[Lift] Re: The quality of the Lift list [was: Don't shoot the non-XML messenger ...]

2009-10-14 Thread marius d.

Reading the thread in question I was quite surprised about the
attitude shown on the list by the person in question. I wholeheartedly
agree that the right decision has been made.


On Oct 14, 6:49 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 It is not lightly that I ban someone from the group... this is only the
 second time I've banned a substantive poster.  I'm going to discuss some of
 the process and then touch on some of the substance of the questions that
 the poster was getting at.

 The Lift community, reflected on this list, is an inquisitive, friendly
 place where people who have a passion for building great web apps converge
 and contribute to making Lift a really great open source framework.  Newbies
 are the lifeblood of the group because they come with fresh perspectives and
 new ways of looking at things.  Questions from newbies help us refine and
 enhance Lift and the associated documentation.  Folks who are building
 production apps on Lift receive the fastest turn-around because these folks
 are betting their careers and their enterprises (even enterprises of one) on
 Lift and they deserve the best support in the industry for taking this risk.

 A big part of why this community is successful (in terms of size, quality of
 discussion, and quality of results) is because we keep the quality of
 discussion high.  How do we do this?  The folks who have been on the list
 generally keep the level of discussion to the Lift ideals.  We reward
 newbies with quick answers and encourage friendly discourse.  We are
 generally slower to respond to those that are less reflective of the list
 ideals.  I warn folks who are pushing boundaries (usually privately, but
 every once in a while publicly) and where the line is.

 In this case, nothing worked.  The poster was neither asking questions,
 giving usable feedback, or being polite in his engagement with the folks on
 the list.  I received a substantial number of private communications about
 this poster (which is pretty rare), and I took action.

 In terms of the substance, let me address to threat issue first.  I
 threatened to ban the poster from the list.  Perhaps DHH or Martin would not
 make such a threat.  I am very sure that the quality of discussion on the
 Lift list is higher than that on the Rails list (one of the reasons I
 started Lift was to be part of a nicer community.)  One cost of having a
 nicer place is excluding those who do not fit.  The second threat I made
 was to relay a tongue-in-cheek private communication I received about the
 poster to the list (after receiving the okay from the guy that made the
 communication to me.)  This threat was obvious, using video game rating
 language http://www.esrb.org/ratings/ratings_guide.jsp, Comic mischief
 and Cartoon violence.  It was something that even a 6 year old can
 distinguish from reality.  Put another way, the poster was talking about
 Kafkaesque experiences with using Lift and I responded with

 In terms of the broader issue of Lift's HTML templating system being XHTML
 only, yes, that's true.  Lift treats HTML templates as XML.  Lift's
 templating system is not a String templating system but an XML templating
 system.  This satisfies the needs to render content to HTML browsers.  If
 there are needs for generating other kinds of content, Lift is not as good,
 but in many cases there are better libraries for doing so.  Lift makes it
 very simple to integrate other rendering/templating engines into Lift,
 usually with a single line of code the dispatches the HTTP request to an
 alternate provider of a LiftResponse.  If the poster had simply said, I
 want to template non-HTML output, can you show me how? he would have gotten
 a nice example (and I might have even rolled it into demo.liftweb.net or
 maybe Tim might have blogged about it.

 Keeping things in XML has a number of advantages and a few disadvantages.
 First, the disadvantages: (1) you can't template non-XHTML responses and (2)
 everything must be well formed XML.  The advantages are (1) security (2)
 performance (it's easier to cache XML and the cost of mutating XML trees is
 O(log N)), (3) there is better separation of logic from the view (perhaps
 Terrance Parr's String Template library achieves this level of separation),
 and (4) the ability to mutate the resulting page (rewrite tags, move stuff
 to head/tail, consolidate scripts) is more performant and less error-prone
 than doing the same with a String-based representation.

 I will address Bill's security question.  For String-based rendering systems
 that emit HTML, the developer is the one who must make a decision at each
 insertion point as to whether the incoming String needs to be escaped.
  Because Strings are untyped, you don't know what they mean, if they're
 safe to be passed directly or if they need to be escaped.  On the other

[Lift] Re: Turning of cookies breaks Comet ... again

2009-10-14 Thread marius d.

Found the problem ... I opened http://github.com/dpp/liftweb/issues#issue/100
ticket and workin' on it.


On Oct 14, 10:07 pm, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 A while ago I added the support for URL rewriting when cookies are
 turned of in the container so that things would correctly work when
 jssessionid is part of the url. After that this was broken a few times
 but I fixed it. Not, after quite some time, I'm back in the place
 where it seems broken. I have a simple Clock Comet and when turn off
 cookies in jetty the page reloads over and over again (I use FireFox
 on Ubuntu). I'll try to fix this but in the mean time I want to ask
 you if you've seen the same behaviour.

 If you already have the answer would save me a bit of time.

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[Lift] Re: Dynamic SiteMap

2009-10-12 Thread marius d.

First of all I'm not reinventing anything. I don't think that If
LocParam semantic is giving you the hidden functionality as well. User
type 2 should not even see the menus for user type 1, not only to not
be able to access those locations.

The way I see it this functionality should be totally irrespective of
Mappers or any persistence store. It is just a matter of how you
implement the function passed to If and other LocParams.

You can also implement your own Loc and override the calcHidden
function and you can decide what to render there. I still think that a
conditional hidden LocParam would be helpful.


On Oct 12, 2:27 am, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for your help on this.  I guess I'm not sure how this differs
 from the current conception of the If LocParam. As I understand it, it
 is checked when determining what to display on the Menu as well as
 when a User attempts to access the page (or its subdirectory if
 passing a pair).  If this is true, then I think there is no need to
 reinvent the wheel per se. Assuming I'm right and we can use If's to
 accomplish this functionality, I can follow up this query with an
 implementation based question.  Specifically, since both of my user
 types extend MegaProtoUser, I end up with loggedIn_? function that
 tells if some user is logged in, but is confused about which.  So if a
 user of type 1 logs in and I call UserType2.loggedIn_?, it will also
 return true.  Is there a way to check for this in If statements?  Or
 is it necessary to override loggedIn_? (which I've been trying, but
 has been pretty slow going so far).


 On Oct 11, 12:36 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yes, a Loc accepts many LocParams ... as I said above If/Unless/Test
  would be used in conjunction with CondHidden to also provide
  accessibility constraints.

  Here is the definition

  case object CondHidden(test: () = Boolean) extends LocParam

  but we also have case class If(test: () = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)
  extends LocParam

  So the test function is the same which means that you essentially
  implement one function and provide it to both LocParam's. We could
  probably combine the two LocParams in a:

  IfHidden(test: () = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)  // if you have a
  better name please let me know :)

  The test function would be called in two cases:

  1. When rendering the Menu to see is the Menu should be rendered or
  2. When try to access the location to as a security check

  I could probably add it this week and point you to my branch to check
  it out. If I runt into something weird that I cannot foresee I'll let
  you know.

  Would this work for you?

  Other people are welcome to comment as well ...


  On Oct 11, 7:06 pm, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Marius,

   Thanks for the response.  The LocParam is a good idea, but here is the
   attendant problem.  No only do I have to hide options A,B,C from user
   type 2, I have to make sure user type 2 does not access those pages/
   areas.  Can I include that in the locParam as well?  Right now, I'm
   using an If() val to determine what type of user it is, and then
   funnel accordingly. I assume i can just include both the if (to
   determine access/where to send) and then the conditional hider
   LocParam if necessary. But can I bundle both into a more DRY solution?



   On Oct 11, 2:54 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

So doesn't what I described about help you? ... a conditional Hidden
LocParam? ...thus the SiteMap contains all A, B, C, D, E, F menus but
for user type 1 D, E,, F are hidden, and for user type 2 A, B, C are
hidden. The decision would done in the function that you provide to

If this helps the new LocParam could be added with not much problems.

If this doesn't work for you, please elaborate.


On Oct 11, 2:09 am, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all-

 I am interested in a similar question.  I have two types of users and
 once logged in, I'd like to provide them with distinct menu options.
 For instance User type one would have a menu with A / B / C and User
 Type Two would have D / E / F.  I have tried a variety of approaches
 including storing a session variable when the user first logs in, but
 because the sitemap is already built, its tough to modify
 dynamically.  Further, unfortunately, User1.sitemap and User2.sitemap
 don't play well together, and only one should be shown at one time
 depending on the user type.  Not to take away from Markus' question,
 but if someone could address this more concrete scenario, it would be
 much appreciated.


 On Oct 10, 5:09 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well SiteMap is per LiftRules which means it's per application
  runtime. One approach would

[Lift] Re: Lift UVP's

2009-10-12 Thread marius d.

Is the audience mostly Java based or from different other fields
including FP?

I would insist in how Lift leverages functional programming idioms
offered by Scala. Personally I believe this gives Lift a pretty unique


On Oct 12, 12:37 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 In about a month im speaking at a fairly sizeable event in Belgium and
 wanted to ask a few questions about what users see at Lift's unique
 value proposition. I did a talk about lift at a bar-camp recently and
 whilst they were fairly well received, I think i still assumed too
 much information. To that end, I thought by focusing on some of lifts
 super cool features in a broad way I would then aim to give people a
 better overview / warm fuzzy feeling about Lift in the allotted hour.

 So what are Lift's UVP's? My list looks a little like:

 - OOTB Comet (probably what draws most people to lift)
 - View first / code free templating
 - Utilisation of existing JEE infrastructure (WARs, JPA etc)
 - Non-perscriptive but highly configurable framework

 Then we also have some stuff that we inherit from scala:

 - traits
 - concise but type safe code
 - etc etc etc

 What do people think? I have an hour to make people feel good about
 Lift and hopefully give them enough of a taste to go away and try it
 later - am i missing anything blindingly obvious? This isnt a hard and
 fast outline of my preso, just trying to kick around some thoughts and
 ideas :-)

 Cheers, Tim
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[Lift] Re: Dynamic SiteMap

2009-10-11 Thread marius d.

So doesn't what I described about help you? ... a conditional Hidden
LocParam? ...thus the SiteMap contains all A, B, C, D, E, F menus but
for user type 1 D, E,, F are hidden, and for user type 2 A, B, C are
hidden. The decision would done in the function that you provide to

If this helps the new LocParam could be added with not much problems.

If this doesn't work for you, please elaborate.


On Oct 11, 2:09 am, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all-

 I am interested in a similar question.  I have two types of users and
 once logged in, I'd like to provide them with distinct menu options.
 For instance User type one would have a menu with A / B / C and User
 Type Two would have D / E / F.  I have tried a variety of approaches
 including storing a session variable when the user first logs in, but
 because the sitemap is already built, its tough to modify
 dynamically.  Further, unfortunately, User1.sitemap and User2.sitemap
 don't play well together, and only one should be shown at one time
 depending on the user type.  Not to take away from Markus' question,
 but if someone could address this more concrete scenario, it would be
 much appreciated.


 On Oct 10, 5:09 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well SiteMap is per LiftRules which means it's per application
  runtime. One approach would be to define the entire SiteMap but
  depending on the context using some conditional Hidden LocParam.
  Perhaps something like:

  case object CondHidden(coond: () = Boolean) extends LocParam

  This could be used in conjunction with If/Unless/Test LocParam-s to
  also grant access per context (even if the Loc is Hidden)

  This probably won't suffice if you want each user to have its own
  unique SiteMap. Can you elaborate more on your application
  usecase? ... in what way you want unique SiteMap per user?

  Other option would be to have in LiftRules something like:

  val sessionSiteMap: (LiftSession) = SiteMap

  This means that you can provide a function that will create a SiteMap
  depending on the LiftSession ... which would probably be called after
  LiftSession is created. I'm not sure if this is the way to do it as
  this would act as a secondary SiteMap ... and this would complicate
  things a bit for the Lift engine.


  On Oct 9, 11:36 pm, Markus Kolb liftweb...@tower-net.de wrote:


   I'm something new to Scala and Lift is freshmeat for me.
   At the moment I am trying to find a best practice possibility to
   setSiteMap with a SiteMap which includes Menus and Locs which might
   change during application runtime.
   Let me say... each user should get his own, unique SiteMap after
   The SiteMap should be generated based on class construction and method
   calls during runtime.
   I've the problem to find a solution without putting setSiteMap-call
   nearly everywhere in my code just to update it.

   Uumh. Yes. Any tips are welcome...

   Best regards,
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[Lift] Re: Dynamic SiteMap

2009-10-11 Thread marius d.

Yes, a Loc accepts many LocParams ... as I said above If/Unless/Test
would be used in conjunction with CondHidden to also provide
accessibility constraints.

Here is the definition

case object CondHidden(test: () = Boolean) extends LocParam

but we also have case class If(test: () = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)
extends LocParam

So the test function is the same which means that you essentially
implement one function and provide it to both LocParam's. We could
probably combine the two LocParams in a:

IfHidden(test: () = Boolean, failMsg: FailMsg)  // if you have a
better name please let me know :)

The test function would be called in two cases:

1. When rendering the Menu to see is the Menu should be rendered or
2. When try to access the location to as a security check

I could probably add it this week and point you to my branch to check
it out. If I runt into something weird that I cannot foresee I'll let
you know.

Would this work for you?

Other people are welcome to comment as well ...


On Oct 11, 7:06 pm, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Marius,

 Thanks for the response.  The LocParam is a good idea, but here is the
 attendant problem.  No only do I have to hide options A,B,C from user
 type 2, I have to make sure user type 2 does not access those pages/
 areas.  Can I include that in the locParam as well?  Right now, I'm
 using an If() val to determine what type of user it is, and then
 funnel accordingly. I assume i can just include both the if (to
 determine access/where to send) and then the conditional hider
 LocParam if necessary. But can I bundle both into a more DRY solution?



 On Oct 11, 2:54 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  So doesn't what I described about help you? ... a conditional Hidden
  LocParam? ...thus the SiteMap contains all A, B, C, D, E, F menus but
  for user type 1 D, E,, F are hidden, and for user type 2 A, B, C are
  hidden. The decision would done in the function that you provide to

  If this helps the new LocParam could be added with not much problems.

  If this doesn't work for you, please elaborate.


  On Oct 11, 2:09 am, Dave davidtgoldb...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all-

   I am interested in a similar question.  I have two types of users and
   once logged in, I'd like to provide them with distinct menu options.
   For instance User type one would have a menu with A / B / C and User
   Type Two would have D / E / F.  I have tried a variety of approaches
   including storing a session variable when the user first logs in, but
   because the sitemap is already built, its tough to modify
   dynamically.  Further, unfortunately, User1.sitemap and User2.sitemap
   don't play well together, and only one should be shown at one time
   depending on the user type.  Not to take away from Markus' question,
   but if someone could address this more concrete scenario, it would be
   much appreciated.


   On Oct 10, 5:09 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

Well SiteMap is per LiftRules which means it's per application
runtime. One approach would be to define the entire SiteMap but
depending on the context using some conditional Hidden LocParam.
Perhaps something like:

case object CondHidden(coond: () = Boolean) extends LocParam

This could be used in conjunction with If/Unless/Test LocParam-s to
also grant access per context (even if the Loc is Hidden)

This probably won't suffice if you want each user to have its own
unique SiteMap. Can you elaborate more on your application
usecase? ... in what way you want unique SiteMap per user?

Other option would be to have in LiftRules something like:

val sessionSiteMap: (LiftSession) = SiteMap

This means that you can provide a function that will create a SiteMap
depending on the LiftSession ... which would probably be called after
LiftSession is created. I'm not sure if this is the way to do it as
this would act as a secondary SiteMap ... and this would complicate
things a bit for the Lift engine.


On Oct 9, 11:36 pm, Markus Kolb liftweb...@tower-net.de wrote:


 I'm something new to Scala and Lift is freshmeat for me.
 At the moment I am trying to find a best practice possibility to
 setSiteMap with a SiteMap which includes Menus and Locs which might
 change during application runtime.
 Let me say... each user should get his own, unique SiteMap after
 The SiteMap should be generated based on class construction and method
 calls during runtime.
 I've the problem to find a solution without putting setSiteMap-call
 nearly everywhere in my code just to update it.

 Uumh. Yes. Any tips are welcome...

 Best regards,
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[Lift] Re: Dynamic SiteMap

2009-10-10 Thread marius d.

Well SiteMap is per LiftRules which means it's per application
runtime. One approach would be to define the entire SiteMap but
depending on the context using some conditional Hidden LocParam.
Perhaps something like:

case object CondHidden(coond: () = Boolean) extends LocParam

This could be used in conjunction with If/Unless/Test LocParam-s to
also grant access per context (even if the Loc is Hidden)

This probably won't suffice if you want each user to have its own
unique SiteMap. Can you elaborate more on your application
usecase? ... in what way you want unique SiteMap per user?

Other option would be to have in LiftRules something like:

val sessionSiteMap: (LiftSession) = SiteMap

This means that you can provide a function that will create a SiteMap
depending on the LiftSession ... which would probably be called after
LiftSession is created. I'm not sure if this is the way to do it as
this would act as a secondary SiteMap ... and this would complicate
things a bit for the Lift engine.


On Oct 9, 11:36 pm, Markus Kolb liftweb...@tower-net.de wrote:

 I'm something new to Scala and Lift is freshmeat for me.
 At the moment I am trying to find a best practice possibility to
 setSiteMap with a SiteMap which includes Menus and Locs which might
 change during application runtime.
 Let me say... each user should get his own, unique SiteMap after
 The SiteMap should be generated based on class construction and method
 calls during runtime.
 I've the problem to find a solution without putting setSiteMap-call
 nearly everywhere in my code just to update it.

 Uumh. Yes. Any tips are welcome...

 Best regards,
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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Started integrating lift in a scala+spring project. Feedback?

2009-10-08 Thread marius d.

You are correct. I need to make this adjustment today. Thanks for
pointing this out Tim.


On Oct 8, 2:05 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 Im not sure that will work as ctx is a paramater, not a val paramater.

 class HTTPServletContext(ctx: ServletContext) extends HTTPContext

 In order to do what you'd suggested wouldnt it need to be:

 class HTTPServletContext(val ctx: ServletContext) extends HTTPContext


 Cheers, Tim

 On Oct 7, 7:50 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Servlet dependencies are abstracted away by a dedicated layer from the
  rest of Lift.

  LiftRules.context match {

    case c: HTTPServletContext = c.ctx // this is a ServletContext

    case _ =


  So you can take the ServletContext and do your stuff with it. But in
  this case you explicitly know that you are running Lift in a JEE web

  This abstraction is necessary to us in order to be able to run lift
  apps in other no JEE containers (Netty, AsyncWeb, Portlets etc).


  On Oct 7, 8:40 pm, rintcius rintc...@gmail.com wrote:

Your best bet is to go find some Java static thing that's going to give 
the ServletContext

   Yes that could work, but is it an idea to make the liftServlet
   available as an object in Lift (when it has the right provider)?
   Then the servletContext can be obtained nicely via
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Started integrating lift in a scala+spring project. Feedback?

2009-10-08 Thread marius d.

I just committed it.


On Oct 8, 2:25 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Thanking you kindly good sir - I knew there was something not quite
 right about that :-)

 Cheers, Tim

 On Oct 8, 12:15 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  You are correct. I need to make this adjustment today. Thanks for
  pointing this out Tim.


  On Oct 8, 2:05 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


   Im not sure that will work as ctx is a paramater, not a val paramater.

   class HTTPServletContext(ctx: ServletContext) extends HTTPContext

   In order to do what you'd suggested wouldnt it need to be:

   class HTTPServletContext(val ctx: ServletContext) extends HTTPContext


   Cheers, Tim

   On Oct 7, 7:50 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

Servlet dependencies are abstracted away by a dedicated layer from the
rest of Lift.

LiftRules.context match {

  case c: HTTPServletContext = c.ctx // this is a ServletContext

  case _ =


So you can take the ServletContext and do your stuff with it. But in
this case you explicitly know that you are running Lift in a JEE web

This abstraction is necessary to us in order to be able to run lift
apps in other no JEE containers (Netty, AsyncWeb, Portlets etc).


On Oct 7, 8:40 pm, rintcius rintc...@gmail.com wrote:

  Your best bet is to go find some Java static thing that's going to 
  give you
  the ServletContext

 Yes that could work, but is it an idea to make the liftServlet
 available as an object in Lift (when it has the right provider)?
 Then the servletContext can be obtained nicely via
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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Started integrating lift in a scala+spring project. Feedback?

2009-10-07 Thread marius d.

Servlet dependencies are abstracted away by a dedicated layer from the
rest of Lift.

LiftRules.context match {

  case c: HTTPServletContext = c.ctx // this is a ServletContext

  case _ =


So you can take the ServletContext and do your stuff with it. But in
this case you explicitly know that you are running Lift in a JEE web

This abstraction is necessary to us in order to be able to run lift
apps in other no JEE containers (Netty, AsyncWeb, Portlets etc).


On Oct 7, 8:40 pm, rintcius rintc...@gmail.com wrote:
  Your best bet is to go find some Java static thing that's going to give you
  the ServletContext

 Yes that could work, but is it an idea to make the liftServlet
 available as an object in Lift (when it has the right provider)?
 Then the servletContext can be obtained nicely via
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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: lift nearly inaccessible for newby

2009-10-06 Thread marius d.


You are in an interesting position :) ... Personally if I would be in
your place I would not start with PHP. I would probably start
understanding Java servlets and the horrible and crappy JSP's. Then I
would try to understand Java not only as a language but also as a
platform. Then I would start with Scala. David's book Beginning
Scala is an excellent material. Then or maybe in parallel with that
dig in Lift.

I'm sure you realise there are lots of things for you to digest, but
by all means don't let this stop you. Lift and Scala are just great
and definitely worth the effort.


On Oct 5, 9:32 pm, koveen liep...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 Being a no-programmer and having no Java-background
 I'd like to have mentioned that Lift really isn't an easy framework.
 Having said that, I will try to read my way into this system and try
 to solve the problems I encounter.

 I have one question.

 I would like to establish a login method where a visitor of my site
 (to be) could be accepted as a valid user, based on the info the
 server receives when the visitor enters the site.

 In my case it will be a site for mobile phones and some mobile phone
 operators will provide me with the telephone-number of the user once
 she enters. Once a user has paid for the service,  this number alone
 should be enough to make the visitior into a valid user. Without
 needing to log in.

