. I've taken a screenshot of part of the PDF to show what I mean, see
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> I'm in the UK printing to A4 paper. A4 is specified in page setup, and
> >>> it doesn't seem to make any difference whether I specify "format for any
> >>> printer" or for my specific printer. I've looked for any options to set
> >>> margins etc, but I haven't found any.
> >>> 
> >>> I'm running Gnucash 2.6.17 on Kubuntu 17.10. However I've had this
> >>> problem with several different versions over the years and ignored it,
> >>> but now I need to give the report to somebody else so I would like to be
> >>> able to fix it.
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks in anticipation for any help.
> >> 
> >> Hi John,
> >> 
> >> I always export the report to HTML, then use firefox to print it.
> >> 
> >> HTH,
> >> Maf.
> > 
> > I'd forgotten you can do that. It took some finding because export as HTML
> > doesn't seem to be in the menu, and the toolbar icon looks like 'reload'
> > rather than 'export'. However it has solved my immediate problem, thank
> > you very much.
> > 
> > It's a bit of a clunky work around, though. I'm not sure how to raise a
> > bug report, but it seems to have been a problem for a long time so I'd be
> > surprised if nobody's reported it already.
> Unfortunately it's a behavior of GtkWebKitWebView, which is what GnuCash
> uses for rendering, displaying, and printing reports. There's no
> immediately practical alternative for us to switch to, so there's not much
> we can do about it.

I will add this is only a problem still on Windows and OS X. On linux we have 
been able to upgrade to a more recent version of GtkWebKitWebView which no 
longer has this issue. Our attempts to upgrade to that same version on Windows 
and OS X have failed so we chose to stick with the older versions there and 
live with this particular bug.


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Re: [GNC] Windows 10 installation very slow opening or saving file

2018-05-30 Thread Geert Janssens
Op woensdag 30 mei 2018 10:12:37 CEST schreef Maf. King:
> Hi Derick,
> someone else reported crazy long save times on Win10 platforms earlier this
> month - don't recall if there was a solution found, but have a hunt through
> the archives for May and see if that thread offers any help.
> HTH,
> Maf.
I believe there was mention of the load times slowing down when there are lots 
of backup files in the same directory. Try moving older backups to a 
subdirectory and let us know if that reduces the load times.



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Re: [GNC] location for environment.local on macOS

2018-05-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 28 mei 2018 22:48:25 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> > On May 28, 2018, at 1:43 PM, David Reiser  wrote:
> > 
> > Where should the environment.local file be put on macOS? I tried
> > $HOME/Library/Application Support/Gnucash where I have some other things
> > like a Checks folder for custom formats, but the program didn’t pick up
> > the variable (AQOFX_LOG_COMM=1) I’m trying to set. If I add the variable
> > to the environment file in the app bundle, it works. But I’m tired of
> > having to try to remember to re-edit the distribution version for each
> > release.
> Dave,
> Unfortunately it’s right next to environment in the bundle so for Mac
> there’s no benefit to using it.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

Does OS X have a generic facility to set global environment variables ? You 
can use that as well. Gnucash will pick up global environment variables as 


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Re: [GNC] Reconciling credit card and A/P accounts

2018-05-29 Thread Geert Janssens
Op dinsdag 29 mei 2018 00:01:17 CEST schreef Rich Shepard:
> On Mon, 28 May 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > More detail. The A/P transaction shown when I try to assign the credit
> > card as the payment of the telco invoice was paid by check on the invoice
> > posting date. And the checking account shows that account as reconciled.
>Think I found the problem: the credit card transaction shows the payment
> of the A/P invoice as a debit rather than a credit. I cannot cut the amount
> from the debit column and paste it in the credit column. Do I make a
> correcting entry for that day or is there another way.

It looks like you have created a credit card line as part of the invoice 

That would explain why it's debit rathen than credit and why the transaction 
can't be edited.

Can you check your invoice for such a line (Business->Vendor->Find Invoice)


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Re: [GNC] Posting sales in multiple currencies (2.6.21)

2018-06-02 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 2 juni 2018 06:13:40 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Just out of curiosity, can you not post a CAD invoice to an A/R account that
> is set for USD?

No. Gnucash was designed to require a different A/R account per currency. The 
invoices will be posted and printed in the customer's currency. Gnucash will 
do conversions between that currency and any entry/tax account's currency and 
between the customer's currency and any payment transfer account's currency.



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Re: [GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

2018-06-02 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 2 juni 2018 06:18:54 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Just an FYI, the “qof-” ’interface’ will be phased out as development
> progresses on moving to a proper db based application, so I wouldn’t rely
> on it if at all possible. That particular variable/function very well might
> be a now deprecated part of the API. See the roadmap article on the wiki
> for more info.

That will probably still take a while.

What has been removed here specifically is the ability to access kvp frames 
and slot directly. Kvp slots are an implementation detail of the backends and 
should never have been exposed in the first place. All known uses of
qof-book-get-slots and related functions should have a higher level 
alternative access function.

Unfortunately the error message doesn't show exactly which slot your invoice 
report was trying to access, so I can't readily tell what the replacement 
function should be.

Considering the issue happens in an invoice report I suspect the report is 
trying to access company information or fancy date info. I haven't seen your 
original report (it looks like you sent it directly to Chris), but I expect 
that's what he replaced in his updated report.



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