 I have read the following on:http://demo.liftweb.net/ws

 t's easy to dispatch incoming HTTP requests.
 In your Boot class create a PartialFunction
 that matches a pattern related to the incoming request and
 then create a short-lived controller to service the request.

 This code matches all the requests to /webservices/ and
 assigns the stuff in '' to the variable c.  Then
 the code attempts to find a public method with that name on
 the controller.  If the method exists, it's invoked and Lift
 processes the result.

 I assume I will have to write my own  public method and place it
 where??? in the direcory webservices.?

 Maven didn't  include such a directory in my project set-up, so I
 assume this  webservices are on an external server and that I will
 have torefer to and  extend an existing function. Am I correct in
 this? and is there an exemple of how to write such a method.

 I would be really happy to make some progress, and any help is


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[Lift] Re: How to share request scope data among snippets in Lift

2009-10-05 Thread marius d.

On Oct 5, 6:15 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 2:41 AM, ishiijp yoshinori.is...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thank you for your example, David.
  It will work in my purpose.


  It seems that my poor English and less information let some people

 I appreciate that you have put in the work to translate your thoughts to
 English.  I apologize that I only speak English, but would love to speak
 Japanese, German, Russian, and a few other languages.

oh you gotta learn Romanian :)

  I need just a request scope data.
  It means I want to share information between snippets across a
  (Is the expression request scope not good for in this case...?)

 request scope is exactly the right phrase.

  Thank all responsed my post,
  and your suggestions are informative.
  I think very nice community is here.

  On 9月26日, 午後10:33, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
   To share information between snippets during a request, use a RequestVar:
   object MyInfo extends RequestVar(calculate_value)


   object MyInfo extends RequestVar[Box[Invoice]](Empty)

   in one snippet, you may calculate the Invoice and put it in the MyInfo:


   In another snippet, you can extract:

   for {
     invoice - MyInfo.is
     } yield ...

   Note that the calculate_value is a call-by-name parameter, so it will
   invoked each time the RequestVar is uninitialized.  You can place lazy
   calculation logic in here.

   On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 12:14 AM, ishiijp yoshinori.is...@gmail.com


If my lift application have some data that cost to create, and I want
to share it among snippets, how to do in Lift?

if such data are shared inside one snippet, I may use lazy val.
But I have no nice idea to share it among different snippts.

Thanks much.

   Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
   Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
   Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
   Surf the harmonics

 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
 Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
 Surf the harmonics
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[Lift] Re: execute code when browser is closed

2009-10-05 Thread marius d.

HTTP session termination does not equate with browser-close event.


On Oct 5, 3:22 pm, Jack Widman jack.wid...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, thats what I meant. Thanks

 On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:10 AM, Timothy Perrett 

  But you can do it on session termination (which is what you probably


  Checkout the method:


  Cheers, Tim

  On Oct 5, 8:54 am, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:50 AM, jack jack.wid...@gmail.com wrote:

I would like to call a function when the browser is closed. How do I
do this?

   You cannot reliably do this.

   Viktor Klang

   Blog: klangism.blogspot.com
   Twttr: viktorklang

   Lift Committer - liftweb.com
   AKKA Committer - akkasource.org
   Cassidy - github.com/viktorklang/Cassidy.git
   SoftPub founder:http://groups.google.com/group/softpub

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[Lift] Re: Lift with JavaRebel, Jetty: Can I add views and/or modify Boot.scala without restarting Jetty?

2009-10-04 Thread marius d.

Well this is not Lift's fault ... Lift application is initialized only
once as the servlet filter is. Running boot more then once per context
may lead to unexpected behaviors and in LiftRules we have a guard for
RuleSeq that they can not be changed after boot is executed.

You could however dynamically re-set the SiteMap ... something like

LiftRules.siteMap.map(sm = LiftRules.setSiteMap(SiteMap((sm.menus ++

where some_otherMenus is a List[Menu] (I haven't actually compiled the
code but you get the idea)

But this is not quite what you want and I'm not even convinced that we
should allow things like this.


On Oct 4, 6:11 pm, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:
 Thanks Tim and Viktor.. Thats disappointing, I was hoping I wouldn't
 have to restart the jetty server if when I added a new view.

 Maybe there is a creative way around this? E.g. is there a way to get
 a new view/page into lift without modifying Boot.scala?

 - Alex

 On Oct 4, 11:09 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  Agreed - changes that modify lifts enviroment require restarting  
  jetty. It's not ideal perhaps, but it's with good reason.

  Cheers, Tim

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 4 Oct 2009, at 11:24, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

   Boot is just executed at webapp init, hence the observed behavior.
   Changing this is a tricky thing

   On Oct 4, 2009 4:35 AM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:

   I'm just getting started with Lift and Scala, and I'm excited about
   using JavaRebel to avoid waiting to restart Jetty every time I make a

   It seems to be working well: I can see changes made to snippets for
   example right away, I'm running mvn scala:cc: and I see it pick up
   the changes.

   However, if I add a new view say test2.html, then modify the sitemap
   Boot.scala, I can't access test2 until I restart Jetty, even though I
   saw that scala.cc picked up  the change and recompiled Boot.scala.

   Should this be possible? Thanks!

   - Alex
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[Lift] Re: comet

2009-10-04 Thread marius d.

Well render will be called for sure ... but if you build your comet
component to rely only with partial updates when updating coment's
real estate and don't call re-render then render should be called only
when page is loaded, meaning that you can reset any state there. ...
of course unless something escapes me :)


On Oct 4, 6:12 pm, jack jack.wid...@gmail.com wrote:
 How can assure that every time a comet page is loaded, it starts again
 fresh? I.e. as if the page were being loaded for the first time?
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[Lift] Re: Lift with JavaRebel, Jetty: Can I add views and/or modify Boot.scala without restarting Jetty?

2009-10-04 Thread marius d.

I know Alex :) ... It's just when you change a class and it is
immediately exposed by JavaRebel a call flow must imply thechanged
class in order to see the changes in action and for Boot it is not
applicable as it's executed only once. But you already know that ...


On Oct 4, 6:48 pm, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:
 Marius, I'm not trying to lay blame :)

 I'm sure I'll get by, restarting jetty when pages are added.. I was
 hoping for more though given what I'd read about JavaRebel and Lift

 - Alex

 On Oct 4, 11:40 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well this is not Lift's fault ... Lift application is initialized only
  once as the servlet filter is. Running boot more then once per context
  may lead to unexpected behaviors and in LiftRules we have a guard for
  RuleSeq that they can not be changed after boot is executed.

  You could however dynamically re-set the SiteMap ... something like

  LiftRules.siteMap.map(sm = LiftRules.setSiteMap(SiteMap((sm.menus ++

  where some_otherMenus is a List[Menu] (I haven't actually compiled the
  code but you get the idea)

  But this is not quite what you want and I'm not even convinced that we
  should allow things like this.


  On Oct 4, 6:11 pm, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:

   Thanks Tim and Viktor.. Thats disappointing, I was hoping I wouldn't
   have to restart the jetty server if when I added a new view.

   Maybe there is a creative way around this? E.g. is there a way to get
   a new view/page into lift without modifying Boot.scala?

   - Alex

   On Oct 4, 11:09 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

Agreed - changes that modify lifts enviroment require restarting  
jetty. It's not ideal perhaps, but it's with good reason.

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 4 Oct 2009, at 11:24, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

 Boot is just executed at webapp init, hence the observed behavior.
 Changing this is a tricky thing

 On Oct 4, 2009 4:35 AM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:

 I'm just getting started with Lift and Scala, and I'm excited about
 using JavaRebel to avoid waiting to restart Jetty every time I make a

 It seems to be working well: I can see changes made to snippets for
 example right away, I'm running mvn scala:cc: and I see it pick up
 the changes.

 However, if I add a new view say test2.html, then modify the sitemap
 Boot.scala, I can't access test2 until I restart Jetty, even though I
 saw that scala.cc picked up  the change and recompiled Boot.scala.

 Should this be possible? Thanks!

 - Alex
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[Lift] Re: Model Events

2009-10-04 Thread marius d.

Scala has a natural support for events notifications = Scala Actors.
It's a very natural fit for building event driven systems. In Lift
we're moving CometActors to LiftActors instead of Scala Actors due to
some memory consumption problems with current Scala actors
implementation which are probably fixed now in Scala 2.7.7 RC1.

So definitely yes, event driven programming is quite fitful in Lift.


On Oct 4, 8:25 pm, donfranciscodequevedo
donfranciscodequev...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have been looking for Web frameworks that will take advantage of an
 Event Driven programming model.
 Some Frameworks like Python's Zope and Grails manage to subscribe to
 Model Events. E.g. one can subscribe to a notification message,
 whenever a domain model gets changed, added, deleted, etc. (like
 explained here  http://bit.ly/2AkVBy)

 Can the Lift Framework throw such events too? Similar to the way
 Grails and Zope do it?
 Or is there another way in Lift to do the same?

 I must say that I preety much do like the Lift Framework and it's
 fresh approach on important tasks like Comet, Templating, Active
 Record, Web Services, Localization...

 However one of my key requirements would be simple handling of events
 and notifications.

 Thank you

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[Lift] Re: RFC: Restructuring Lift Codebase [Round 2]

2009-10-03 Thread marius d.

Why not lift-core = (lift-common, lift-util, lift-json, lift-
actor,lift-webkit) ?


On Oct 3, 7:33 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 02/10/09 6:25 PM, David Pollak wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri
  indraj...@gmail.com mailto:indraj...@gmail.com wrote:

      On Oct 2, 5:39 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
      mailto:feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
        On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 3:43 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri
        indraj...@gmail.com mailto:indraj...@gmail.comwrote:


         Following up from the previous round, I am summarizing what we
         discussed so far with an attempt to converge and move on to impl.
         Would be keen to have feedback and possibly arrive at some
         on the outstanding items. (Meaty stuff below the module structure)


         - lift-core [H]
          - lift-base [J]
          - lift-util [J]
          - lift-actor
          - lift-json
          - lift-webkit [K]

         - lift-persistence
          - lift-mapper
          - lift-record
          - lift-jpa

         - lift-modules [L]
          - lift-testkit
          - lift-osgi
          - lift-wizard
          - lift-widgets
          - lift-machine
          - lift-textile
          - lift-facebook
          - lift-amqp
          - lift-xmpp
          - lift-openid
          - lift-oauth
          - lift-paypal
          - lift-jta

         - lift-archetypes
          - ...

         - lift-examples [M]
          - ...

         - lift-site

         - lift-resources [N]
          - lift-root-model
          - lift-site-skin
          - lift-installer
          - misc config resources (scaladoc, javadoc etc.)

         Resolved since:

         [A] lift-* prefix is fine/preferred for top level categories
         == artifactId) [Heiko]

         [B] For Lift users not using Maven these *-all.jars will be
         Assembly preferred to meta [Heiko]

         [C] lift-testkit to move to lift-modules. Applications would use it
         under 'test' scope. [David]

         [D] lift-json to be part of core [Marius]

         [E] lift-persistence being separated from lift-core into it's own
         category and made optional [Marius]

         [F] No deep nesting within modules (no submodules) for now [Heiko]

         [G] Presentations and docs to be in central repository for now
         [+1:David/Tim/Derek, +0:Indrajit, -1:Heiko/Viktor].
         Settling for central repo at the moment (a: least change, b: in a
         hurry to converge, c: effect of living in largest democracy in the
         world!).  Later on, I'll attempt to make this part of site
      build and
         make them more conveniently available.

         Outstanding since:

         [H] lift-core has to get a better and more appropriate name
      (and also
         to avoid confusion since lift-core == 'everything lift' at the
            Starting with two that come to my mind.
            - lift-lite (Members of this category make up the lightweight,
         minimalistic Lift distribution that would help you build a Lift
            - lift-genesis (Members of this category make up the genesis of
         your Lift based application)
            - lift-mini (Minimal Lift distribution to get started with Lift)
            - lift-minimal (Same as above)

        How about lift-web (the stuff you need to build a web application)

      Hmm, lift-web vs lift-web/lift-webkit could add to confusion. Too many
      combination of lift+web (liftweb.net http://liftweb.net, lift-web,
      lift-webkit) for


 Now that lift-base is free for grab, I am settling for lift-base for
 lack of any other clear winner.

 So we have lift-base = (lift-common, lift-util, lift-json, lift-actor,

 Feel free to comment in favor or against (vote/veto) if someone has a
 better option popping up.

         [J] lift-base, lift-util needs more unambiguous names.
            - lift-base - lift-common [+1:Naftoli/Derek/Stuart/Marius/Tim/
         Heiko/Viktor, +0:Indrajit -1:DavidB (very strong)] But still
      good to
         have even better option.

        +1 for lift-common, but I'm not wedded to the name.

            - lift-util - lift-util (no change) [+1:Marius/David (status

        I'm going to mandate that this not change.  The cost of changing
      is too high
        and the value to changing is minimal.

            - lift-util - lift-webutil


      Fair do. let's settle for lift-common and lift-util for now.


 Cheers, Indrajit
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[Lift] Re: 1.1-SNAPSHOT and Snippet problems?

2009-10-03 Thread marius d.

What verions of lift are you using? It appears that lift-util is a
different version than lift ?


On Oct 3, 11:11 pm, Thomas Rampelberg pyronic...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just synced up to main this morning and now whenever I try and use
 one of my snippets, I'm getting the traceback below. Any hints on what
 I'm doing wrong? The snippet in question is just the basic
 Util.in/Util.out that the tutorial has you write.

       div class=column span-17 last
           lift:bind name=content /
           h3 class=alt
             You must be logged in to view this content.
             lift:menu.item name=LoginLogin/lift:menu.item

 class Util {
   def in(html: NodeSeq) =
     if (User.loggedIn_?) html else NodeSeq.Empty

   def out(html: NodeSeq) =
     if (!User.loggedIn_?) html else NodeSeq.Empty


 Message: java.lang.AbstractMethodError:

[Lift] Re: RFC: Restructuring Lift Codebase [Round 2]

2009-10-03 Thread marius d.

Ok ... got it. Thanks.

On Oct 3, 10:16 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 04/10/09 12:32 AM, marius d. wrote:

  Why not lift-core = (lift-common, lift-util, lift-json, lift-
  actor,lift-webkit) ?

 1. Initially, it didn't sound right to me (when we had lift-base,
 lift-util etc.).

 2. DavidP commented, that lift-core currently means everything Lift.
 and he thought we'd need another name.

 3. DavidB pointed out an old thread[a] and suggested that:

 lift-core == lift-full, but to be backward compatible with the time
 when there is one jar (lift-core), we keep the name.


 Of these, #1 doesn't hold true anymore, thus nullified.

 Cheers, Indrajit


  On Oct 3, 7:33 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuriindraj...@gmail.com  wrote:
  On 02/10/09 6:25 PM, David Pollak wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri
  indraj...@gmail.commailto:indraj...@gmail.com  wrote:

       On Oct 2, 5:39 pm, David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
       mailto:feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com  wrote:
          On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 3:43 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri


            Following up from the previous round, I am summarizing what we
            discussed so far with an attempt to converge and move on to 
            Would be keen to have feedback and possibly arrive at some
            on the outstanding items. (Meaty stuff below the module 


            - lift-core [H]
              - lift-base [J]
              - lift-util [J]
              - lift-actor
              - lift-json
              - lift-webkit [K]

            - lift-persistence
              - lift-mapper
              - lift-record
              - lift-jpa

            - lift-modules [L]
              - lift-testkit
              - lift-osgi
              - lift-wizard
              - lift-widgets
              - lift-machine
              - lift-textile
              - lift-facebook
              - lift-amqp
              - lift-xmpp
              - lift-openid
              - lift-oauth
              - lift-paypal
              - lift-jta

            - lift-archetypes
              - ...

            - lift-examples [M]
              - ...

            - lift-site

            - lift-resources [N]
              - lift-root-model
              - lift-site-skin
              - lift-installer
              - misc config resources (scaladoc, javadoc etc.)

            Resolved since:

            [A] lift-* prefix is fine/preferred for top level categories
            == artifactId) [Heiko]

            [B] For Lift users not using Maven these *-all.jars will be
            Assembly preferred to meta [Heiko]

            [C] lift-testkit to move to lift-modules. Applications would 
  use it
            under 'test' scope. [David]

            [D] lift-json to be part of core [Marius]

            [E] lift-persistence being separated from lift-core into it's 
            category and made optional [Marius]

            [F] No deep nesting within modules (no submodules) for now 

            [G] Presentations and docs to be in central repository for now
            [+1:David/Tim/Derek, +0:Indrajit, -1:Heiko/Viktor].
            Settling for central repo at the moment (a: least change, b: 
  in a
            hurry to converge, c: effect of living in largest democracy 
  in the
            world!).  Later on, I'll attempt to make this part of site
       build and
            make them more conveniently available.

            Outstanding since:

            [H] lift-core has to get a better and more appropriate name
       (and also
            to avoid confusion since lift-core == 'everything lift' at the
                Starting with two that come to my mind.
                - lift-lite (Members of this category make up the 
            minimalistic Lift distribution that would help you build a 
                - lift-genesis (Members of this category make up the 
  genesis of
            your Lift based application)
                - lift-mini (Minimal Lift distribution to get started 
  with Lift)
                - lift-minimal (Same as above)

          How about lift-web (the stuff you need to build a web 

       Hmm, lift-web vs lift-web/lift-webkit could add to confusion. Too 
       combination of lift+web (liftweb.nethttp://liftweb.net, lift-web,
       lift-webkit) for


  Now that lift-base is free for grab, I am settling for lift-base for
  lack of any other clear winner.

  So we have lift-base = (lift-common, lift-util, lift-json, lift-actor,

  Feel free to comment in favor

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-10-01 Thread marius d.

Well I said what I had to say. My problem is not really the prefix
name but the existence of other prefixes then lift, that are
interpreted by lift. It's just how I see things now and nothing on
this thread provided sufficient arguments to convince me
otherwise ...

not much else for me to do if majority and especially DPP thinks
otherwise. It is what it is I guess.


On Oct 1, 4:18 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think everyone agrees in concept, that an arbitrary prefix sets a bad 
 precendent, which is why it is no longer do:par. But on the other hand, if 
 the part after lift: is either a reserved word or a user word--a snippet 
 name--then the more reserved words, the more you limit snippet names. (Should 
 S.mapSnippet(parallel, ...) throw an exception?)
 So we have these two considerations on either end of the spectrum. Arguably, 
 liftx as a prefix satisfies both--it is sufficiently generic to include 
 almost any special attribute that may be added, it clearly spells out 
 extended lift attribute, and on the other hand it keeps reserved lift 
 attributes separate from the user's snippet namespace.
 Now let's bear in mind that this is all only relevant in the future, when 
 lift: attributes indeed will be interpreted as lift:snippet=... is now. At 
 that point it might make sense for the explicit :snippet format to be moved 
 to the liftx prefix-- liftx:snippet=... --for the same reason, not to 
 encroach on the snippet namespace.


 marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 It has been debated many times in slightly different contexts. To me
 it is more about clarity. We add a new prefix now, tomorrow add
 another one and so on. People would have to remember what goes where
 and  mix things up. To me lift prefix is enough and quite clear. It is
 more than just s snippet thingy. It tells the user hey this thing is
 telling the framework something and the framework is doing something
 with it. It is separating framework xml markup from the actual xhtml
 markup. Having a single reserved prefix promotes clarity and keeps
 things simple and rather intuitive.

 I'm not in favor of using unprefixed attributes like
 par=something (btw I really don't like par naming :) ...) because
 unprefixed attributes should be only standard xhtml ones or the ones
 that user explicitly specifies it. So lift:parallel=true or
 lift:async=true should be just fine.


 On Sep 30, 8:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

  Could you elaborate on why adding a new prefix may not be a good idea? And 
  is it better or worse than having it unprefixed?


  marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 30, 8:23 am, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com

   I thought there were issues here because anything starting lift: gets
   executed as a snippet.

  Correct BUT lift:par or lift:parallel attributes are also applicable
  to snippets context. They determine the snippet's execution semantics.
  So I'm still questioning the need for a new prefix.

   I'm still for an eval: prefix, as these proposals all relate to how a
   page is evaluated.

   On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:34 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com 

lift is already a reserved prefix for snippets. So I'd stay with
simply lift prefix for these attributes as well.


On Sep 29, 11:11 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
So what is your proposal? Am I interpreting you correctly that you are 
for a prefix of 'lift'? And it will be a reserved suffix?


marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

I realize that I may be a little late here but I do have second
thoughts about liftx prefix. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. I
understand that these attributes are not really snippets or built is
snippets but is this an enough reason to introduce a new prefix?
Personally I don't think so. Historically lift reserved prefix names
were heavily debated and argued and this is a little sensitive area.

But the good news is that I may be the only one feeling this way about
this and everyone else likes it so I'm just a negligible minority.


On Sep 25, 12:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

  If you like the idea of having them all as attributes but don't 
  like the
  idea of using a single attribute ('xx:eager_eval=true 
  rather than 'xx:eval=eager parallel' as I suggested, where xx is 
  prefix to be chosen) then maybe the prefix should be 'eval'.

 I've changed the code to:
 liftx:par=true | liftx:parallel=true

 The reasons for not combining them

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-10-01 Thread marius d.


Thank you very much for your kind words. Personally I don't see any
reason why the lift prefix can not also have the semantic for
enriching the context you described  this thing will be changed based
on evaluating some code.. These are after all attributes and
attributes to me are about about meta-data on how lift will change

I will do what you suggested hopefully by next Monday ... and this
time using the proper process ;)


On Oct 1, 7:03 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a ton of respect for your opinion and I appreciate your analysis.

 I have been following this thread and thinking, what does the lift: prefix
 mean?  In my mind, it means this thing will be changed based on evaluating
 some code.  So, using the lift: prefix for something that also means this
 modifies the meaning of this snippet invocation presents
 something discordant to me.

 With that being said, I'm going to hand the decision to you.  I trust your
 decisions and have concerns about my own instincts when it comes to naming.

 Please update the code to reflect what you think it should be and merge it
 into master.



 On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 5:58 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well I said what I had to say. My problem is not really the prefix
  name but the existence of other prefixes then lift, that are
  interpreted by lift. It's just how I see things now and nothing on
  this thread provided sufficient arguments to convince me
  otherwise ...

  not much else for me to do if majority and especially DPP thinks
  otherwise. It is what it is I guess.


  On Oct 1, 4:18 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
   I think everyone agrees in concept, that an arbitrary prefix sets a bad
  precendent, which is why it is no longer do:par. But on the other hand, if
  the part after lift: is either a reserved word or a user word--a snippet
  name--then the more reserved words, the more you limit snippet names.
  (Should S.mapSnippet(parallel, ...) throw an exception?)
   So we have these two considerations on either end of the spectrum.
  Arguably, liftx as a prefix satisfies both--it is sufficiently generic to
  include almost any special attribute that may be added, it clearly spells
  out extended lift attribute, and on the other hand it keeps reserved lift
  attributes separate from the user's snippet namespace.
   Now let's bear in mind that this is all only relevant in the future, when
  lift: attributes indeed will be interpreted as lift:snippet=... is now. At
  that point it might make sense for the explicit :snippet format to be moved
  to the liftx prefix-- liftx:snippet=... --for the same reason, not to
  encroach on the snippet namespace.


   marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   It has been debated many times in slightly different contexts. To me
   it is more about clarity. We add a new prefix now, tomorrow add
   another one and so on. People would have to remember what goes where
   and  mix things up. To me lift prefix is enough and quite clear. It is
   more than just s snippet thingy. It tells the user hey this thing is
   telling the framework something and the framework is doing something
   with it. It is separating framework xml markup from the actual xhtml
   markup. Having a single reserved prefix promotes clarity and keeps
   things simple and rather intuitive.

   I'm not in favor of using unprefixed attributes like
   par=something (btw I really don't like par naming :) ...) because
   unprefixed attributes should be only standard xhtml ones or the ones
   that user explicitly specifies it. So lift:parallel=true or
   lift:async=true should be just fine.


   On Sep 30, 8:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

Could you elaborate on why adding a new prefix may not be a good idea?
  And is it better or worse than having it unprefixed?


marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

On Sep 30, 8:23 am, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com

 I thought there were issues here because anything starting lift: gets
 executed as a snippet.

Correct BUT lift:par or lift:parallel attributes are also applicable
to snippets context. They determine the snippet's execution semantics.
So I'm still questioning the need for a new prefix.

 I'm still for an eval: prefix, as these proposals all relate to how a
 page is evaluated.

 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:34 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com

  lift is already a reserved prefix for snippets. So I'd stay with
  simply lift prefix for these attributes as well.


  On Sep 29, 11:11 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com
  So what is your proposal? Am I interpreting you correctly that you
  are for a prefix of 'lift

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-09-30 Thread marius d.

On Sep 30, 8:23 am, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com
 I thought there were issues here because anything starting lift: gets
 executed as a snippet.

Correct BUT lift:par or lift:parallel attributes are also applicable
to snippets context. They determine the snippet's execution semantics.
So I'm still questioning the need for a new prefix.

 I'm still for an eval: prefix, as these proposals all relate to how a
 page is evaluated.

 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:34 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  lift is already a reserved prefix for snippets. So I'd stay with
  simply lift prefix for these attributes as well.


  On Sep 29, 11:11 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
  So what is your proposal? Am I interpreting you correctly that you are for 
  a prefix of 'lift'? And it will be a reserved suffix?


  marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I realize that I may be a little late here but I do have second
  thoughts about liftx prefix. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. I
  understand that these attributes are not really snippets or built is
  snippets but is this an enough reason to introduce a new prefix?
  Personally I don't think so. Historically lift reserved prefix names
  were heavily debated and argued and this is a little sensitive area.

  But the good news is that I may be the only one feeling this way about
  this and everyone else likes it so I'm just a negligible minority.


  On Sep 25, 12:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

   On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

If you like the idea of having them all as attributes but don't like 
idea of using a single attribute ('xx:eager_eval=true 
rather than 'xx:eval=eager parallel' as I suggested, where xx is the
prefix to be chosen) then maybe the prefix should be 'eval'.

   I've changed the code to:
   liftx:par=true | liftx:parallel=true

   The reasons for not combining them:

      - They are evaluated in different parts of the code, thus 
      doesn't make sense from a code path perspective
      - I am reserving the value of liftx:par for future implementation to
      allow farming the snippet evaluation to another mechanism.  Right 
   now, it's
      hard-coded to use LiftActors.  I can see a time when it would work 
   with Akka
      actors or some other parallelization mechanism

As far as ajax evaluation I'm not sure I'm understanding. Could you 
me what you're thinking?
If I have a snippet
lift:MySnippet /
what would be the syntax to have it inserted via ajax?

   lift:Ajax !-- the snippet name will not be ajax, but you get the idea 

Ross Mellgrendri...@gmail.com wrote:

My 2 cents,

I'm not sure I'm a fan of do: namespace, though I agree it would be
nice to have a common one. Maybe snippet:parallel, snippet:eager_eval?


On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:46 PM, David Pollak wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 What do you mean by as a normal snippet?

 The parallel snippet processing is implemented deep inside
 LiftSession.  It's not a snippet.  All the lift:xxx/ tags, even
 those with defaults built into Lift, are implemented as snippets and
 are invoked with normal snippet invocation mechanisms.

 That you will nest your snippet inside a special snippet?

 There is no special snippet.  I used the word normal to highlight
 that it's functionality that doesn't require a change to LiftSession
 or other parts of Lift to function correctly.

 To me it seems worthwhile to have a consistency between the two
 syntax-wise, since they have some common denominator semantics-wise.
 Actually, maybe throw in eager_eval to the mix. Maybe we could have
 one eval or lift:eval or liftx:eval or whatever attribute, which can
 contain a space separated list of specifiers--eager, ajax, parellel.

 Anything that's prefixed with lift: is a snippet.  I'm open to
 unifying eager_eval and do:lazy (or do:par or do:parallel) into a
 unified namespace.

 David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

  A snippet attribute can be invoked with something other than
  lift:snippet=Class.method? There's a short syntax? What is it?

 There may be a short syntax (e.g., lift:Class.method) in the future.

  What was used for the feature that inserts a snippet
 asynchronously via

 That feature isn't done yet, but that feature is likely to be done

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-09-30 Thread marius d.

It has been debated many times in slightly different contexts. To me
it is more about clarity. We add a new prefix now, tomorrow add
another one and so on. People would have to remember what goes where
and  mix things up. To me lift prefix is enough and quite clear. It is
more than just s snippet thingy. It tells the user hey this thing is
telling the framework something and the framework is doing something
with it. It is separating framework xml markup from the actual xhtml
markup. Having a single reserved prefix promotes clarity and keeps
things simple and rather intuitive.

I'm not in favor of using unprefixed attributes like
par=something (btw I really don't like par naming :) ...) because
unprefixed attributes should be only standard xhtml ones or the ones
that user explicitly specifies it. So lift:parallel=true or
lift:async=true should be just fine.


On Sep 30, 8:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could you elaborate on why adding a new prefix may not be a good idea? And is 
 it better or worse than having it unprefixed?


 marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sep 30, 8:23 am, Kevin Wright kev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com

  I thought there were issues here because anything starting lift: gets
  executed as a snippet.

 Correct BUT lift:par or lift:parallel attributes are also applicable
 to snippets context. They determine the snippet's execution semantics.
 So I'm still questioning the need for a new prefix.

  I'm still for an eval: prefix, as these proposals all relate to how a
  page is evaluated.

  On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 5:34 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   lift is already a reserved prefix for snippets. So I'd stay with
   simply lift prefix for these attributes as well.


   On Sep 29, 11:11 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
   So what is your proposal? Am I interpreting you correctly that you are 
   for a prefix of 'lift'? And it will be a reserved suffix?


   marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   I realize that I may be a little late here but I do have second
   thoughts about liftx prefix. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. I
   understand that these attributes are not really snippets or built is
   snippets but is this an enough reason to introduce a new prefix?
   Personally I don't think so. Historically lift reserved prefix names
   were heavily debated and argued and this is a little sensitive area.

   But the good news is that I may be the only one feeling this way about
   this and everyone else likes it so I'm just a negligible minority.


   On Sep 25, 12:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 If you like the idea of having them all as attributes but don't like 
 idea of using a single attribute ('xx:eager_eval=true 
 rather than 'xx:eval=eager parallel' as I suggested, where xx is 
 prefix to be chosen) then maybe the prefix should be 'eval'.

I've changed the code to:
liftx:par=true | liftx:parallel=true

The reasons for not combining them:

   - They are evaluated in different parts of the code, thus 
   doesn't make sense from a code path perspective
   - I am reserving the value of liftx:par for future implementation to
   allow farming the snippet evaluation to another mechanism.  Right 
now, it's
   hard-coded to use LiftActors.  I can see a time when it would work 
with Akka
   actors or some other parallelization mechanism

 As far as ajax evaluation I'm not sure I'm understanding. Could 
 you show
 me what you're thinking?
 If I have a snippet
 lift:MySnippet /
 what would be the syntax to have it inserted via ajax?

lift:Ajax !-- the snippet name will not be ajax, but you get the 
idea --

 Ross Mellgrendri...@gmail.com wrote:

 My 2 cents,

 I'm not sure I'm a fan of do: namespace, though I agree it would be
 nice to have a common one. Maybe snippet:parallel, 


 On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:46 PM, David Pollak wrote:

  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

  What do you mean by as a normal snippet?

  The parallel snippet processing is implemented deep inside
  LiftSession.  It's not a snippet.  All the lift:xxx/ tags, even
  those with defaults built into Lift, are implemented as snippets 
  are invoked with normal snippet invocation mechanisms.

  That you will nest your snippet inside a special snippet?

  There is no special snippet.  I used

[Lift] Re: VCard parser...

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

Hly cow !  I owe the committers more than a
beer. I totally forgot about review board.

All, please accept my apologies.


On Sep 29, 8:27 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 I guess we could let him off this time ;-)

 Any plans to add a vCard builder? I could really use that as it happens!



 Sent from my iPhone

 On 29 Sep 2009, at 14:10, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com  

  Marius added it.  He owes the committers a beer for not going  
  through review board.

  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu


  Who added the VCard parser, who ever made the commit needs to set
  there git username :-)

  VCard parsing is very, very cool - are there any plans for a builder
  for VCard?

  Cheers, Tim

  Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
  Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
  Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
  Surf the harmonics
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: VCard parser...

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

Oh Tim ... a VCard builder should be easier then the parser. I'll add
it hopefully in the next days/week ... and will go thru the review

Damn I'm really sorry about not following the process ...


On Sep 29, 8:50 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hly cow !  I owe the committers more than a
 beer. I totally forgot about review board.

 All, please accept my apologies.


 On Sep 29, 8:27 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  I guess we could let him off this time ;-)

  Any plans to add a vCard builder? I could really use that as it happens!



  Sent from my iPhone

  On 29 Sep 2009, at 14:10, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com  

   Marius added it.  He owes the committers a beer for not going  
   through review board.

   On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu


   Who added the VCard parser, who ever made the commit needs to set
   there git username :-)

   VCard parsing is very, very cool - are there any plans for a builder
   for VCard?

   Cheers, Tim

   Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
   Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
   Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
   Surf the harmonics
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: VCard parser...

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

I've looked on the diffs but I need to look into more details as these
are no trivial changes. So far I really like what I'm seeing.
Hopefully I'll have time today to do it.


On Sep 29, 1:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:50 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hly cow !  I owe the committers more than a
  beer. I totally forgot about review board.

  All, please accept my apologies.

 No worries, we're getting used to the new system.  But, feel encouraged to


  On Sep 29, 8:27 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
   I guess we could let him off this time ;-)

   Any plans to add a vCard builder? I could really use that as it happens!



   Sent from my iPhone

   On 29 Sep 2009, at 14:10, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

Marius added it.  He owes the committers a beer for not going
through review board.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Timothy Perrett


Who added the VCard parser, who ever made the commit needs to set
there git username :-)

VCard parsing is very, very cool - are there any plans for a builder
for VCard?

Cheers, Tim

Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
Surf the harmonics

 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
 Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
 Surf the harmonics
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: VCard parser...

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

Oh wow :)


On Sep 29, 2:18 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 Oh, it's no problem, dude! I've been meaning to pick up a bottle of this
 Jacobsen Vintage #2 beer for a while now, but it's only available in
 Europe. Maybe you could ship me one?



 marius d. wrote:
  Hly cow !  I owe the committers more than a
  beer. I totally forgot about review board.

  All, please accept my apologies.


  On Sep 29, 8:27 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  I guess we could let him off this time ;-)

  Any plans to add a vCard builder? I could really use that as it happens!



  Sent from my iPhone

  On 29 Sep 2009, at 14:10, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com  

  Marius added it.  He owes the committers a beer for not going  
  through review board.
  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu
  Who added the VCard parser, who ever made the commit needs to set
  there git username :-)
  VCard parsing is very, very cool - are there any plans for a builder
  for VCard?
  Cheers, Tim
  Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
  Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
  Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
  Surf the harmonics
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Removing Scala Actors from Lift

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

I'd vote for:

lift-common instead of lift-base. lift-base can be easily
misinterpreted as lift's base traits and classes? ... which is not the
case. This can hold, Box, comb parsers (JSON, VCard etc), liftactors

lift-util - things that are in the current util but lean towards web


On Sep 29, 2:17 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 +1 sounds like sense to me :-)

 Cheers, Tim

 Sent from my iPhone

 On 29 Sep 2009, at 19:20, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com  

  If I was new to Lift and saw a lift-util module and a lift-base  
  module and had to guess which did not depend on anything web  
  related, I would probably pick lift-util without hesitation. After  
  all, lift is the name of a web framework, and lift-base implies  
  that it's basic but central classes etc. lift-util sounds like  
  utilities that are useful to lift, even necessary, but not central  
  to what lift is. Many libraries have a util that has code with  
  broad applicability but that needed to be packaged with the library  
  because it relies on it and it wan't worth it to get the  
  functionality elsewhere.
  So if it's an option I would move the web-related functionality to  
  lift-base and leave Box and Actor etc. in lift-util.

  David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Heiko Seeberger 
  heiko.seeber...@googlemail.com wrote:

  What's the reason to have a new module (lift-base)? Why not put  
  Actor to
  lift-util and keep Box where it is?

  Because there are a lot of web-related things in lift-utils.  I am  
  going to
  for a separate package that is far more generic.

  In your branch def !?(timeout: Long, param: T) will return an Option.
  Shouldn't this be a Box?


  2009/9/29 David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com


  Given the continued instability of Scala Actors, I've decided to  
  them from Lift.

  Specifically, I'm migrating CometActors to sit on top of Lift's  
  But, you'll also be able to use Akka Actors to power Lift's  
  Specifically, I'm working with Jonas to make sure that we share a  
  interface to Actors.

  I've gotten Lift nearly completely migrated over to Lift's Actors  
  on the
  dpp_wip_actorize branch.  See

  There will be some breaking changes to your applications.  

    - Box will be moved to a new package, net.liftweb.base (this is  
    the interface for Actors will live as well)
    - If you make any assumptions about your CometActors being Scala
    Actors (e.g., using linking), you will have to rewrite this code
    - Some methods in Lift that currently take Scala Actors as  
    will take Lift Actors (e.g., ActorPing)

  There will be a parallel Maven repository with the new Lift Actor  
  stuff in
  it so you will be able to build you apps against the new code  
  before the
  official switch-over.

  Milestone 6 (which should be out next week) will be based on the  
  Actor model.  After we get feedback from the community about the  
  new Actor
  stuff, we will switch -SNAPSHOT over to the new Actor stuff.

  Questions, thoughts, or comments?



  Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
  Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
  Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
  Surf the harmonics

  Heiko Seeberger

  My job: weiglewilczek.com
  My blog: heikoseeberger.name
  Follow me: twitter.com/hseeberger
  OSGi on Scala: scalamodules.org
  Lift, the simply functional web framework: liftweb.net

  Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
  Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
  Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
  Surf the harmonics
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to liftweb@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

I realize that I may be a little late here but I do have second
thoughts about liftx prefix. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. I
understand that these attributes are not really snippets or built is
snippets but is this an enough reason to introduce a new prefix?
Personally I don't think so. Historically lift reserved prefix names
were heavily debated and argued and this is a little sensitive area.

But the good news is that I may be the only one feeling this way about
this and everyone else likes it so I'm just a negligible minority.


On Sep 25, 12:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

  If you like the idea of having them all as attributes but don't like the
  idea of using a single attribute ('xx:eager_eval=true xx:parallel=true'
  rather than 'xx:eval=eager parallel' as I suggested, where xx is the
  prefix to be chosen) then maybe the prefix should be 'eval'.

 I've changed the code to:
 liftx:par=true | liftx:parallel=true

 The reasons for not combining them:

    - They are evaluated in different parts of the code, thus eager/parallel
    doesn't make sense from a code path perspective
    - I am reserving the value of liftx:par for future implementation to
    allow farming the snippet evaluation to another mechanism.  Right now, it's
    hard-coded to use LiftActors.  I can see a time when it would work with 
    actors or some other parallelization mechanism

  As far as ajax evaluation I'm not sure I'm understanding. Could you show
  me what you're thinking?
  If I have a snippet
  lift:MySnippet /
  what would be the syntax to have it inserted via ajax?

 lift:Ajax !-- the snippet name will not be ajax, but you get the idea --

  Ross Mellgrendri...@gmail.com wrote:

  My 2 cents,

  I'm not sure I'm a fan of do: namespace, though I agree it would be
  nice to have a common one. Maybe snippet:parallel, snippet:eager_eval?


  On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:46 PM, David Pollak wrote:

   On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

   What do you mean by as a normal snippet?

   The parallel snippet processing is implemented deep inside
   LiftSession.  It's not a snippet.  All the lift:xxx/ tags, even
   those with defaults built into Lift, are implemented as snippets and
   are invoked with normal snippet invocation mechanisms.

   That you will nest your snippet inside a special snippet?

   There is no special snippet.  I used the word normal to highlight
   that it's functionality that doesn't require a change to LiftSession
   or other parts of Lift to function correctly.

   To me it seems worthwhile to have a consistency between the two
   syntax-wise, since they have some common denominator semantics-wise.
   Actually, maybe throw in eager_eval to the mix. Maybe we could have
   one eval or lift:eval or liftx:eval or whatever attribute, which can
   contain a space separated list of specifiers--eager, ajax, parellel.

   Anything that's prefixed with lift: is a snippet.  I'm open to
   unifying eager_eval and do:lazy (or do:par or do:parallel) into a
   unified namespace.

   David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

A snippet attribute can be invoked with something other than
lift:snippet=Class.method? There's a short syntax? What is it?

   There may be a short syntax (e.g., lift:Class.method) in the future.

What was used for the feature that inserts a snippet
   asynchronously via

   That feature isn't done yet, but that feature is likely to be done
   as a
   normal snippet.

My concern is that as more features are thought up and added they
all end up with different prefixes.
Also, if the prefix is nothing special I would go with the more
parallel because otherwise it's not obvious what it does. If
   it's prefixed
with lift: at least you know it's a lift tag and you can look it
somewhere or ask on the list etc. But if you come back to some old
that says do:par you may be left clueless.

David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 Could that be changed to lift:concurrent or lift:par etc. (see
   email on
 scala-user from Marting Odersky mentioned the future use of
   'seq' and
 in concurrent collections)?
 Why use a different prefix than everything else built in to
   lift? And
 'lazy' is arguably not what's happening.

We're using a different prefix because if we use a lift:xxx
   prefix, the
snippet execution 

[Lift] Re: Concurrent Web Service Requests?

2009-09-29 Thread marius d.

lift is already a reserved prefix for snippets. So I'd stay with
simply lift prefix for these attributes as well.


On Sep 29, 11:11 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 So what is your proposal? Am I interpreting you correctly that you are for a 
 prefix of 'lift'? And it will be a reserved suffix?


 marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I realize that I may be a little late here but I do have second
 thoughts about liftx prefix. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of it. I
 understand that these attributes are not really snippets or built is
 snippets but is this an enough reason to introduce a new prefix?
 Personally I don't think so. Historically lift reserved prefix names
 were heavily debated and argued and this is a little sensitive area.

 But the good news is that I may be the only one feeling this way about
 this and everyone else likes it so I'm just a negligible minority.


 On Sep 25, 12:02 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

  On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

   If you like the idea of having them all as attributes but don't like the
   idea of using a single attribute ('xx:eager_eval=true 
   rather than 'xx:eval=eager parallel' as I suggested, where xx is the
   prefix to be chosen) then maybe the prefix should be 'eval'.

  I've changed the code to:
  liftx:par=true | liftx:parallel=true

  The reasons for not combining them:

     - They are evaluated in different parts of the code, thus eager/parallel
     doesn't make sense from a code path perspective
     - I am reserving the value of liftx:par for future implementation to
     allow farming the snippet evaluation to another mechanism.  Right now, 
     hard-coded to use LiftActors.  I can see a time when it would work with 
     actors or some other parallelization mechanism

   As far as ajax evaluation I'm not sure I'm understanding. Could you show
   me what you're thinking?
   If I have a snippet
   lift:MySnippet /
   what would be the syntax to have it inserted via ajax?

  lift:Ajax !-- the snippet name will not be ajax, but you get the idea --

   Ross Mellgrendri...@gmail.com wrote:

   My 2 cents,

   I'm not sure I'm a fan of do: namespace, though I agree it would be
   nice to have a common one. Maybe snippet:parallel, snippet:eager_eval?


   On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:46 PM, David Pollak wrote:

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

What do you mean by as a normal snippet?

The parallel snippet processing is implemented deep inside
LiftSession.  It's not a snippet.  All the lift:xxx/ tags, even
those with defaults built into Lift, are implemented as snippets and
are invoked with normal snippet invocation mechanisms.

That you will nest your snippet inside a special snippet?

There is no special snippet.  I used the word normal to highlight
that it's functionality that doesn't require a change to LiftSession
or other parts of Lift to function correctly.

To me it seems worthwhile to have a consistency between the two
syntax-wise, since they have some common denominator semantics-wise.
Actually, maybe throw in eager_eval to the mix. Maybe we could have
one eval or lift:eval or liftx:eval or whatever attribute, which can
contain a space separated list of specifiers--eager, ajax, parellel.

Anything that's prefixed with lift: is a snippet.  I'm open to
unifying eager_eval and do:lazy (or do:par or do:parallel) into a
unified namespace.

David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Naftoli Gugenheim 

 A snippet attribute can be invoked with something other than
 lift:snippet=Class.method? There's a short syntax? What is it?

There may be a short syntax (e.g., lift:Class.method) in the future.

 What was used for the feature that inserts a snippet
asynchronously via

That feature isn't done yet, but that feature is likely to be done
as a
normal snippet.

 My concern is that as more features are thought up and added they
 all end up with different prefixes.
 Also, if the prefix is nothing special I would go with the more
 parallel because otherwise it's not obvious what it does. If
it's prefixed
 with lift: at least you know it's a lift tag and you can look it
 somewhere or ask on the list etc. But if you come back to some old
 that says do:par you may be left clueless.

 David Pollakfeeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 

[Lift] Re: Tabbed browsing and session state

2009-09-28 Thread marius d.

On Sep 27, 10:31 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you mean multiple browser tabs? They won't interfere, because which 
 stateful snippet is used in a given request depends on which is registered in 
 that request which depends on which function is called which depends on which 
 function id is in the request query parameters which depends on the link that 
 was clicked which is generated by the stateful snippet :)
 But if one page must link to several pages each with a pre-instantiated 
 snippet you must use mapSnippet.
 Marius, did David work on lift-wizard since the last time he said he doesn't 
 know when he will find time? Also, how would he approach his goal using 

Dunno. I pointed to lift-wizard mostly for looking to the code and see
if the concept fits tiro's needs.


 marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


 Please see the lift-wizard project.


 On Sep 27, 1:33 am, tiro tim.romb...@googlemail.com wrote:

  thanks for providing these insights into the inner workings of
  Stateful Snippets. The mapSnippet solution sounds interesting. I knew
  that snippets don't live on when not needed, but assumed that IF one
  is alive in the current session, you would always get that one
  instance. Hence at most one instance would be alive per snippet class
  and per session. What you seem to indicate is that the lifecycle is
  held together by redirects and such (and therefore page ids) rather
  than two requests being in the same session. I will experiment how
  that works with tabs. I guess one has to still be very careful since
  the user may go from the view initiating a snippet and open several
  tabs from there, whereafter you could still get unwanted interference
  between the tabs if you don't pay attention.

  Marius, thanks for your pointsWizard code

  exciting.. since the wizardiness probably won't jump into my eye, if
  you happen to stumble on it in the next few days, could you perhaps
  post a classname here?

  That data needs to be preserved into a RequestVar,

  That is precisely what I meant by passing state on from a response to
  the next request :-) RequestVars are benign.

  AJAX Tabs

  Had briefly thought of that. Makes good sense with some types of apps.
  In this particular app I've already made other compromises to preserve
  standard behavior and let the user bookmark the current URL etc.

 Bookmarking URL's would make you loose state unless you preserve that
 state in the URL itself. But you're fully aware of this.

  Actually things would already be much simpler if browsers allowed you
  to address tabs by Javascript (close current tab, jump to search
  results tab). One could then keep the results list open in a user-
  friendly way. But apparently browsers have been getting quite
  restrictive on that, for obvious reasons.
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[Lift] Re: RFC: Restructuring Lift Codebase

2009-09-27 Thread marius d.

Generally I like this structure.Please see my other comments below:

On Sep 27, 3:44 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:

 As followup to the proposed goal of Keeping lift-core neat and
 small, here is the first iteration of the revised structure of Lift


 - lift-core [10]
   - lift-base [02]
   - lift-actor
   - lift-util
   - lift-json [03]
   - lift-webkit [04]
   - lift-testkit [05]

 - lift-persistence [06]
   - lift-mapper
   - lift-record
   - lift-jpa

 - lift-modules [07]
   - lift-osgi
   - lift-wizard [08]
   - lift-widgets [09]
   - lift-machine
   - lift-textile
   - lift-facebook
   - lift-amqp
   - lift-xmpp
   - lift-openid
   - lift-oauth
   - lift-paypal
   - lift-jta

 - lift-archetypes
   - ...

 - lift-examples
   - ...

 - lift-site [10]

 - lift-resources [lift-varia, lift-infra ?] [11]
   - lift-root-model [12]
   - lift-site-skin
   - lift-installer
   - misc config resources (scaladoc, javadoc etc.)

 General notes (including some obvious ones):

 [A] lift-* prefix looks superfluous, but it's best to have one for all
 artifacts that generate jar (packagingjar/packaging). Also Maven
 reactor feels happier when artifactId == directory_name (site
 generation, scm extrapolation etc., situation might have improved

 [B] The top level project categories (lift-core, lift-persistence,
 lift-modules etc.) are simple multi-module models at the moment and
 not meant to create anything other than pom. Therefore, lift-* prefix
 can go away. But they'll have to come back if we plan to generate 'one
 jar' in assembly mode per category (lift-core-all.jar, lift-
 persistence-all.jar etc.). This could be useful for 'get me
 everything, I don't care about size' people. But is it necessary? The
 alternative is to have empty 'meta modules' that pull up the necessary
 dependencies and can be included by the users in their project (quite
 similar to what lift-core does now).

 [C] The members in a project category (lift-mapper, lift-record etc.)
 would inherit the category model (lift-persistence in case of lift-
 mapper, lift-record). Related modules clubbed together helps similar
 configuration pulled up to the parent pom (improves DRY-ness). Added
 benefit: modules can be developed even outside Lift codebase with the
 given parent pom (available in global repo) and the developer won't
 have to worry about most of the infra related boilerplate
 configurations (couple of config still would need change though).

 [D] Presentations and other materials aren't really source code for
 inclusion in source repository. Can this go in wiki? (immediate
 problem: github doesn't take attachment). Has this been discussed
 earlier? They can go as a separate github project too.

 [E] The categorization is mostly based on my interpretation as a late
 entrant. If there is a different structure that fits the philosophy
 better (quite likely), this would get regrouped. (Tim ?)

 [F] The modules in a category can be further sub-grouped, but with
 caution. Basically, need the right mix between 'flat'-ness and deep
 nesting. Thoughts on this?

 [G] Each category can eventually be split up into separate projects
 and have their own release schedules (less frequent for core, more
 frequent for modules etc.). This might be little overkill at the
 moment. Just mentioned to enable us mind the long term perspective :)

 [H] Other points on the draft hierarchy (see the # in brackets above):

 [01] With these members, if lift-core doesn't sound as the right name,
 we need the right name. Provided the grouping is right that is.

 [02] Base interfaces for Lift (currently present in dpp_wip_actorized)

I'm not sure about base interfaces for lift ...

 [03] Doesn't really have to be part of Lift core in current form, but
 this is eventually meant to be part of Lift's JS infrastructure (thus
 kept here at the moment)

JSON should not only be part of JS stack as it is used in many
contexts for REST API's. So I'd keep it in the core,

 [04] Candidate for decomposition. But kept intact at the moment. Would
 be taken up in next pass once the top level reaches steady state. This
 could either become a category of its own or a module with submodules.

Why splitting it up? .. .the webkit if the very core of lift.

 [05] Little unsure about it's intent and purpose, I could be
 completely mis-interpreting this. Thoughts from somebody with more
 understanding please :)

 [06] Doesn't have to be part of lift-core. Lift applications not using
 persistence doesn't have to need this.

I definitely agree.

 [07] Extra stuff, necessary iff one needs. Right now, I am putting
 'everything else' here for lack of better place, but I see a scaling
 up issue there. This can turn out to be a place for all the 'nowhere
 else to go' modules. But we can take it up in next pass. Suggestions?

 [08][09] See #04 above. Can be subpackage of lift-webkit eventually

I would definitely keep them separated 

[Lift] Re: Tabbed browsing and session state

2009-09-26 Thread marius d.

On Sep 26, 10:38 am, tiro tim.romb...@googlemail.com wrote:
 has anyone investigated or built a way to support tabbed browsing when
 there is considerable view/workflow state? Or have I missed an elegant
 way for this to be done in Lift?

There is a rather recent wizard code in lift that Dave added (and I
haven't looked on it yet :) ... ) that could potentially apply here?

 If I am not mistaken, Lift currently supports
  1. Sending continuations (things that will need to be done) from one
 Request to the next in the form of FuncHolders that are attached to an
 ID that is unique for a sent page. This works perfectly in a tabbed
 environment, and you can send state this way, but the state doesn't
 live on in the response sent by the snippet that has received it.

No your function that is called upon a request, receives the data.
That data needs to be preserved into a RequestVar, SessionVar or into
a StatefulSnippet so that when rendering phase starts that value is
visible by the snippet itself.

Function ID-s are generated for each page rendering. This is important
for security reasons.

  2. Session variables that are global to the session, as well as
  3. Stateful snippets that are instantiated at most once in each

Not necessarily. You can preserve a StatefulSnippet's reference if
you're using the functions exposed by it such as link or redirectTo.
Also using a StatefulSnippet as a form preserves its reference.
Otherwise the StatefulSnippet reference is not kept in LiftSession.

 When assuming that your user knows how to browse tabbed, I can
 currently not imagine what 2. and 3. could be practically useful for.
 Very often though, it seems, people use these mechanisms and then
 later realize the mess they are in.

 E.g. (quite 

 A simple example from an application I'm developing, and I'll bet more
 than half of all Web apps, is this: I have one page where users can
 search for a bunch of documents in a database (search form and result
 list are on the same page - let's not make it too complicated).
 Clicking on a result will navigate to the detail view of a document. I
 am sure sooner or later the customer will want a link on the detail
 view to go back to the search he came from.

 If I put the last search parameters used into Session Vars, this will
 not work if the customer uses several such result lists in parallel
 (not unrealistic in this case). He will always end up going back to
 the last search used, not the one that was used to open the detail
 view. Very bad behavior for example when the user has edited an item,
 and it then vanishes from his view.

 What would work is: put the search parameters into hidden fields and/
 or URL parameters of the detail view. But you break your fingers doing
 that and it gets really messy when the detail view can be opened from
 several different context, and the conversation that takes you back to
 the original context has several steps. There is also a limit to what
 you can put into a URL, I believe. You use a framework because it
 saves you these kinds of headaches.

 It seems to me, Lift already has 80% of what it takes for a great
 solution. It is the mechanism mentioned under 1. Any tab that is still
 open calls home regularly to say I'm still here, don't forget me.

Depends how you are building your tabs. If your tab is a totally
different page than the state should be preserved on the server and
the dedicated place is a SessionVar. But you could build your tabs as
being part of the same page, hence changing the tabs becomes a matter
of making divs visible/hidden and this implies not server hits. Just
JavaScript. This will allow you to navigate from one tab to another
pretty fast = a better user experience.

 This is good because otherwise we would have to consider any page ever
 sent to the client to still be open and come back to haunt us,
 demanding us to behave as if nothing had happened since. The existing
 mechanism would only need to allow the state to be passed on, with a
 delta, to the next response-request episode.
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[Lift] Re: Canceling a ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate task

2009-09-25 Thread marius d.

So why not keep the method for the Lift-Actors branch? ... because
there is no concept of linking actors there?


On Sep 24, 6:52 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 I strongly recommend against using scheduleAtFixedRate because:

    - Internally, it creates an actor that's linked to your actor and that
    leads one of the Scala Actor memory problems
    - The turning off issue that you've identified
    - On the Scala-Actor-free branch of Lift, I've removed the method.

 Instead, I'd suggest scheduling a new actorping each time you receive one.

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:

  I think I figured out a way to get around this:

  class SomeCometActor extends CometActor {
   private var tempActor: Actor = null

   override def localSetup() {
     val cometActor = this
     var tempActor = actor{ loop { react {
        case TaskMessage = cometActor ! TaskMessage
        case UnSchedule = exit
     } } }
     ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(tempActor, TaskMessage, 15 seconds,
  15 seconds)

   override def lowPriority = {
     case TaskMessage =
        if(someCondition) { tempActor ! UnSchedule }

  Instead of registering the comet actors for the scheduled task, I
  register a temporary actor.  During its execution, scheduleAtFixedRate
  creates an actor. Let's call this the Scheduled Task Actor.  The
  scheduled task actor is then linked(see

  to the temporary actor i passed in.  So now, when I need to stop the
  scheduled task actor, I can shutdown the temporary actor.  This works
  because when an actor is shutdown, all actors it's linked to are shut
  down as well.

  This is kinda nuts, but I guess it works.

  I'm just sharing in case someone else runs into this problem.


  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
   There isn't much to show... but maybe an example clarify things.

   class SomeCometActor extends CometActor {
    override def localSetup() {
      ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, TaskMessage, 15 seconds, 15

    override def lowPriority = {
      case TaskMessage =
        if(someCondition) { /* stop the scheduled task... What do I put
  here?*/ }

   If scheduleAtFixedRate returned either the Future or the Actor it
   creates, then stopping the scheduled task would be fairly straight
   forward.  Then again, I might be missing something.


   On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Timothy Perrett
   timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


   Can you show some code? There might be a way of doing it depending
   what you have...

   Cheers, Tim

   Sent from my iPhone

   On 23 Sep 2009, at 20:50, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:


   Is there any way to cancel a task created with a

   From looking at the source
   it seem that scheduleAtFixedRate creates an actor which accepts an
   UnSchedule message.  Unfortunately this actor is not returned to the

   Thanks in advance,

 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
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[Lift] Re: Canceling a ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate task

2009-09-25 Thread marius d.


When you call scheduleAtFixedRate that actor is sending your actor a
Scheduled message, hence you can capture the correct sender. You don't
need to create a different actor.

David's points are quite valid regarding the correct Scala actors'


On Sep 23, 4:17 pm, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
 I think I figured out a way to get around this:

 class SomeCometActor extends CometActor {
   private var tempActor: Actor = null

   override def localSetup() {
     val cometActor = this
     var tempActor = actor{ loop { react {
        case TaskMessage = cometActor ! TaskMessage
        case UnSchedule = exit
     } } }
     ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(tempActor, TaskMessage, 15 seconds,
 15 seconds)

   override def lowPriority = {
     case TaskMessage =
       if(someCondition) { tempActor ! UnSchedule }


 Instead of registering the comet actors for the scheduled task, I
 register a temporary actor.  During its execution, scheduleAtFixedRate
 creates an actor. Let's call this the Scheduled Task Actor.  The
 scheduled task actor is then 
 to the temporary actor i passed in.  So now, when I need to stop the
 scheduled task actor, I can shutdown the temporary actor.  This works
 because when an actor is shutdown, all actors it's linked to are shut
 down as well.

 This is kinda nuts, but I guess it works.

 I'm just sharing in case someone else runs into this problem.


 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
  There isn't much to show... but maybe an example clarify things.

  class SomeCometActor extends CometActor {
   override def localSetup() {
     ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, TaskMessage, 15 seconds, 15 seconds)

   override def lowPriority = {
     case TaskMessage =
       if(someCondition) { /* stop the scheduled task... What do I put 
  here?*/ }

  If scheduleAtFixedRate returned either the Future or the Actor it
  creates, then stopping the scheduled task would be fairly straight
  forward.  Then again, I might be missing something.


  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Timothy Perrett
  timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:


  Can you show some code? There might be a way of doing it depending
  what you have...

  Cheers, Tim

  Sent from my iPhone

  On 23 Sep 2009, at 20:50, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:


  Is there any way to cancel a task created with a

  From looking at the source
  it seem that scheduleAtFixedRate creates an actor which accepts an
  UnSchedule message.  Unfortunately this actor is not returned to the

  Thanks in advance,
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[Lift] Re: SessionVar.remove() not clearing out the variable

2009-09-23 Thread marius d.

On Sep 22, 10:50 pm, Dano olearydani...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for your reply.  If I look in my pom.xml, I see that I am using
 1.1-SNAPSHOT.  However, I see your point about the remove() function
 not being in Vars.scala.  Not sure why I am able to compile a call to
 remove() on a SessionVar - but it does!

I'm not aware of any Lift implicits to expose remove function ...

 My goal is to clear out the SessionVar for all sessions tied to the
 variable so that I can return the Session to the state it was at the
 beginning of time (at least with respect to the SessionVars).

 I have an object contained within a LiftView class called

 class GameView extends LiftView {
    object PartyLobbyUser extends SessionVar[Box[UserInfo]](Empty)


 This object is set in code called by the GameView.dispatch() function
 and then referenced later by some comet actors.  I think the problem I
 am having is that since a SessionVar is essentially a thread local
 variable, I need to clear it (i.e. do something like PartyLobbyUser
 (Empty) ) in the right place.

SessionVar is not a ThreadLocal, RequestVar is. SessionVar just sits
on top of LiftSession, and no you don't need to clear it except when
you want to remove things from the session. You also don't need to
clear RequestVar-s as it is done automatically by lift.

If you can put a minimalistic Lift project where you replicate the
problem I'll look on it this weekend.

 Perhaps the right context is to do this in the shutdown function of
 the comet actors since they are able to reference the variable and get
 the correct data (ie. via PartyLobbyUser.is).   I will try that and
 report back.

 Thanks again for your help.


 On Sep 22, 7:03 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 22, 8:13 pm, Dano olearydani...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hello Lifters,

   I am struggling with trying to clear out a SessionVar which holds user
   information which I need to clear out after the user has left a
   'lobby' page.

   When I call the remove() function, I verify that the SessionVar is
   Empty.  However, when I click on the URL for the lobby page with new
   parameters, the SessionVar retains the old values for each session.
   It is as if they were repopulated.

   Perhaps I am not understanding out the function works.  When I look at
   the source code (Vars.scala), it seems like it is clearing out the
   state for each session.  The remove() function calls clearFunc().

     override protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit =

  No not for each session. S.session returns a Box which has a foreach
  function, it does not iterate through all sessions.

  Which Lift version are you using? .. there is no remove function in
  Vars in 1.1-SNAPSHOT version.

  Can you post some code to show where you are setting values on your
  SessionVar and where are you deleting them?

   Is there something I am missing?

   Thanks in advance.

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[Lift] Re: access to raw HttpServletRequest/Response

2009-09-22 Thread marius d.

I really don't think Lift should expose directly expose servlet
references. Applications still have access to servlet stuff by
explicit casting.

You can do it today like this:

S.containerRequest.map(r = (r.asInstanceOf[HTTPRequestServlet]).req)


On Sep 22, 3:53 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 Please open a ticket for this one as well.  I'll expose it for you.

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:07 PM, harryh har...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is it still possible to get access to the raw HttpServletRequest/
  Response objects?  I know you could at least do this for Request from
  S, but now I'm not seeing it anymore.

  Looking to get this so I can use


  (I've found getting off the ground with lift-facebooksomewhat


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[Lift] Re: SessionVar.remove() not clearing out the variable

2009-09-22 Thread marius d.

On Sep 22, 8:13 pm, Dano olearydani...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Lifters,

 I am struggling with trying to clear out a SessionVar which holds user
 information which I need to clear out after the user has left a
 'lobby' page.

 When I call the remove() function, I verify that the SessionVar is
 Empty.  However, when I click on the URL for the lobby page with new
 parameters, the SessionVar retains the old values for each session.
 It is as if they were repopulated.

 Perhaps I am not understanding out the function works.  When I look at
 the source code (Vars.scala), it seems like it is clearing out the
 state for each session.  The remove() function calls clearFunc().

   override protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit =

No not for each session. S.session returns a Box which has a foreach
function, it does not iterate through all sessions.

Which Lift version are you using? .. there is no remove function in
Vars in 1.1-SNAPSHOT version.

Can you post some code to show where you are setting values on your
SessionVar and where are you deleting them?

 Is there something I am missing?

 Thanks in advance.

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[Lift] Re: javascript disabled on mobile phone browsers

2009-09-20 Thread marius d.

Yes .. you can use lift with zero javascript. But obviously you won't
have comet, you need to turn off auto Ajax and comet generation from

LiftRules.enableLiftGC = false;
Liftules.autoIncludeComet = session = false
Liftules.autoIncludeAjax = session = false


On Sep 20, 6:18 am, koveen liep...@xs4all.nl wrote:

 I am new to this lift group and just starting to build a website for
 mobile phone users. While I like to use dynamically loaded pages, I am
 afraid that some older mobile phone browsers don't support Javascript.

 Is there a way to include Javascript in my web-pages, but to keep a
 working site is Javascript is not supported?


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[Lift] Re: all page URLs appended with ;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7

2009-09-19 Thread marius d.

I just committed the fix.

Box[String = String] is calling URLRewriter which holds the function
that does URL manipulation. This is set in HTTP Provider. It does 2

- calls encodeURL
- calls URLDecorator

URLDecorator is important in case one wants to add something to all
URL's. For instance in case of sticky sessions, load balancers need to
know where to balance a request and this is done by various policies:

- JSESSIONID affinity
- URI based balancing (here URLDecorator makes a lot of sense as load
balancers can determine where to balance requests based on a query
string parameter)

Other notes about your comments

When a client (browser) connects, the servlet container doesn't know
if cookies are enabled. It sets a session cookie on the response, and
also rewrites path URLs to include ;jsessionid=yourSessionId.  -
Server does not rewrite URLs if container's cookies are turned ON.
This decision is done by the container and not Lift. So you either
have JSESSIONID as a cookie or as part of the URL aka URL rewriting.


On Sep 19, 12:09 am, Grant Wood smackt...@gmail.com wrote:
 Atsuhiko's experience makes sense if you look in Req.

 _fixHref is where the rewriting is actually happening:
 --- Req ...
   private def _fixHref(contextPath: String, v : Seq[Node], fixURL:
 Boolean, rewrite: Box[String = String]): Text = {
     val hv = v.text
     val updated = if (hv.startsWith(/)) contextPath + hv else hv

     Text(if (fixURL  rewrite.isDefined 
          rewrite.open_!.apply(updated) else updated)
 ... Req ---

 Lift is skipping the rewrite if the attribute startsWith
 (javascript:) but if it starts with # it will be rewritten.
 This would be an easy fix:  !updated.startsWith(#) 
 I suspect this change would meet most developers behavior

 If a client is not using cookies and requires :jsessionid=theSessionId
 to be appended, this test will also fail to properly rewrite fully
 qualified URLs with the http or https protocol that have the same
 hostname (S.hostName) as the authority section. Someone with a better
 handle on the Servlet and Servlet Container spec will have to chime in
 and determine whether there are rules governing this situation.

 Does anybody know if rewrite: Box[String = String] being used by
 anything other than the jsessionid rewrite?

 - Grant

 On Sep 18, 9:46 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  LIft doesn't explicitly add jsessionid to the URL but it calls
  encodeUrl on the HttpServletResponse. If in the container you have the
  cookies turned off URL rewrite comes into picture. This is because we
  need lift apps to still work when cookies are turned off from
  container. This is the correct behavior.

  Your specific example sounds like a bug and I'll try to fix it


  On Sep 18, 7:04 pm, Atsuhiko Yamanaka atsuhiko.yaman...@gmail.com


   On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:43 AM, David Pollak

   feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

Is this causing a problem?  If it is, you can disable it... I forgot 
but I can dig through the code to find out the appropriate LiftRules to

   I had troubles.
   For example,
     a href=# onlick=...click/a
   was suddenly transformed to
     a href=;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7# onlick=...click/a
   and the page reload was happened unexpectedly.

   Now, I have rewritten those anchor tags as
     a href=javascript:void(0) onclick=...click/a
   and such troubles have disappeared. So, it is not a problem for me 
   This is just FYI.

   Atsuhiko Yamanaka
   1-14-20 HONCHO AOBA-KU,
   SENDAI, MIYAGI 980-0014 Japan.
   Tel +81-22-723-2150
   Skype callto://jcraft/
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[Lift] Re: CometActor timeout problem

2009-09-18 Thread marius d.

On Sep 17, 11:09 pm, jack jack.wid...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a CometActor which displays a list of urls and at the same time
 launches a bunch of threads each of which gets information about the
 urls and then puts messages about that information in a Queue. On each
 new tick, the CometActor checks the queue and updates its urls.

 The problem is that I am launching the threads from the CometActor and
 the page is never coming back. It times out.

So the page never gets rendered? I would recommend using actors and
not really threads but even with threads it shouldn't impact you. But
it also depends on what your code does. Can you post a minimalistic

 Is there some general principle about launching threads from a
 CometActor that might explain this behavior?
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[Lift] Re: all page URLs appended with ;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7

2009-09-18 Thread marius d.

Turning ON cookies in container will disable URL rewriting. jsessionid
will become a cookie.


On Sep 18, 2:43 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Chris Lewis burningodzi...@gmail.comwrote:

  It has nothing to do with lift, but the servlet container. jsessionid
  is a specified standard, and appending it I *think* is part of the
  mandate when implementing the servlet api. That is to say, the automatic
  appending will probably occur on any servlet container. Google around
  and you'll find various ways people deal with it.

 Lift is inserting these are part of the URL rewriting at the request of the

 Is this causing a problem?  If it is, you can disable it... I forgot how,
 but I can dig through the code to find out the appropriate LiftRules to

  Grant Wood wrote:
   The first time a browser visits my site, all the path-only URLs
   embedded in the requested page are being appended with what looks like
   a malformed query parameter containing the session id.

   for example:
       a href=/correct/path/ link/a
   is being rewritten:
       a href=/correct/path/;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7 link/a

   What's odd is that it is also happening to img elements as well:
       img src=/s/images/site/light_blue.png /
   is being rewritten:
       img src=/s/images/site/light_blue.png;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7 /

   This happens reliably if you clear the cache and all session data from
   your browser and visit any page in the site first.  ANy subsequent
   pages are fine.  The result is that links work fine (which is why I
   didn't notice the problem right away) but images and embedded media
   are broken.  If you reload the page, the URLs are all fine.

   The ;jsessionid=session id

   Other facts:
   - It is NOT affecting URLs in CSS or js in external files.

   - It is NOT being added to URLs with a protocol and authority such
      http://www.foo.com/path/to/page (and it makes no difference if
   its an external link or not)

   - I first suspected that a script somewhere was doing this, however,
   disabling javascript in the browser causes no change.  I verified this
   using curl.. the URLs are being altered on the server.

   - I'm on the latest 1.1-SNAPSHOT, but this has been happening for some
   time, possibly since I started my work on lift 6 weeks ago.

   I have been searching through lift code for jsessionid without luck,
   so hopefully David or someone knows exactly what part of the chain is
   causing this.   Its certainly possible I'm doing this somehow, but I
   can find nothing that would come close to doing this in any of my
   snippets (or models or libs for that matter)

   Thanks for any insight, let me know what other information would be

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[Lift] Re: Welcome Indrajit Raychaudhuri to the Lift Committers

2009-09-18 Thread marius d.

Outstanding! Welcome aboard!


On Sep 18, 7:00 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com

 Please join me in welcoming Indrajit Raychaudhuri to the Lift committers.

 Indrajit has been very visible on the Lift list of late, offering lots of
 good solutions to people's questions.  He's got some ideas of improving the
 Lift Maven infrastructure and build process and will be contributing to the
 build side (and may substantive code side) of Lift.



 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
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[Lift] Re: Where's LiftFilter connected in with LiftServlet?

2009-09-18 Thread marius d.

LiftFilter is indeed only extending ServletFilterProvider which is
oriented obviously for JEE servlet filter processing (we do this for
backward compatibility reasons). ServletFilterProvider is also
extending HTTPProvider which knows about LiftServlet.
ServletFilterProvider just calls the service function and from here
the LiftServlet gets called. HTTPProvider trait has no knowledge about
servlets API, neither LiftServlet which is not a real JEE servlet.


On Sep 18, 7:03 pm, Meredith Gregory lgreg.mered...@gmail.com wrote:
 Dear Lifted,
 bash-3.2$ cd liftweb/
 bash-3.2$ ls
 builtin http sitemap
 bash-3.2$ find . -name *.scala -exec grep LiftFilter '{}' \; -print
 class LiftFilter extends ServletFilterProvider
  * @see LiftFilter

 The web.xml file references LiftFilter. The class LiftFilter extends the
 Java class ServletFilterProvider and has no body. It looks like all the
 logic is in LiftServlet. What makes the connection?

 Best wishes,


 L.G. Meredith
 Managing Partner
 Biosimilarity LLC
 1219 NW 83rd St
 Seattle, WA 98117

 +1 206.650.3740

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[Lift] Re: all page URLs appended with ;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7

2009-09-18 Thread marius d.

LIft doesn't explicitly add jsessionid to the URL but it calls
encodeUrl on the HttpServletResponse. If in the container you have the
cookies turned off URL rewrite comes into picture. This is because we
need lift apps to still work when cookies are turned off from
container. This is the correct behavior.

Your specific example sounds like a bug and I'll try to fix it


On Sep 18, 7:04 pm, Atsuhiko Yamanaka atsuhiko.yaman...@gmail.com

 On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:43 AM, David Pollak

 feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is this causing a problem?  If it is, you can disable it... I forgot how,
  but I can dig through the code to find out the appropriate LiftRules to

 I had troubles.
 For example,
   a href=# onlick=...click/a
 was suddenly transformed to
   a href=;jsessionid=knq01t90ajh7# onlick=...click/a
 and the page reload was happened unexpectedly.

 Now, I have rewritten those anchor tags as
   a href=javascript:void(0) onclick=...click/a
 and such troubles have disappeared. So, it is not a problem for me anymore.
 This is just FYI.

 Atsuhiko Yamanaka
 1-14-20 HONCHO AOBA-KU,
 SENDAI, MIYAGI 980-0014 Japan.
 Tel +81-22-723-2150
 Skype callto://jcraft/
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[Lift] Re: Tabs + menu builder

2009-09-17 Thread marius d.

It would be pretty easy to write your own snippet and get inspired
from Lift's menu snippet code.THe Menu snippet produces lists (ul/li)
and if your JQuery Tab plugin works with HTML lists it should work
almost on the fly?


On Sep 17, 4:05 pm, caw1461 caw1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working on a UI for a project and we are looking at the jquery
 tabs.  Currently we just have a plain menu builder site map.  we are
 thinking that a good way to create our UI is to somehow link the site
 builder with the Tabs such that each tab holds a different link from
 the site map.  I know this is slightly vague, but any advice for a new
 to lift and scala and HTML/XML.

 Thanks in advance
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[Lift] Re: Breaking changes in CometActor code vs. continuing instabilities in Scala Actors

2009-09-16 Thread marius d.

What is the problem this time? .. same thing essentially?


On Sep 16, 8:14 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 The Scala Actor issue has raised its head again.

 From November 2008 - June 2009, I did an epic battle with Scala actors and
 their memory retention issues.

 I finally wrote a Lift Actor library that made all the Scala Actor-related
 issues go away for the short-lived Actors that Lift uses as listeners for
 comet long-polling.

 It seems that the Actor issue is not gone.  I'm not sure it will be gone in
 Scala 2.8.

 I can make a change in Lift to move to Lift Actors in CometActor code.  It
 means that if you're using Scala Actors beyond !, !! and !? methods, you
 will have to change your code, otherwise it will just be a recompile.

 What do people think?



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[Lift] Re: JSON forms problem

2009-09-15 Thread marius d.

Maybe this would help ?


This definitely worked but I haven't tested in a while. Also the lift
book example was tested before putting it in the book. If there is
indeed a lift problem I'd be happy to correct it ASAP.


On Sep 15, 1:59 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 The apply method should be getting called because the SHtml.json method
 should register it as the handler for the form. Would you mind sending me
 the code you have and I'll take a look at it? I'm pretty sure this code was
 working at one point, but perhaps something has changed.


 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

  Actually, the JsonHandler in the example gets called, but not the apply
  (in:Any) method, as
  that is never called in the book example. Also, the handler seems to
  be called twice with every submit.
  Why is that?


  On Sep 14, 8:08 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
   This may be a question for the Lift Book forum, but has anyone gotten
   the JSON forms example 8.13 in the Lift Book to work?  When I tried
   it, the JsonHandler in class JSONForm never gets called when the
   submit button is clicked.

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[Lift] Re: JSON forms problem

2009-09-15 Thread marius d.

Do you see any errors in FireBug ? ... Do see the Ajax request being
send out in FireBug?

On Sep 15, 5:49 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

 Here is the template. Just as in the book.

 lift:surround with=default at=content
 lift:JSONForm.head /
 input type=text name=name /
 br /
 input type=text name=value /
 br /
 input type=radio name=vehicle value=Bike /
 input type=radio name=vehicle value=Car /
 input type=radio name=vehicle value=Airplane /
 br /
 select name=cars 
 option value=volvoVolvo/option
 option value=saabSaab/option
 option value=opelOpel/option
 option value=audiAudi/option
 button type=submitSubmit/button
 div id=json_result/div

 And  here is my JSONForm class:

 class JSONForm {

   def head = head{Script(json.jsCmd)}/head
   def show(html: Group): NodeSeq = {
       SHtml.jsonForm(json, html)

    object json extends JsonHandler {
                 def apply(in: Any): JsCmd =
                   SetHtml(json_result, Text(This is a test))



 Here, I just simplified the JsCmd returned from the handler.

 I understand that in the head method, the call to json.jsCmd creates
 the ajax handler (from the apply method), but clicking on the submit
 button on the form doesn't populate the json_result div. In fact,
 it doesn't do anything even though, on the page source, the button's
 onclick method is
 wired up.


 On Sep 15, 11:59 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:

  The apply method should be getting called because the SHtml.json method
  should register it as the handler for the form. Would you mind sending me
  the code you have and I'll take a look at it? I'm pretty sure this code was
  working at one point, but perhaps something has changed.


  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

   Actually, the JsonHandler in the example gets called, but not the apply
   (in:Any) method, as
   that is never called in the book example. Also, the handler seems to
   be called twice with every submit.
   Why is that?


   On Sep 14, 8:08 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
This may be a question for the Lift Book forum, but has anyone gotten
the JSON forms example 8.13 in the Lift Book to work?  When I tried
it, the JsonHandler in class JSONForm never gets called when the
submit button is clicked.

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[Lift] Re: JSON forms problem

2009-09-15 Thread marius d.

Where is the head function in your code ?

Here is an example:

def head = headscript type=text/javascript src=/classpath/
jlift.js / {Script(json.jsCmd)}/head


On Sep 15, 5:55 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you see any errors in FireBug ? ... Do see the Ajax request being
 send out in FireBug?

 On Sep 15, 5:49 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


  Here is the template. Just as in the book.

  lift:surround with=default at=content
  lift:JSONForm.head /
  input type=text name=name /
  br /
  input type=text name=value /
  br /
  input type=radio name=vehicle value=Bike /
  input type=radio name=vehicle value=Car /
  input type=radio name=vehicle value=Airplane /
  br /
  select name=cars 
  option value=volvoVolvo/option
  option value=saabSaab/option
  option value=opelOpel/option
  option value=audiAudi/option
  button type=submitSubmit/button
  div id=json_result/div

  And  here is my JSONForm class:

  class JSONForm {

    def head = head{Script(json.jsCmd)}/head
    def show(html: Group): NodeSeq = {
        SHtml.jsonForm(json, html)

     object json extends JsonHandler {
                  def apply(in: Any): JsCmd =
                    SetHtml(json_result, Text(This is a test))



  Here, I just simplified the JsCmd returned from the handler.

  I understand that in the head method, the call to json.jsCmd creates
  the ajax handler (from the apply method), but clicking on the submit
  button on the form doesn't populate the json_result div. In fact,
  it doesn't do anything even though, on the page source, the button's
  onclick method is
  wired up.


  On Sep 15, 11:59 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:

   The apply method should be getting called because the SHtml.json method
   should register it as the handler for the form. Would you mind sending me
   the code you have and I'll take a look at it? I'm pretty sure this code 
   working at one point, but perhaps something has changed.


   On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

Actually, the JsonHandler in the example gets called, but not the apply
(in:Any) method, as
that is never called in the book example. Also, the handler seems to
be called twice with every submit.
Why is that?


On Sep 14, 8:08 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
 This may be a question for the Lift Book forum, but has anyone gotten
 the JSON forms example 8.13 in the Lift Book to work?  When I tried
 it, the JsonHandler in class JSONForm never gets called when the
 submit button is clicked.

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[Lift] Re: JSON forms problem

2009-09-15 Thread marius d.

Right ... the head method should not have the js script but did you
include the jlift.js script in your default template?

I'll build an example this week (when I'll find some time for it) and
see if I'm running into the same problems as you are. If you somehow
manage to fix it please let me know. How urgent is this for you?


On Sep 15, 6:15 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
 But, the head method does add the javascript to the page, so no src
 attribute is needed, right?

 On Sep 15, 3:59 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Where is the head function in your code ?

  Here is an example:

  def head = headscript type=text/javascript src=/classpath/
  jlift.js / {Script(json.jsCmd)}/head


  On Sep 15, 5:55 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Do you see any errors in FireBug ? ... Do see the Ajax request being
   send out in FireBug?

   On Sep 15, 5:49 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


Here is the template. Just as in the book.

lift:surround with=default at=content
lift:JSONForm.head /
input type=text name=name /
br /
input type=text name=value /
br /
input type=radio name=vehicle value=Bike /
input type=radio name=vehicle value=Car /
input type=radio name=vehicle value=Airplane /
br /
select name=cars 
option value=volvoVolvo/option
option value=saabSaab/option
option value=opelOpel/option
option value=audiAudi/option
button type=submitSubmit/button
div id=json_result/div

And  here is my JSONForm class:

class JSONForm {

  def head = head{Script(json.jsCmd)}/head
  def show(html: Group): NodeSeq = {
      SHtml.jsonForm(json, html)

   object json extends JsonHandler {
                def apply(in: Any): JsCmd =
                  SetHtml(json_result, Text(This is a test))



Here, I just simplified the JsCmd returned from the handler.

I understand that in the head method, the call to json.jsCmd creates
the ajax handler (from the apply method), but clicking on the submit
button on the form doesn't populate the json_result div. In fact,
it doesn't do anything even though, on the page source, the button's
onclick method is
wired up.


On Sep 15, 11:59 am, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:

 The apply method should be getting called because the SHtml.json 
 should register it as the handler for the form. Would you mind 
 sending me
 the code you have and I'll take a look at it? I'm pretty sure this 
 code was
 working at one point, but perhaps something has changed.


 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:03 PM, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

  Actually, the JsonHandler in the example gets called, but not the 
  (in:Any) method, as
  that is never called in the book example. Also, the handler seems to
  be called twice with every submit.
  Why is that?


  On Sep 14, 8:08 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
   This may be a question for the Lift Book forum, but has anyone 
   the JSON forms example 8.13 in the Lift Book to work?  When I 
   it, the JsonHandler in class JSONForm never gets called when the
   submit button is clicked.

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 11:33 am, valotas valo...@gmail.com wrote:
 I also think that javascript should go just before the boby's closing
 tag. The main reason: Yahoo's YSlow and Google's Page speed both
 telling you that is better to have as less scripts as possible and all
 of them placed at the end of the page. The optimal would be one
 javascript at the end of the page no matter how big it is as it would
 be cached by any modern browser and it will be used from the local
 cache on other requests from the same domain.

 Of course optimal is not always what you can get. Assuming that you
 have many javascript files it is also better to have them at the
 bottom of the page. You will see a major performance boost because
 browsers pause the rendering of the page in order to download
 javascript. That is because javascript code could contain a
 document.write witch means that it will change the dom of the page and
 this is something that the browser will not be able to know in advance
 in order to continue the parsing of the page. Moving javascript at the
 bottom of the page will not decrease the page loading time BUT will
 give the user something to see (the whole page) making him thing that
 the page loads faster. Of course the browser will still have to get
 the javascript and eval it.

 As for unobtrusive, jquery (and the most js frameworks) provides a
 solution binding an event on an html element after the page has been
 loaded. So instead of having somthing like:
 button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
 null, null, null); return false;Press me/button

 you could have something like:
 button id=liftajax_{some_generated_id}Press me/button

 and at the end of the page add the javascript:
 text type=text/javascript
 $(function() {


That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
synthetic js file .. we'll see

 If the ajax handle call is basically the same for most of the elements
 you could instead of adding an id, add a class to the the button for
 button class=liftajaxPress me/button

 and then at the end of the page add:
 text type=text/javascript
 $(function() {
 $(.liftajax).click(function() {the_lift_ajaxHandler_call_here()})})

Two reason why I don't prefer this:

1. Lots of selectors could slow things down
2. Other JS frameworks may not have nice selectors as JQuery


 I personally use jQuery but the above can be done without the help of
 any javascript framework. And to make things much more better you
 could have all the handler scripts in a separete dynamicaly created
 file and the at the end of the html have something like:
 script type=text/javscript src=/path/to/the/dynamicaly/created/js/

 One reason for keeping me away from using lift for a project is this
 mess with javascript. I mean, I first want plain html and nothing
 else. If I get the html to work for me the I just add the javascript I
 want or let the framework add it, but that should be done in an
 elegant way in order to be able to switch it off or on or completely
 replace it with my own. I don't want any framework to add by default
 the javascript for me because it makes things harder to understand and
 this is something bad for someone new to it.

 I would be glad to help in this matter in any way possible.

 Sorry for my English,
 it's not my mother language!

I think this is a great post !


 On Sep 13, 6:35 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Technically it could (as I implied above) but this can be lucrative
  and IMHO the benefits are simply not that big. I'm not saying that
  things are nailed down but I'd love to see a list of practical
  benefits for Lift to not add event handlers such as on click to the
  elements but rather programatically using synthetic (lift generated)
  JS functions that would add events (i.e. JQuery, YUI ways).


  On Sep 12, 9:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

   Maybe adding javascript event handlers could be delegated to something 
   that depends on which library is being used?


   Kevin Wrightkev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com wrote:

   Moving the script import shouldn't be too difficult, we have the 
   element and tail merge (which acts exactly the same as head merge) for 
   this sort of problem.

   On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Dustin Whitney 

One nice thing about jquery's events, if done wisely, is they are 
after the DOM is loaded.  With an onclick a button can be clicked and 
ajax call is fired that returns and tries to modify a part of the DOM 
hasn't been loaded.  This is especially true if you have lots

[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

  That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
  we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
  synthetic js file .. we'll see
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[Lift] Re: Why isn't this a trait in lift-json?

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 3:15 pm, Joni Freeman freeman.j...@gmail.com wrote:

 That annotation is used to configure the json path when extracting
 values. By default the extraction code assumes that case class
 parameter names match with json field names. For instance these match:

 case class Foo(bar: String, baz: Int)
 { bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

 But sometimes json field names can contain characters which are not
 allowed in Scala identifiers. For example:
 { foo-bar: qwerty, baz: 10 }

 Now, to able to extract this we have to somehow tell the extractor the
 exact path explicitly. Currently @path annotation is used for that:
 case class Foo(@path(foo-bar) bar: String, baz: Int)

 I don't see how a trait can accomplish this, maybe I'm missing

 The reason why it is in Java is that Scala annotations are not
 accessible at  runtime.

Right but I'd also suggest removing Java code from Lift stack. The
above can be easily achieved by introducing a trait such as:

case class Foo(bar: String with Nominator, baz: Int)

Lift is a 100% Scala code with zero Java code. We also have strong
opinions in the team that we should stay away from annotations.

one option would be something like this:

Lift would have :

trait Nominator{
  def name : String

In user's code:

case class Foo(bar: String with MyNominator, baz: Int)

trait MyNominator extends Nominator {
 def name = foo-bar

Yes it is more verbose then the annotation but IMHO it is more Scala-
ish  Lift-ish.

 Cheers Joni

 On Sep 13, 11:03 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  Just had a browse over the latest commit and found the following in

  public @interface path {
      public String value();


  Any reason were not using a trait etc to complete the same

  Cheers, Tim
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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

I kinda used the term js file a bit too loosely. It is true that each
page would likely have different functions there and even the same
page on subsequent load would have different content so the file can
not really be cached.

I'm thinking that instead of:

button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

We could have:

button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button


.. and at the end of the page:

script type=text/javascript

function liftAjax(id) {
   liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler(id + '=true',null, null, null); return


Likely there will be more synthetic functions that would need to be
generated depending on specific cases. This approach would result in a
slightly larger markup but I'm not sure if the impact is negligible or
not. In essence we are replacing a function call with another one more
concise which helps just in having a more concise function calls in
the markup.

BUT most likely for functions like liftAjax above we should put them
in liftAjax.js that lift generates and those would just be helper
function. This means that the script block above will not be needed
anymore. Thoughts?

Thanks Xavi for the good points.


On Sep 13, 7:03 pm, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:
 If I understand everything correctly, the proposal is to dynamically
 create a js file for each page request to add event handlers?

 If this is true, then I'm against the proposal for the following two reasons:

 1. Every page will load slower

 Since the js file is dynamically create on each request, the js file
 will be un-cacheable.  This means the browser be will forced to make
 an addition HTTP request to the server to render each page.  This adds
 roughly 150ms to the page load time (50ms to 200ms for network lag,
 50ms for download, 10ms for js execution).

 2. Each page will be more fragile

 Requiring the synthetic js file will add another point of failure.
 Even now-a-days with the ubiquity of broadband, connects still get
 lost and files still get corrupted.

 It's true that most modern web pages already depend a number of
 external JS and CSS files, but typically these files are static and
 easily cached.

 Just adding my 2 cents.


 On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 5:41 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think so too. Does anyone have an opinion against this? I'll
  probably have some time this week or next weekend to work on it.


  On Sep 13, 2:59 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  A synthetic file sounds good to me and would probably be preferable.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 13 Sep 2009, at 20:31, marius d. wrote:

   That looks a little cleaner but we'll have to look more into it if
   we'd want to go on this path. Perhaps accumulate those function into
   synthetic js file .. we'll see
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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-13 Thread marius d.

On Sep 13, 8:00 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 marius d. wrote:
  I'm thinking that instead of:

  button onclick=liftAjax.lift_ajaxHandler
  ('F1029758482780OTA=true',null, null, null); return false;Press me/

  We could have:

  button onclick=liftAjax('F1029758482780OTA')Press me/button

 This is not what I had in mind at all. You still have the event handler
 in the HTML. The idea, I thought, was to attach the event handler from
 an external file using the id (or class) of the button element.

I understand that but this is a bit impractical because lift would
have to generate artificial ID-s OR id-s could be tampered with or
other JS libraries may generate their own ID-s etc. Selectors by class
is also a little impractical from a framework standpoint. Also we'd
have to add code for each underlying JS library (JQuery, YUI etc).
This would require IMHO significant code to write and not a
significant gain. But I'd love to prove me wrong.

 Maybe I'm living on a different planet (a distinct possibility and one
 I've been giving much thought to recently), but virtually every JS
 programmer I know considers this a best practice, and it has been
 considered so for many years.

I know this is practical from applications perspective when writing
specific JS etc. but from a framework perspective, this is not.

 Frankly, and maybe I'm just a bit dull, but I can't conceive of what the
 advantage to the above change might be. What am I missing?

I'm not 100% buying any proposal so far ... as I explained above the
disadvantages as we replace a JS expression with another JS function
call. It just adds a bit of conciseness .. nothing more.

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-12 Thread marius d.

On Sep 12, 8:34 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Even if we assumed that Lift managed to do all the hard work, we still
 have a contradictory situation: the body/ being completely devoid of
 scripts but still have 'JS loaded at the end of the page'. It still
 has to be before the close of body tag and thereby sneaking into the
 body/. Worse, it's going to be incredibly difficult to implement a
 rich client interface (Cappuccino, Dojo, Sproutcore etc. - those who
 want to take complete control over the DOM) without the developer
 constantly having to prevent Lift and the UI framework not wrestle and
 step into the each other. A web *application* (like CMS) can get away
 with that, but not a *framework* (like Lift).

What control of Lift over the DOM are you talking about. Lift's
generated scripts in HTML is minimal, and it is about Comet mostly.
Lift scripts do not really stay in other frameworks way. If you have a
concrete example where Lift's stays in the way of integrating other
tools please be specific about the problem and we'll see what/if we
can do something about it. What is the exact wrestle here?

 And I am given to understand spiders are nowadays smart to recognize
 dom events handlers (e.g., onclick) and decide what to do when it
 encounters them.

 Oh, and while at that, 'view source' a GWT based application and help
 youself have a perspective :)

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On Sep 12, 5:07 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  +1 Andrew.

  Regarding the rule - absolutely no javascript in the markup doesn't
  make a lot of sense. Some of the Lift's generated javascript for comet/
  ajax calls is put inline at the end of the page. I see no practical
  reason not to do that. On the other hand putting liftAjax.js on the
  top of the page is not bad either. IN certain situations users may
  need this loaded prior their own js code. Besides I really doubt that
  putting it at the end of the page would really make any practical

  Not putting lift's JS callas such as Ajax at onclick events like that
  can become quite lucrative from framework perspective because:

  1. Lift would have to queue all these events and add them to a JS
  sequence and add this js to the served page.
  2. that would create a dependency to JQuery events style that would
  have to be changed when YUI is in place or potentially other
  framework. If we'd still want this style but be JS library agnostic
  we'd have to do our own DOM manipulation etc which just adds more
  overhead without any practical gain.


  On Sep 11, 10:18 pm, Andrew Scherpbier and...@scherpbier.org wrote:

   Dustin Whitney wrote:Hey, I like Lift so in an effort to improve it I am 
   submitting some criticism.
   Obtrusive javascript:
   when I create an ajaxButton I get this 
null, null, null); return false;Press me/buttonThat onclick is not 
   ok.  It's bad for SEO and makes the page harder to read.  Ideally, no 
   javascript should appear on the page whatsoever. (I presume here SEO == 
   Search Engine Optimization.)
   If you are going to use AJAX in your website, you have to use Javascript, 
   right?  If you don't want to use AJAX with lift, don't...  Just use 
   standard forms and links.  (Also turn off client-side garbage collection 
   and any comet stuff in Boot.scala...)
   So assuming you actually want an ajaxButton, the onclick needs to get in 
   there somehow.  The only other way would be to have lift create some 
   javascript that modifies the DOM to somehow add that onclick.  I think 
   that would be much harder to read!
   For the SEO stuff, are you assuming deep traversal (clicking through 
   forms) into your webapp by spiders?  I don't know of any spiders that do 
   that very well.  Anyway, if that's what you want, then I wouldn't use 
   AJAX for anything.
   A neat trick to let spiders get to all your public pages if your site has 
   a complex form/ajax based navigation system is to use a site map and make 
   sure all your main URLS are simple, non-form URLs.
   Criticism is best if one can demonstrate a better alternative.Client Side 
   Load Time:
   I strive for that A in Y-Slow, so when I 
the top of the page, I feel a little uneasy, and there is nothing I can 
   do (I think) to move it to the bottom of the page. Have you actually 
   verified that this makes a difference?  I haven't verified this, so 
   pardon my ignorance.  It just seems like it either makes a difference of 
   milliseconds or no difference at all because modern browsers make 
   parallel requests and start rendering before everything is available.
   I'm sure if you can demonstrate two pages where the only difference is 
   the location of the script include, and the one with the script include 
   up front is noticeably slower

[Lift] Re: setting cookies in an ajax response

2009-09-12 Thread marius d.

If it doesn't send down the cookie as you did, it sounds like a bug.
I'd fix it but I can't in the next couple of weeks.


On Sep 12, 12:54 pm, harryh har...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an SHtml.ajaxSelect that, when executed sets a cookie:

 S.addCookie(HTTPCookie(CITYID, city.id.toString))

 and then returns a JsCmds.RedirectTo(uri) command.  The cookie isn't
 actually being set (if I look at the live http headers the Set-Cookie
 line isn't sent down in the http response to the ajax call.

 It's not clear to me if this is correct behavior on lift's part, of if
 this is a bug.

 If it is correct behavior, is there a better way to do this sort of

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[Lift] Re: Lift deal breakers

2009-09-12 Thread marius d.

Technically it could (as I implied above) but this can be lucrative
and IMHO the benefits are simply not that big. I'm not saying that
things are nailed down but I'd love to see a list of practical
benefits for Lift to not add event handlers such as on click to the
elements but rather programatically using synthetic (lift generated)
JS functions that would add events (i.e. JQuery, YUI ways).


On Sep 12, 9:05 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Maybe adding javascript event handlers could be delegated to something that 
 depends on which library is being used?


 Kevin Wrightkev.lee.wri...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Moving the script import shouldn't be too difficult, we have the lift:tail
 element and tail merge (which acts exactly the same as head merge) for just
 this sort of problem.

 On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Dustin Whitney 

  One nice thing about jquery's events, if done wisely, is they are applied
  after the DOM is loaded.  With an onclick a button can be clicked and some
  ajax call is fired that returns and tries to modify a part of the DOM that
  hasn't been loaded.  This is especially true if you have lots of javascript
  includes at the top of the page.  I have waded my way through many wonky
  javascript bugs like this.  They don't happen in your local environment
  because they load so quickly, but when pushed to production, problems
  ensue.  Maybe there is a hook in the lift ajax js that waits to fire the
  call until after the DOM is loaded?


  On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:

  I, too, would like to be able to move the liftAjax script call to the
  bottom of the page.


  Dustin Whitney wrote:
   Hey, I like Lift so in an effort to improve it I am submitting some

   Obtrusive javascript:

   when I create an ajaxButton I get this html:

  null, null); return false;Press me/button

   That onclick is not ok.  It's bad for SEO and makes the page harder to
   read.  Ideally, no javascript should appear on the page whatsoever.

   Client Side Load Time:

   I strive for that A in Y-Slow, so when I see

   script type=text/javascript src=/ajax_request/liftAjax.js

   at the top of the page, I feel a little uneasy, and there is nothing I
   can do (I think) to move it to the bottom of the page.

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[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-08 Thread marius d.

On Sep 8, 1:18 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

 Please bear with me. I'm a little slow in following the logic here.

Don't worry glen.

 I understand I can protect the resource as you suggest from all
 but users with admin roles, using the LocParam,

 HttpAuthProtected(() = Full(AuthRole(admin) .

 Now, when I click on the link, if no user is logged in, the system
 asks for a username and password to connect, but that's a user
 on the host. not an application user.

Not necessarily. It is any type of user. In your authentication
function you can go in DB and validate the receiving credentials as
application user.

 Somewhere, I need to assign the
 currently logged in user the AuthRole(admin) needed to access
 the resource.

Correct. And you dothis by setting userRoles RequestVar.

 Seems to me I need code like this to run someplace:

 def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role] = {
       object userRoles extends RequestVar[Role](null)

       val credentials : (String,String) = User.currentUser match {
           case Full(u) = (u.email.is, u.password.is)
          case Empty = (null, null)

       User.isa_?(roleName) match {
         case true = {
             LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift)
                 case (credentials._1, credentials._2, req) =
                         println(John is authenticated!)
             Full(new _root_.net.liftweb.http.auth.Role{
                         def name = roleName})
       case false = Empty

 Can't be in Boot,

No you do not. Lift takes care of the roles matching for you. You
don't need to manually test if a user is-an admin or some other role
in order to access that resource. Please keep in mind that is just for
accessing resources (URI-s) if you need to do more complex logic in
your code and see if the user is an admin or having some other Role
that you'd probably need to save the Role into a SessionVar or into
your User object.

All I want here is to explain how HTTP based authentication and roles
based authorization works. I am definitely not claiming that this is
enough for all applications as currently we don't have HTTP based
authentication with forms for example ... but I think we should add
that as well.


 On Sep 7, 1:36 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 7, 10:53 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


   In practical terms, if I am already using an If LocParam, as in the

   If(() = User.isa_?(admin), S.?(not_authorized))

   what does adding

   HttpAuthProtected(() = User.authorize(admin)) to the Loc do?

  It sais that this Loc is protected by the returned Role. Thus to
  access this after passing the authentication the Role specified in the
  authentication function (by setting userRoles) must be the same as or
  a child of the Role the is protecting the Loc.

   Here, I've had to define User.authorize to make things work, as:

    def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role] =  {
         val credentials : (String,String) = User.currentUser match {
             case Full(u) = (u.email.is, u.password.is)
             case Empty = (null, null)

         User.isa_?(roleName) match {
           case true = {
               LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource.append {
                   case (ParsePath(listContents :: _, _, _, _)) = Full

  Why do you need to use httpAuthProtectedResource if you' using
  HttpAuthProtected LocParam ?

               LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift)
                   case (credentials._1, credentials._2, req) =
               Full(new _root_.net.liftweb.http.auth.Role{
                           def name = roleName})
         case false = Empty

   Rather verbose, don't you think.

  Your code is verbose but I don't see the justification for this

     LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift) {
            case (username, password, req) = {
               // Do you authentication in DB or whatever and you
  determined that this is an admin user
               userRoles(AuthRole(admin)) // userRoles needs to be
  set. It is a RquestVar.

  In Boot you have:

  Menu(Loc(listContents, List(listContents), listContents,
  HttpAuthProtected(() = Full(AuthRole(admin)

  When you use HttpAuthProtected LocParam Lift appends a function to
  LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource so you don't need to do it

  This authorixation scheme is only about protecting resource by roles
  and you do this almost declaratively and for authentication I thing
  the things are pretty straight forward. One a user

[Lift] Re: Crazy idea for lift's mega proto user: admin panel.

2009-09-08 Thread marius d.

Nice thoughts but personally I don't think this should be part of Lift
core framework. However an admin panel could be provided via a lift
widget and would be pretty interesting thing to have.


On Sep 8, 2:16 am, DFectuoso santiago1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was thinking about how wonderful it is to get a login/register/
 forgotPassword functionality with mega proto user and how it could
 become even better with a good tool for creating an admin section.

 I'm just adding the idea here so maybe if other people find value it
 could be considered for development(or probably it already is, i don't

 Adding an admin panel to mega proto user where the moderators/admins
 could change some options(like the way a user is validated, if gzip is
 enabled, etc) would be great for the end users of our apps, since it
 would be easier to change and maintain the site.

 Being a administrator at a Invision Power Board forum and having a
 couple of wordpress blogs, i see a lot of potential on this as a admin/
 dev tool! Listing some of the things that i can imagine in this panel

 -phpMyAdmin-type of DB admin(browse your data easily, remove/change/
 add stuff to it without having to create a CRUD for each thing)
 -execute queries
 -List the actor(and comet actors) with possibility to kill/reset them
 -Memory use analysis.
 -Statistics of use(hits, referrals, etc)
 -Options (any object/class/trait could have a val foo =
 otherValues[]) and be included in this place, of course the categories
 could create different menus.
 -User management(ban, authorize, give admin-rights).
 -Simple to-do list that all admins can edit
 -Log of errors/warnings/exceptions
 -Css editor
 -Easy-logo changer
 -File Manager(upload your images and stuff here)
 -String editor (you can change any default string from the
 megaprotouser forms and the index?)

 Also, a very polemic(and i think bad idea, but its common to see this
 in admin panels):
 -Installable plug-ins for this panel

 I know this seems like one step away from being a full blown CMS,
 forum, blog, etc. But if its extensible while we are building an app,
 it will be very useful for the different moments of development and

 Of course i don't expect any of this to be done right now, i
 understand there are a couple of integrations and bigger things going
 on but i really wanted to brainstorm on this with you guys!
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[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-08 Thread marius d.

On Sep 8, 7:00 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

 I guess there is little more to be said on this issue. Keep in mind
 in many real-world applications, dynamically assigned user roles are a
 requirement. And it's possible for users to have multiple roles, each
 in a different role hierarchy, in the same application.

Well Lift Roles are build on hierarchical model.

 Inevitably, I will have to implement my own, perhaps using
 JaaS or one of its variants. If you have any thoughts on that issue,
 I'd like to hear them.

I kind of doubt that JAAS will take you farther then Lift HTTP auth



 On Sep 8, 8:40 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 8, 6:12 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


   With your help, I think I'm getting closer to understanding what is

   One thing though, is that I believe I do need to manually check if the
   user has the
   appropriate role (in the DB) before I can set userRoles RequestVar.
   See, in my application,
   I have no way of knowing in advance if a logged-in user is authorized
   to access
   a particular resource. I'm trying to accomplish that programatically.

  Well if when authenticating a user (LiftRules.authentication) you
  can't determine the Role, then this mechanism probably won't help you
  and you need to build your own.

   And, don't forget, roles
   can be changed at any time in the application.

  I assume that a super-admin user would be able to change roles for
  other users right? ... If so you just need to update data in your DB
  for say user X. So when User X authenticates you'll get the new role
  assigned. But maybe this is not how your app is designed to work.

   In other words, I
   can't just assume it in my
   authentication function and make the assignment there.

   Does that make sense?  This is not to say that I can't work
   tangentially to Http basic authentication
   in Lift and create my own, just that I'm trying to incorporate the
   work already done so I don't have to.

  Lift's HTTP authentication and authorization is built on very simple
  principles such as:

  1. In the authentication function you typically know the role for that
  2. Resources (URI's essentially) are protected by hierarchically
  structured roles that are matched with the role determined by the
  authentication function.


   On Sep 7, 11:24 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

On Sep 8, 1:18 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


 Please bear with me. I'm a little slow in following the logic here.

Don't worry glen.

 I understand I can protect the resource as you suggest from all
 but users with admin roles, using the LocParam,

 HttpAuthProtected(() = Full(AuthRole(admin) .

 Now, when I click on the link, if no user is logged in, the system
 asks for a username and password to connect, but that's a user
 on the host. not an application user.

Not necessarily. It is any type of user. In your authentication
function you can go in DB and validate the receiving credentials as
application user.

 Somewhere, I need to assign the
 currently logged in user the AuthRole(admin) needed to access
 the resource.

Correct. And you dothis by setting userRoles RequestVar.

 Seems to me I need code like this to run someplace:

 def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role] = {
       object userRoles extends RequestVar[Role](null)

       val credentials : (String,String) = User.currentUser match {
           case Full(u) = (u.email.is, u.password.is)
          case Empty = (null, null)

       User.isa_?(roleName) match {
         case true = {
             LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift)
                 case (credentials._1, credentials._2, req) =
                         println(John is authenticated!)
             Full(new _root_.net.liftweb.http.auth.Role{
                         def name = roleName})
       case false = Empty

 Can't be in Boot,

No you do not. Lift takes care of the roles matching for you. You
don't need to manually test if a user is-an admin or some other role
in order to access that resource. Please keep in mind that is just for
accessing resources (URI-s) if you need to do more complex logic in
your code and see if the user is an admin or having some other Role
that you'd probably need to save the Role into a SessionVar or into
your User object.

All I want here is to explain how HTTP based authentication and roles
based authorization works. I am definitely not claiming that this is
enough for all applications as currently we

[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-08 Thread marius d.

On Sep 8, 6:12 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

 With your help, I think I'm getting closer to understanding what is

 One thing though, is that I believe I do need to manually check if the
 user has the
 appropriate role (in the DB) before I can set userRoles RequestVar.
 See, in my application,
 I have no way of knowing in advance if a logged-in user is authorized
 to access
 a particular resource. I'm trying to accomplish that programatically.

Well if when authenticating a user (LiftRules.authentication) you
can't determine the Role, then this mechanism probably won't help you
and you need to build your own.

 And, don't forget, roles
 can be changed at any time in the application.

I assume that a super-admin user would be able to change roles for
other users right? ... If so you just need to update data in your DB
for say user X. So when User X authenticates you'll get the new role
assigned. But maybe this is not how your app is designed to work.

 In other words, I
 can't just assume it in my
 authentication function and make the assignment there.

 Does that make sense?  This is not to say that I can't work
 tangentially to Http basic authentication
 in Lift and create my own, just that I'm trying to incorporate the
 work already done so I don't have to.

Lift's HTTP authentication and authorization is built on very simple
principles such as:

1. In the authentication function you typically know the role for that
2. Resources (URI's essentially) are protected by hierarchically
structured roles that are matched with the role determined by the
authentication function.


 On Sep 7, 11:24 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Sep 8, 1:18 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


   Please bear with me. I'm a little slow in following the logic here.

  Don't worry glen.

   I understand I can protect the resource as you suggest from all
   but users with admin roles, using the LocParam,

   HttpAuthProtected(() = Full(AuthRole(admin) .

   Now, when I click on the link, if no user is logged in, the system
   asks for a username and password to connect, but that's a user
   on the host. not an application user.

  Not necessarily. It is any type of user. In your authentication
  function you can go in DB and validate the receiving credentials as
  application user.

   Somewhere, I need to assign the
   currently logged in user the AuthRole(admin) needed to access
   the resource.

  Correct. And you dothis by setting userRoles RequestVar.

   Seems to me I need code like this to run someplace:

   def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role] = {
         object userRoles extends RequestVar[Role](null)

         val credentials : (String,String) = User.currentUser match {
             case Full(u) = (u.email.is, u.password.is)
            case Empty = (null, null)

         User.isa_?(roleName) match {
           case true = {
               LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift)
                   case (credentials._1, credentials._2, req) =
                           println(John is authenticated!)
               Full(new _root_.net.liftweb.http.auth.Role{
                           def name = roleName})
         case false = Empty

   Can't be in Boot,

  No you do not. Lift takes care of the roles matching for you. You
  don't need to manually test if a user is-an admin or some other role
  in order to access that resource. Please keep in mind that is just for
  accessing resources (URI-s) if you need to do more complex logic in
  your code and see if the user is an admin or having some other Role
  that you'd probably need to save the Role into a SessionVar or into
  your User object.

  All I want here is to explain how HTTP based authentication and roles
  based authorization works. I am definitely not claiming that this is
  enough for all applications as currently we don't have HTTP based
  authentication with forms for example ... but I think we should add
  that as well.


   On Sep 7, 1:36 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

On Sep 7, 10:53 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


 In practical terms, if I am already using an If LocParam, as in the

 If(() = User.isa_?(admin), S.?(not_authorized))

 what does adding

 HttpAuthProtected(() = User.authorize(admin)) to the Loc do?

It sais that this Loc is protected by the returned Role. Thus to
access this after passing the authentication the Role specified in the
authentication function (by setting userRoles) must be the same as or
a child of the Role the is protecting the Loc.

 Here, I've had to define User.authorize to make things work, as:

  def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role

[Lift] Re: FieldIdentifier

2009-09-07 Thread marius d.

A MappedField is a FieldIdentifier. In a field you can override
validate function and return a list of FieldError. You need to
override uniqueFieldId and return the ID of the page element that will
hold the specific error message. It is the ID that you specified to
the lift:msg id=abc/ tag. In this way the error message will be
rendered in specific places in the page. If you do not specify the
uniqueFieldId your error message will be rendered in the overall real
estate where you put lift:msgs/ tag.


On Sep 7, 2:01 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 How do FieldErrors work? When does a fields uniqueFieldId get set?
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[Lift] Re: Where did AnyVar go ?

2009-09-07 Thread marius d.

Same question for Injector, SimpleInjector etc.


On Sep 7, 4:08 pm, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just did a pull and get a bunch of compile time errors obviously.
 Seems like someone kidnapped AnyVar?

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[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-07 Thread marius d.

On Sep 7, 10:53 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

 In practical terms, if I am already using an If LocParam, as in the

 If(() = User.isa_?(admin), S.?(not_authorized))

 what does adding

 HttpAuthProtected(() = User.authorize(admin)) to the Loc do?

It sais that this Loc is protected by the returned Role. Thus to
access this after passing the authentication the Role specified in the
authentication function (by setting userRoles) must be the same as or
a child of the Role the is protecting the Loc.

 Here, I've had to define User.authorize to make things work, as:

  def authorize(roleName:String): Box[Role] =  {
       val credentials : (String,String) = User.currentUser match {
           case Full(u) = (u.email.is, u.password.is)
           case Empty = (null, null)

       User.isa_?(roleName) match {
         case true = {
             LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource.append {
                 case (ParsePath(listContents :: _, _, _, _)) = Full

Why do you need to use httpAuthProtectedResource if you' using
HttpAuthProtected LocParam ?

             LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift)
                 case (credentials._1, credentials._2, req) =
             Full(new _root_.net.liftweb.http.auth.Role{
                         def name = roleName})
       case false = Empty

 Rather verbose, don't you think.

Your code is verbose but I don't see the justification for this

   LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift) {
  case (username, password, req) = {
 // Do you authentication in DB or whatever and you
determined that this is an admin user
 userRoles(AuthRole(admin)) // userRoles needs to be
set. It is a RquestVar.

In Boot you have:

Menu(Loc(listContents, List(listContents), listContents,
HttpAuthProtected(() = Full(AuthRole(admin)

When you use HttpAuthProtected LocParam Lift appends a function to
LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource so you don't need to do it

This authorixation scheme is only about protecting resource by roles
and you do this almost declaratively and for authentication I thing
the things are pretty straight forward. One a user is authenticated
(using HTTP authentication) you need to specify the Role for this user
and you do this using userRoles RequestVar.Thus /listContents can only
be accessed if:

1. user passed authentications
2. user's Role is an admin or a child of the Role specified in

 elipsisless Glenn

 On Sep 6, 8:27 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  Right, i know it has a sitemap aspect... just based on what chas has
  asked about RBAC before, I can only presume he's still looking for
  more granularity than sitemap offers :-)

  Perhaps it might work for Glenn though...

  Cheers, Tim

  On Sep 6, 3:44 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


   Tim is correct however HTTP auth support + it's Role model can be used
   for SiteMenu as well. Please see:

   case class HttpAuthProtected(role: () = Box[Role]) extends LocParam

   You easily can specify that a Loc is a protected resource you just
   need to return the Role that guards this resource. This Loc will be
   served only if HTTP authentication succeeds and the Role match.

   So this is an RBAC.


   On Sep 5, 7:57 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

Glenn, its simply not designed to do what your asking - however, the
most lift way of doing access control is with SiteMap, so
potentially look into that as a solution. You don't detail your needs,
but we've had this conversation several times on-list so just look
through the archives and that might spawn some other ideas for you.


PS: Is there any good reason you always put an ellipsis after your
name? For some reason it bothers me quite a bit!

On Sep 5, 5:32 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


 I appreciate your reply, but the question I asked regards useage of
 the Role trait in what Charles
 refers to as a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system. I could not
 find this addressed in the
 Lift Book and, no, there is no illuminating code in the lift-
 authentication example. It's established
 the trait is not a good mixin for a mapper class in maintaining
 persistent role/access
 data. I was asking, on a lark, if anyone had ideas on a pattern that
 might help. I guess
 I've gotten an answer - No.

 I certainly don't expect Lift, out-of-the-box, to provide a complete
 authorization package
 and I would have been surprised if it had.


 On Sep 5, 12:38 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'll let Tim provide you a concrete code

[Lift] Re: Feature Request: Add S.findComet(theType: String, name: String): Option[CometActor]

2009-09-06 Thread marius d.

Is this too inconvenient ?

val myComet = Box(findComet(myType).filter(_.name == myname))

I have nothing against your proposal except it should return a Box not
an Option.


On Sep 6, 6:17 am, Xavi Ramirez xavi@gmail.com wrote:

 Would it be possible to add the following findComet override to LiftSession?

 def findComet(theType: String, name: String): Option[CometActor] =
   synchronized { asyncComponents get (theType, name) } // I'm not sure
 if this is the correct implementation, but you get the idea

 I'd like to be able to get hold of a specific CometActor without
 storing it in a session variable.

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[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-06 Thread marius d.


Tim is correct however HTTP auth support + it's Role model can be used
for SiteMenu as well. Please see:

case class HttpAuthProtected(role: () = Box[Role]) extends LocParam

You easily can specify that a Loc is a protected resource you just
need to return the Role that guards this resource. This Loc will be
served only if HTTP authentication succeeds and the Role match.

So this is an RBAC.


On Sep 5, 7:57 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Glenn, its simply not designed to do what your asking - however, the
 most lift way of doing access control is with SiteMap, so
 potentially look into that as a solution. You don't detail your needs,
 but we've had this conversation several times on-list so just look
 through the archives and that might spawn some other ideas for you.


 PS: Is there any good reason you always put an ellipsis after your
 name? For some reason it bothers me quite a bit!

 On Sep 5, 5:32 pm, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:


  I appreciate your reply, but the question I asked regards useage of
  the Role trait in what Charles
  refers to as a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system. I could not
  find this addressed in the
  Lift Book and, no, there is no illuminating code in the lift-
  authentication example. It's established
  the trait is not a good mixin for a mapper class in maintaining
  persistent role/access
  data. I was asking, on a lark, if anyone had ideas on a pattern that
  might help. I guess
  I've gotten an answer - No.

  I certainly don't expect Lift, out-of-the-box, to provide a complete
  authorization package
  and I would have been surprised if it had.


  On Sep 5, 12:38 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'll let Tim provide you a concrete code example but AFAIK there is a
   lift-authetication example in examples?

   A few points:

   1. We support both BASIC and DIGEST HTTP authentication
   2. First, to apply authentication you need to specify which resource
   (by URI) is a protected resource. Here we say that resource X is
   protected by Role A (Roles are hierarchicaly structured)
   3. Secondly you set up the authentication function in Boot (for Basic
   or Digest) you check the credentials. If authentication succeeds that
   request is being processed.

   Here is an example from lift-authentication:

      LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource.prepend {
         case (ParsePath(secure-basic :: Nil, _, _, _)) =
      // This resource is protected by an AuthRole named admin.

      LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift) {
             case (someuser, 1234, req) = {
                Log.info(You are now authenticated !)

   When we try to access /secure-basic resource HTTP basic auth. is
   applied. If
   credentials are correct we set the AuthRole as admin on the
   userRoles. If we would have set another role such as userRoles
   (guest)) the resource would still not be served as guest has nothing
   to do with
   an admin. The lift-book describes the rules of Roles application.

   All this has nothing to do with Mapper or Record etc. it is purely
   about HTTP authentication and a simple authorization mechanism


   On Sep 5, 12:53 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:

I'm looking for direction on the best pattern for implementing basic
authentication and authorization in Lift.
For example, if I already have a Role mapper to store roles in the
database, to what do I attach the Role trait in
the net.liftweb.http.auth package?

1) The mapper. You would have to make sure there were no naming
conflicts ( i.e., def name in the trait and the mapped string, name,
in the mapper. Not the best design pattern to link the two, in my
humble opinion.)


2) A new class, or perhaps an object, with the trait that wraps a Role
mapper instance.

The other piece to the puzzle is managing the list of AuthRoles,
create protected resources and build the Lift.authentication cases. If
you limit this to Boot, then you give up on dynamic authentication and
authorization, or do you?

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[Lift] Re: Using Roles and LIftRules.authentication

2009-09-05 Thread marius d.

I'll let Tim provide you a concrete code example but AFAIK there is a
lift-authetication example in examples?

A few points:

1. We support both BASIC and DIGEST HTTP authentication
2. First, to apply authentication you need to specify which resource
(by URI) is a protected resource. Here we say that resource X is
protected by Role A (Roles are hierarchicaly structured)
3. Secondly you set up the authentication function in Boot (for Basic
or Digest) you check the credentials. If authentication succeeds that
request is being processed.

Here is an example from lift-authentication:

   LiftRules.httpAuthProtectedResource.prepend {
  case (ParsePath(secure-basic :: Nil, _, _, _)) =
   // This resource is protected by an AuthRole named admin.

   LiftRules.authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication(lift) {
  case (someuser, 1234, req) = {
 Log.info(You are now authenticated !)

When we try to access /secure-basic resource HTTP basic auth. is
applied. If
credentials are correct we set the AuthRole as admin on the
userRoles. If we would have set another role such as userRoles
(guest)) the resource would still not be served as guest has nothing
to do with
an admin. The lift-book describes the rules of Roles application.

All this has nothing to do with Mapper or Record etc. it is purely
about HTTP authentication and a simple authorization mechanism


On Sep 5, 12:53 am, glenn gl...@exmbly.com wrote:
 I'm looking for direction on the best pattern for implementing basic
 authentication and authorization in Lift.
 For example, if I already have a Role mapper to store roles in the
 database, to what do I attach the Role trait in
 the net.liftweb.http.auth package?

 1) The mapper. You would have to make sure there were no naming
 conflicts ( i.e., def name in the trait and the mapped string, name,
 in the mapper. Not the best design pattern to link the two, in my
 humble opinion.)


 2) A new class, or perhaps an object, with the trait that wraps a Role
 mapper instance.

 The other piece to the puzzle is managing the list of AuthRoles,
 create protected resources and build the Lift.authentication cases. If
 you limit this to Boot, then you give up on dynamic authentication and
 authorization, or do you?

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[Lift] Re: Logging sql queries generated by Mapper

2009-09-04 Thread marius d.

Please see this thread:



On Sep 4, 5:03 pm, José María josemariar...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm new to JAVA as platform, I want to see the sql queries generated
 by Mapper queries. I've been reading the LiftWeb book but logging
 appears only as an appendix at the end and it doesn't tell you
 how to configure the Log system.

 Should I use Log4J config? Where should I put the configuration files?

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[Lift] Re: lift:msgs - how to override the default markup?

2009-09-03 Thread marius d.

In Boot you can do:

LiftRules.snippetDispatch.prepend {
 case Msgs = MyMsgs

where MyMsg is :

object MyMsg extends DispatchSnippet {

But the simplest way is to simply not use Msgs snippet and build your
own one. There is no magic in Msgs snippet. You can probably inspire
your code from Msgs snippet.


On Sep 3, 10:20 pm, george geo...@mattandgeorge.com wrote:
 Hello folks,

 If I want to change the XHTML output of the builtin snippet Msgs, what
 is the best way to do that? / Can I do that?

 Say for example if I didn't want an unordered list..

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[Lift] Re: lift:msgs - how to override the default markup?

2009-09-03 Thread marius d.

Note that noticesToJsCmd  is used for Ajax propagated notices and not
when rendering the actual page when the Msgs snippet is executed.


On Sep 3, 10:59 pm, george geo...@mattandgeorge.com wrote:
 thanks marius, I'll explore both options and hopefully I'll learn some
 more about scala and lift along the way..
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[Lift] Re: what is the functionality of fmapFunc

2009-09-02 Thread marius d.

This string acts as a function ID. calling SHtml.link you bound a
function to be executed when user clicked that link. That strange
string is sent back to Lift and Lift will know which function to
invoke. fmapFunc facilitates binding user-function.

Having this definition def fmapFunc[T](in: AFuncHolder)(f: String =

We provide to fmapFunc the user function (abstracted by AFuncHolder)
and then another function that receives the created string ID: that
strange string. having this string, in function f, Lift just adds
that string as a query string to the link itself and returns the
generated anchor tag.


On Sep 2, 12:00 pm, XiaomingZheng xiaomingzhen...@gmail.com wrote:
 when i use the SHtml.link, i found lift framework add a magic string
 after the url, and this string is generated by fmapFunc. What exactly
 fmapFunc used for and why add this strange string after the url?
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[Lift] Re: HTML decoding

2009-09-01 Thread marius d.

  {(str.split(\n).map(x = div{x}/div))}

{x} is an expression that returns a String. Assuming that x is a well-
formed XML node you could try something like:

  {(str.split(\n).map(x = div{XML.loadString(x)}/div))}


On Sep 1, 7:24 am, KP horse.headed.fish@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all.

 I have some text I read in from an uploaded file using
 scala.io.Source. I then have something like

   {(str.split(\n).map(x = div{x}/div))}

 with str some portion of text from the input file containing HTML
 formatting tags like i or b.

 Now, characters like  are being escaped to their proper entities
 lt;. However, I want these to display as actual HTML (e.g. want
 ifoo/i to be italic). Is there a straightforward way to do this?

 (Note that security isn't an issue since this is a feature only admins
 will be using).

 Thanks much.

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[Lift] Re: stopping an Actor

2009-09-01 Thread marius d.

Call self.exit(message)


On Sep 1, 6:27 pm, Jack Widman jack.wid...@gmail.com wrote:
 How does an Actor stop itself from running. That is to say, stop its act
 method as soon as possible?
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[Lift] Re: Great advice for startups

2009-09-01 Thread marius d.

Very nice article !

On Sep 1, 6:38 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

 I read this blog post this 

 While this list is mainly for discussing Lift, I thought I'd share the
 link.  It's great advice, IMHO, for small startups.




 Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
 Beginning Scalahttp://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
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[Lift] Re: Question about Lift/Scala Lift Discussion Board

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

My 2 cents if I may ...

Although I love this list and this is the official Lift list and
support I think it is important to also have other wiki's, forums etc.
out there. Personally I don't see this as a community split. More and
more people are becoming pretty knowledgeable with Lift  Scala
sharing information about Lift on other channels ... is nothing wrong
with that .. .quite the opposite. In fact this may take some of the
load on this list as community grows.

Would be nice though to have a central place where all other wiki's/
forums can be found. For instance serious forums/wikis could be
references from lift web-site or even fromthis list in the header


On Aug 30, 8:37 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 The lift community is not huge. It's David Pollak's brainchild, and I don't 
 see how you can discuss creating a forum (after the fact) without his okaying 
 it. How can you compare it to an IRC? A forum fills much of the same purpose 
 as the list, much more than IRC.
 Some of the advantages mentioned are better solved by a Wiki. (Your 
 volunteering to help with it is much appreciated.)
 Searchability - sounds like a bug on Google's part, no? Is there a Group for 
 discussing Google Groups? In any case, it's addressed by services like 
 MarkMail. Isn't Nabbles searchable?
 Duplicate questions - forums don't completely solve this. Searchability would 
 help, as will the Wiki as it grows.
 Stickies - Google Groups doesn't allow stickies?
 Syntax highlighting/formatting; organization - the way I see it, you can draw 
 a continuum with IRC being the most transient and a Wiki etc. the most 
 permanent, with a mailing list, a Google Groups mailng list, and a forum 
 falling in between, in increasing order of permanence/organizability. As you 
 go from left to right you get more of these features, but a forum is still 
 less than a Wiki. On the other hand as you go right to left you get more 
 dynamic/on the fly--you just write a question without worrying about 
 organization or formatting.
 Does that make sense?


 Xavi Ramirezxavi@gmail.com wrote:

 I applaud Artem's initiative!

 The mailing list has undoubtedly been an extremely helpful resource.
 That said, a mailing lists in general have several short comings:

 - Hard to search through
 - Many duplicate questions
 - No stickies
 - No syntax highlighting and few formatting options
 - Little to no message organization
 - Few moderation tools

 A forum could be a nice way to address these issues, so it might be
 worth a try.  Also I think introducing a forum is anymore likely to
 splinter than an IRC chat room.

 Just my two cents.


 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu 

  Agreed (and +1) - Personally I actually prefer mailing lists full stop
  because it involves no web site trawling to get to the topics one is

  Cheers, Tim

  On 30/08/2009 01:20, TylerWeir tyler.w...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm not really sure how splintering the community is going to help.
  I feel the google group has been fine.

  On Aug 29, 6:59 pm, Artem art...@gmail.com wrote:

  I stumbled on Lift a couple weeks ago and have been messing around
  with it a lot!  I am a Ruby on Rails programmer and it seems like Ruby
  is doing a fine job serving the web programmers community.  Recently,
  I read an article about Twitter running RoR and it crashing after a
  while.  They decided to switch to Scala because it's scalable unlike
  Ruby.  I am planning on developing a large website that will require
  lots of CPU/Database usage and I was wondering if Scala/Lift is the
  way to do it?

  I'm not a fan of Google Groups, they are not very user friendly, so I
  created a forum specially for Lift developers that like to discuss
  topics about the Scala/Lift programming language.  If you want to help
  start the forum and post a couple topics I would greatly appreciate
  it.  The link ishttp://www.liftforum.com.  It's a new forum so there
  isn't much content on it yet.

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[Lift] Re: Question about Lift/Scala Lift Discussion Board

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

What? ... Is there on ONE forum about Java, Scala, Spring, Rail
etc? ... did all Java forums needed James Gosling approval ? .. Come
on .. So yes people can talk about it make they own
wikis,forums,blogs ... internet is free you know. I have tons of
respect for David and this community and I don't need to write this
down here but IMO let people know about Lift  Scala by whatever
means. It doesn't have to be a single information channel.

I hate when I see such a dictatorial attitude about things ...


On Aug 30, 4:20 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
 Once again, I don't see how you can discuss it until you know that David's 
 fine with it.
 Personally I haven't read any concrete benefit (I don't know what take the 
 load off or get more sites out there mean practically) that isn't 
 available now between the list an the wiki---certainly not to outweigh the 
 very clear disadvantage to both posters, who have that much less of a chance 
 getting an answer in any one place and may have to ask twice, as well as to 
 experts who can either only monitor one site and leave the other site with 
 fewer experts; or be inconvenienced to monitor both.
 How many members are there of the Google Group currently? And what percentage 
 ever offer answers? Regularly? The lift community is not as large as many 
 other communities. Does Scala itself have other forums besides its own lists? 
 If so what is their state? Certainly the Scala community is much larger than 
 lift's. (Maybe you should make your forum be a Scala forum, and have a lift 
 category... But again, I think it's only fair to ask lift's mastermind first!)


 marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 My 2 cents if I may ...

 Although I love this list and this is the official Lift list and
 support I think it is important to also have other wiki's, forums etc.
 out there. Personally I don't see this as a community split. More and
 more people are becoming pretty knowledgeable with Lift  Scala
 sharing information about Lift on other channels ... is nothing wrong
 with that .. .quite the opposite. In fact this may take some of the
 load on this list as community grows.

 Would be nice though to have a central place where all other wiki's/
 forums can be found. For instance serious forums/wikis could be
 references from lift web-site or even fromthis list in the header


 On Aug 30, 8:37 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:

  The lift community is not huge. It's David Pollak's brainchild, and I don't 
  see how you can discuss creating a forum (after the fact) without his 
  okaying it. How can you compare it to an IRC? A forum fills much of the 
  same purpose as the list, much more than IRC.
  Some of the advantages mentioned are better solved by a Wiki. (Your 
  volunteering to help with it is much appreciated.)
  Searchability - sounds like a bug on Google's part, no? Is there a Group 
  for discussing Google Groups? In any case, it's addressed by services like 
  MarkMail. Isn't Nabbles searchable?
  Duplicate questions - forums don't completely solve this. Searchability 
  would help, as will the Wiki as it grows.
  Stickies - Google Groups doesn't allow stickies?
  Syntax highlighting/formatting; organization - the way I see it, you can 
  draw a continuum with IRC being the most transient and a Wiki etc. the most 
  permanent, with a mailing list, a Google Groups mailng list, and a forum 
  falling in between, in increasing order of permanence/organizability. As 
  you go from left to right you get more of these features, but a forum is 
  still less than a Wiki. On the other hand as you go right to left you get 
  more dynamic/on the fly--you just write a question without worrying about 
  organization or formatting.
  Does that make sense?


  Xavi Ramirezxavi@gmail.com wrote:

  I applaud Artem's initiative!

  The mailing list has undoubtedly been an extremely helpful resource.
  That said, a mailing lists in general have several short comings:

  - Hard to search through
  - Many duplicate questions
  - No stickies
  - No syntax highlighting and few formatting options
  - Little to no message organization
  - Few moderation tools

  A forum could be a nice way to address these issues, so it might be
  worth a try.  Also I think introducing a forum is anymore likely to
  splinter than an IRC chat room.

  Just my two cents.


  On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Timothy Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu 

   Agreed (and +1) - Personally I actually prefer mailing lists full stop
   because it involves no web site trawling to get to the topics one is

   Cheers, Tim

   On 30/08/2009 01:20, TylerWeir tyler.w...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm not really sure how splintering the community is going to help.
   I feel the google group has been fine.

   On Aug 29, 6:59 pm, Artem 

[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

Most of DI of Lift is currently done using PartialFunction-s and
Function lists that people can set in Boot or for snippets in case on
binding functions usign SHtml helpers etc.

Personally I'm not at all a fan of Pojo/Poji DI by annotations
especially in Scala realm where there are other artifacts such as
function composition, monads, mixin composition, higher order
functions etc. The other problem with annotations is that we can't
currently build annotations in Scala to be visible at runtime, so we'd
probably have to code them in Java or use some existent Java
annotations ... but this already smells hacky IMHO.

If enterprise folks solve one problem by DI by annotation it doesn't
mean that this fits in all contexts.Persistence loosely coupling can
be achieved in many ways:

1. Implement your own persistence semantic on top of Record
2. Implement your own traits hence your own abstractions
3. etc

What we've learned with Lift is the it is OK to give to persistence
objects understanding of rendering. Having dumb objects that carry on
just data and rely of layers that can do different jobs (render,
persist) is IMO not a very good design approach.

Having snippets invoking the persistence layer is ok, in fact it is
natural for applications. Of course with a proper level of persistence
abstraction IF there are chances for the application to use a
different persistence mechanism then say JDBC. But many application
don't really need such a rigorous decoupling so using mapper/record
from snippets makes a lot of sense.


On Aug 30, 6:21 pm, Chris Lewis burningodzi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I like the Lift framework. It has its rough edges, but it's a great way
 to get into web app development using scala. It borrows many good ideas
 from other frameworks, most notably its convention over configuration
 structure (rails) and its scriptless view layer (wicket).

 One thing I'm not a big fan of is its baked-in database layer, the
 Mapper (now in flux and being reborn as Record), and so was pleased to
 find the JPA archetype in the 1.1 tree. Using this archetype, you get a
 barebones but functioning lift app using pure JPA. This is a great
 start, but when I poked around the snippets I saw two things that
 troubled me:

 The underlying entity manager API leaks directly into what would be the
 service layer API; a single object exposed as Model.
 The snippet code is hardwired to Model, which uses it directly as a
 global DAO.

 This archetype is still in development, and it very well may change.
 It's carries a nature of being experimental; showing you how it can be
 done, but probably not how it should be done.

 However, it highlighted an issue I have with Lift, one that the boring
 enterprise crowd has solved: dependency injection.

 I have an admittedly specific idea in mind for what I want to implement
 in my would-be Lift app: I want to be able to declare a few fields and
 annotate them so that a layer above will provide me with acceptable
 instances. Yeah, I want to inject DAOs in the oh-so-familiar
 Guice/Spring/T5 IoC way. I like this partially because it's familiar,
 but also because it provides me with loosely coupled code.

 There's been some good discussion on the subject of implementing
 dependency injection in Scala using mere language constructs. I dove
 into this subject, starting with chapter 27 of
 [http://www.artima.com/shop/programming_in_scala]: Modular Programming
 Using Objects. It's a good read, and I recommend the book. After that I
 found my way to some relevant posts in the blogs of Debasish Ghosh and
 Jonas Boner, respectively:


 Very cool indeed, but I've slightly digressed. What I want to explore is
 how to loosely couple the persistence implementation (be it JPA, JDO, or
 a baked in model) with the accessing of persistent objects. I don't see
 how the aforementioned technique (the cake pattern) would help in the
 case of lift snippets, because we don't have any kind of hooks where we
 can provide configuration of snippets (at least, not that I know of).
 This is exactly the issue that DI solves.

 So what are the thoughts of the lift-power users? Is there a way to get
 this in lift, or would you say that I am doing it wrong?

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[Lift] Re: Overriding widgets stylesheets

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

No you don't have to do this because In Boot you are already calling


On Aug 30, 7:22 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 4. Additionally, you have to add this in Boot environment. Often we
 end up missing out on this step, or don't get the pattern right :)

 ResourceServer.allow {
   case _ :: style.css :: Nil = true


 Of course, you can narrow the PF argument to better adjust to the

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On Aug 27, 9:06 pm, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Someone encountered the problem where he couldn't override the
  stylesheet used by some widget. Damn I can't find any more that
  thread ...

  Anyways here it is:

  1. Include the widget in your application say monthview.
  2. The url to the stylesheet is: /classpath/calendars/monthview/
  3. In order to override this put your changed style.css in WEB-INF/

  This works for me.

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[Lift] Re: Overriding widgets stylesheets

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

Yeah ... in general all existent lift widgets have an init method that
needs to be called in boot.

On Aug 30, 8:39 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oops, I didn't follow that this is about the bundled

 I stand corrected, ResourceServer.allow {} isn't necessary because
 CalendarMonthlyView.init does the needful.

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On Aug 30, 9:32 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  No you don't have to do this because In Boot you are already calling


  On Aug 30, 7:22 pm, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:

   4. Additionally, you have to add this in Boot environment. Often we
   end up missing out on this step, or don't get the pattern right :)

   ResourceServer.allow {
     case _ :: style.css :: Nil = true


   Of course, you can narrow the PF argument to better adjust to the

   Cheers, Indrajit

   On Aug 27, 9:06 pm, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

Someone encountered the problem where he couldn't override the
stylesheet used by some widget. Damn I can't find any more that
thread ...

Anyways here it is:

1. Include the widget in your application say monthview.
2. The url to the stylesheet is: /classpath/calendars/monthview/
3. In order to override this put your changed style.css in WEB-INF/

This works for me.

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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Question about Lift/Scala Lift Discussion Board

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

Personally I like mailing lists .. I find it easier for me to try to
help people then a traditional forum. For someone who wants to lear
Lit perhaps a more traditional forum is more helpful? ... don't really
know .. I guess it depends on the person.


On Aug 30, 10:10 pm, Artem art...@gmail.com wrote:
 The problem is that this Google Group is not user friendly and not
 organized.  I think it will be better to have a user friendly forum
 where everything is organized according to its category and easily
 accessible.  This group is hard to find and hard to search.

 On Aug 30, 3:00 pm, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:

  Just my two cents, but I think establishing a separate forum at this
  point is a mite premature. What problem, exactly, is it that we're
  trying to solve?


  Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
   Once again, I don't see how you can discuss it until you know that 
   David's fine with it.
   Personally I haven't read any concrete benefit (I don't know what take 
   the load off or get more sites out there mean practically) that isn't 
   available now between the list an the wiki---certainly not to outweigh 
   the very clear disadvantage to both posters, who have that much less of a 
   chance getting an answer in any one place and may have to ask twice, as 
   well as to experts who can either only monitor one site and leave the 
   other site with fewer experts; or be inconvenienced to monitor both.
   How many members are there of the Google Group currently? And what 
   percentage ever offer answers? Regularly? The lift community is not as 
   large as many other communities. Does Scala itself have other forums 
   besides its own lists? If so what is their state? Certainly the Scala 
   community is much larger than lift's. (Maybe you should make your forum 
   be a Scala forum, and have a lift category... But again, I think it's 
   only fair to ask lift's mastermind first!)

   marius d.marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

   My 2 cents if I may ...

   Although I love this list and this is the official Lift list and
   support I think it is important to also have other wiki's, forums etc.
   out there. Personally I don't see this as a community split. More and
   more people are becoming pretty knowledgeable with Lift  Scala
   sharing information about Lift on other channels ... is nothing wrong
   with that .. .quite the opposite. In fact this may take some of the
   load on this list as community grows.

   Would be nice though to have a central place where all other wiki's/
   forums can be found. For instance serious forums/wikis could be
   references from lift web-site or even fromthis list in the header


   On Aug 30, 8:37 am, Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com wrote:
   The lift community is not huge. It's David Pollak's brainchild, and I 
   don't see how you can discuss creating a forum (after the fact) without 
   his okaying it. How can you compare it to an IRC? A forum fills much of 
   the same purpose as the list, much more than IRC.
   Some of the advantages mentioned are better solved by a Wiki. (Your 
   volunteering to help with it is much appreciated.)
   Searchability - sounds like a bug on Google's part, no? Is there a Group 
   for discussing Google Groups? In any case, it's addressed by services 
   like MarkMail. Isn't Nabbles searchable?
   Duplicate questions - forums don't completely solve this. Searchability 
   would help, as will the Wiki as it grows.
   Stickies - Google Groups doesn't allow stickies?
   Syntax highlighting/formatting; organization - the way I see it, you can 
   draw a continuum with IRC being the most transient and a Wiki etc. the 
   most permanent, with a mailing list, a Google Groups mailng list, and a 
   forum falling in between, in increasing order of 
   permanence/organizability. As you go from left to right you get more of 
   these features, but a forum is still less than a Wiki. On the other hand 
   as you go right to left you get more dynamic/on the fly--you just 
   write a question without worrying about organization or formatting.
   Does that make sense?


   Xavi Ramirezxavi@gmail.com wrote:

   I applaud Artem's initiative!

   The mailing list has undoubtedly been an extremely helpful resource.
   That said, a mailing lists in general have several short comings:

   - Hard to search through
   - Many duplicate questions
   - No stickies
   - No syntax highlighting and few formatting options
   - Little to no message organization
   - Few moderation tools

   A forum could be a nice way to address these issues, so it might be
   worth a try.  Also I think introducing a forum is anymore likely to
   splinter than an IRC chat room.

   Just my two cents.


   On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Timothy 
   Perretttimo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

   Agreed (and +1) - 

[Lift] Re: Dependency Injection in Lift

2009-08-30 Thread marius d.

On Aug 30, 9:03 pm, Chris Lewis burningodzi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am specifically talking about decoupling my web logic, ie, event
 handlers for forms in lift snippets, from the persistence layer. As
 currently implemented, snippets know exactly what persistence mechanism
 is in use because there is no intermediary API. If I'm using Mapper, my
 snippets must use the Mapper api. If JPA, the global EM wrapper Model.
 The same, I imagine, holds true for the Record api.

Why do you say this holds true about Record? ... Recourd is not bound
to any persistence technology. If you are concerned about Mapper,
means to me that you want a complete abstraction such that you can
replace JDBC with something totally different. Ok, but what stops you
from invoking the Mapper from layer abstracted by application specific

This makes the
 persistence layer a Leaky Abstraction
 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_abstraction), and I want to avoid that.

   Most of DI of Lift is currently done using PartialFunction-s and
   Function lists that people can set in Boot or for snippets in case on
   binding functions usign SHtml helpers etc.

 Ok, but how does that help me decouple my web logic from the persistence

The statement was about Lift's DI beyond the context of persistence.
If you want your snippets to not know about Mapper abstract the Mapper
wok with your own traits ... could use a Factory pattern or something

   What we've learned with Lift is the it is OK to give to persistence
   objects understanding of rendering. Having dumb objects that carry on
   just data and rely of layers that can do different jobs (render,
   persist) is IMO not a very good design approach.

 I disagree. An entity, like Author, is nothing more than an expression
 of a real-world concept modeled in code. It should know about itself,
 its direct constituents (like a Book collection), anything else that
 defines its own semantics, and nothing more. How it is stored is none of
 its business.

I didn't quite expect that you would :). We found Lift's approach to
be quite productive in real life apps.

 Don't misunderstand me - I accept that I may be missing something. We
 agree that the concept of DI is valuable because it helps us keep
 abstractions loosely coupled. I don't see the problem with annotations,
 but I am not at all married to them.

No worries I think your approach for a debate is a very healthy one.
Having different opinions is OK. I explained one of the problems with
annotations in Scala

 * The other problem with annotations is that we can't currently
build annotations in Scala to be visible at runtime, so we'd probably
have to code them in Java or use some existent Java annotations ...
but this already smells hacky IMHO. 

 You point at partial functions and traits to implement abstractions over
 the persistence layer, but what is missing is how to apply that to
 snippets. Yes, I could abstract the layer however I want, but my
 snippets we still be required to get at the layer by calling it
 directly, instead of having it provided. Can you share some input on
 that part?

def mySnipetFunc(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
  val persistence = MyPersistenceFactory.getPersistence();
  persistence.getBy( --- some predicate ---)

This is a trivial model ... but in most cases this would be enough. In
many cases I don't really need something that injects a reference to
an annotated class member.

One other approach would be to use a RequestVar or a SessionVar to
hold a Persistence reference and you can access it from different
places. You could set the proper context for such var-s from from our
LoanWrapper added in boot by calling S.addAround.

 Thanks for the discussion,


 marius d. wrote:
  Most of DI of Lift is currently done using PartialFunction-s and
  Function lists that people can set in Boot or for snippets in case on
  binding functions usign SHtml helpers etc.

  Personally I'm not at all a fan of Pojo/Poji DI by annotations
  especially in Scala realm where there are other artifacts such as
  function composition, monads, mixin composition, higher order
  functions etc. The other problem with annotations is that we can't
  currently build annotations in Scala to be visible at runtime, so we'd
  probably have to code them in Java or use some existent Java
  annotations ... but this already smells hacky IMHO.

  If enterprise folks solve one problem by DI by annotation it doesn't
  mean that this fits in all contexts.Persistence loosely coupling can
  be achieved in many ways:

  1. Implement your own persistence semantic on top of Record
  2. Implement your own traits hence your own abstractions
  3. etc

  What we've learned with Lift is the it is OK to give to persistence
  objects understanding of rendering. Having dumb objects that carry on
  just data and rely of layers that can do different jobs (render,
  persist) is IMO not a very good design approach

[Lift] Re: Creating your own tags?

2009-08-29 Thread marius d.

Tim, obscuring things may get you a really long way indeed. But once
the obscurity get broken and people figure out that they can do other
things by using strange undocumented tags (i.e lift tags) they could
cause lots of problems and side effects.

Personally I'd stay away from it. And if I'd need to create a CMS
templating mechanism with special nodes I'd probably create one
separated from Lift's templating engine as parsing XML in Scala is
pretty easy, and you can safely add CMS content specific semantics
without worrying about anything else. Such templating system would be
nothing more then a transformation between the CMS language to the one
understood by Lift. But that's just me ...


On Aug 29, 2:22 am, Charles F. Munat c...@munat.com wrote:
 Security by obscurity, eh?

 Timothy Perrett wrote:
  Its not that I want to completely stop the normal lift tag processing, I
  don't, I just want to make it appear to users as if they are not using
  lift... That might sound crazy, but essentially I want users to only know
  about that tags they are told about, rather than having obvious access to
  all the lift default stuff.

  Yes, ok, they could do some research and dig it out, but in my experience if
  it is not staring users in the face, only a few of them will go looking any
  deeper. Does that make any sense what-so-ever?

  Cheers, Tim

  On 28/08/2009 21:47, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey Marius

  Firstly I agree with your thoughts on LiftTagPF - im not sure that
  overriding the default lift tags would ever be a good idea for
  implementing users...
  Well I was referring to overwriting (as those would take precedence
  over builtin snippets) ... not much of an overriding.

  However, I do see a use case, in, for instance
  the CMS arena where having a specialized tagging mechanism would be
  beneficial because you simply wouldn't want to use the default lift
  namespace so that users could just do:

  lift:comet type=Whatever /

  All over their template code - you'd want to restrict what users could
  actually do whilst still keeping the templates designer friendly.
  Such restrictions could be very tricky to achieve if the CMS template
  is processed by Lift engine. Perhaps for specialized CMS templates a
  dedicated templating definition and engine is more appropriate in
  order to strictly process given tags that define the CMS templating

  This is one use case, and in my particular circumstances, I want to
  provide a degree of functionality that is succinctly separate from the
  lift functionality and I don't want the twain to meet (as it were) but
  its important for my purposes at least that the templates still play
  well with tools such as Dreamweaver (just as the lift tags do)

  What are your thoughts?
  Related to my notes above if you define a set of tags for your CMS
  template and you run that against Lift's templating engine how do you
  prevent lift specific tags to be executed?
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[Lift] Re: Searching this Group

2009-08-29 Thread marius d.

Damn that's great stuff ... I was searching a couple of days ago for
some thread and couldn't find it period.

Thanks a lot Ryan :)


On Aug 29, 12:02 am, Ryan Donahue donahu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Search this group doesn't always work.  I found this by searching
 for the term fade, recalling a discussion Marius posted about fading
 out messages.  Search this group does not find the discussion, but
 you can find the discussion by changing the search criteria to fade
 group:liftweb and use the Search Groups button.

 Here's a very short screencast (28sec) showing the problem and

 I hope this helps somebody else find what they are looking for.  Maybe
 it's why there are so many duplicate questions posted.
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[Lift] Re: Deleting elements after a modal confirmation dialog

2009-08-29 Thread marius d.

In such cases IF you also need to send an ajax request you can also
use the SHtml.ajaxButton that takes a Call as an argument.

See this thread:


On Aug 30, 12:31 am, Ross Mellgren dri...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well it depends on how your dialog works... if you need a JS function  
 that calls back to the server, use SHtml.ajaxInvoke. If you want a  
 button element that does the same thing, use SHtml.ajaxButton.

 If that doesn't help you, please post what code you do have or an  
 example of what you want.


 On Aug 29, 2009, at 5:23 PM, Channing Walton wrote:

  I'm a bit stumped as to how to proceed with the following. I have a
  page which shows a list of items, each of which can be deleted. When
  the user clicks the delete button next to an item, I would like to
  open a confirmation dialog and if they confirm, call a backend
  function to delete the corresponding object, and then delete the
  item's row in the list.

  I have managed to integrate the modal confirmation example shown here:

  Everything works except I cannot figure out how to call some
  javascript when the user clicks the 'yes' button to update the list.

  Help and pointers much appreciated, I really am stumped.

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[Lift] Re: authentication and access control

2009-08-28 Thread marius d.

I'm not sure you HTTP authentication is what your looking for. Lift
has support for both BASIC and DIGEST authentication models
(irrespective of any persistence technology) and you can grant access
based on Roles defined as a hierarchical structure.

See /examples/http-authentication application.

As far as Mapper goes it has a built in ProtoUser implementation for
login, registration, forgot password etc.


On Aug 28, 4:42 am, Chris Lewis burningodzi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Lift users,

 I'm curious what you all are using for user access control (Mapper users
   excluded). I'm seriously evaluating lift for a project that will use
 JPA. My full time job uses Spring Security, which while nice in that it
 stays out of the way, is too clunky for my tastes. I haven't dissected
 how lift implements it with Mapper, but wanted to ask the group first.

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[Lift] Re: how to use thread in lift

2009-08-28 Thread marius d.

Why don't you use scala actors?

... and after you populate asynchronously the two lists do you need to
report the lists back to client asynchronously (say Comet) or when the
page is rendered? ... If it's the later that you'd probably need a
count-down-latch or a cyclic barrier.


On Aug 28, 12:05 pm, pravin pravinka...@gmail.com wrote:
 i want to use thread in my lift application.
 I have two Lists i.e. List1() and List2();
 when i click on submit button
 i want to do following things -

 i am executing to method  to populate above to list -;

 List1() = fun1();
 List2() = fun2();

 So i want to do above things with thread s

 thread 1 will do List1() = fun1();
 and thread 2 will do List2() = fun2();

 so i can increase performance of my application

 Note:serial execution is working

 Is this possible with lift
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[Lift] Re: Db.addLogFunc

2009-08-28 Thread marius d.


On Aug 28, 7:28 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
     I've made a change to the Mapper logging functionality in
 wip-dcb-sql-log-wrappers. The DB.addLogFunc method has changed to:

 addLogFunc( f: (DBLog,Long) = Any)

 where DBLog is a new trait (below) and the Long corresponds to the *total*
 duration of a given DB execution method. DBLog is defined as:

 trait DBLog {
   ... private stuff up here ...
   /** Return a list of all of the DBStatementEntry instances in the log
 buffer */
   def statementEntries : List[DBStatementEntry] = ...

   /** Return a list of all of the DBMetaEntry instances in the log buffer */
   def metaEntries : List[DBMetaEntry] = ...

   /** Return all log buffer entries */
   def allEntries : List[DBLogEntry] = ...


 and we have some new event class/traits:

 trait DBLogEntry {
   def statement : String
   def duration : Long}

 object DBLogEntry {
   def unapply(obj : Any) = obj match {
     case entry : DBLogEntry = Some(entry.statement,entry.duration)
     case _ = None

 case class DBStatementEntry(statement : String, duration : Long) extends
 case class DBMetaEntry(statement : String, duration : Long) extends

 Statements are SQL statements, prepared or immediate, and meta entries
 correspond to things like getMaxRows, getGeneratedKeys, etc. As you can see,
 each individual statement records its own duration as well, so you can get
 fine-grained detail on all activity. An example log function in Boot could
 look like:

     DB.addLogFunc {
       case (query, time) = {
         Log.info(All queries took  + time + ms: )
         query.allEntries.foreach({ case DBLogEntry(stmt, duration) =
 Log.info(stmt +  took  + duration + ms)})
         Log.info(End queries)

 And we get output like:

 INFO - All queries took 17ms:
 INFO - Exec update INSERT INTO users
 d...@c.com,0,) : updated 1 rows took 9ms
 INFO - Get generated keys : rs =
 oracle.jdbc.driver.oraclereturnresult...@23f9e6e5 took 2ms
 INFO - Closed Statement took 0ms
 INFO - End queries

 Note that this code does introduce a breaking change if you're already using
 log functions, since the addLogFunc signature has changed. If I can get a
 review on the code before I merge to master I would appreciate it.


 On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Derek Chen-Becker 

  OK, a preliminary version of log wrappers is checked in on
  wip-dcb-sql-log-wrappers. I'll merge it on Tuesday if no one sees any
  problems with it.


  On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:08 AM, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com

  Will do.

  On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 2:33 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.comwrote:

  Please do so. If you need any help for some reason (time availability
  etc.) please let me know. As a note probably the wrappers should be
  only only when there is at least one log function registered.


  On Aug 6, 11:48 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
   If there's a consensus that we want our own JDBC wrappers I'll go ahead
   write them.


   On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:19 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com

Probably building our own wrappers would be more lightweight then
party. Jus' guessing


On Aug 6, 9:58 pm, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, I started looking at it and determined that the only way for
  us to
 truly log the queries would be to essentially make our own wrappers
 Statement and PreparedStatement. There are projects (log4jdbc,
 already do this, and in a transparent manner. I'm not sure that
  adding a
 whole bunch of SQL logging directly to Lift is better than
 existing libraries to do it.


 On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM, marius d. 

  Yeah we're aware of that. That is based on toString application
  is JDBC driver dependent. I think Derek started some work on this
  correct this behavior. Derek ?


  On Aug 6, 8:01 pm, jon jonhoff...@gmail.com wrote:

   I have the following in boot:
     DB.addLogFunc((query, len) = Log.info(The query: +query+
   +len+ milliseconds))

   I was expecting the query parameter to be sql, but it's
  actually some
   sort of guid

   INFO - The query: 6839c016-0122-f09a-9c96-003844e8 took 5

   Any ideas?
   I'm running with derby.


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[Lift] Re: Creating your own tags?

2009-08-28 Thread marius d.

Personally I'm not a fan of such feature. To me this doesn't bring
much benefits especially that snippets pretty much allow this support
such as:

   something:notlift attr=whatever /

...yes the wrapping tag is extra typing but still I can't find a real
problem where a custom tags solves it and snippets do now. To me this
looks like ... what I'd call a false sense of extensibility. I mean
at the first glance we allow people to define a tag soup (with or
without naming overlaps) but then looking closely is that we didn't
actually do too much. Snippets would do the job in a more
standardize lift way IMO.

For what I can tell the LiftRules.LiftTagPF should probably be
deprecated. The debatable value that I could currently find in
LiftTagPF is that people could overwrite Lift built in snippets with
some proprietary implementation. However in practice this is not
really needed .. I think.

All in all I'd love to see some types of problems where custom tags
would be a better fit.


On Aug 28, 7:30 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Hey David,

 Id like to echo your thoughts - I see no issue with views being tied
 to plugins or other such arbitrary tags... as you say, they are
 already tied to snippets.

 What are your thoughts on how arbitrary tag / prefix support could be

 Cheers, Tim

  There's been some discussion of this feature in the past.  The generally
  outcome is that cost of prefix/label soup would become very confusing
  because the views become tied to plugins (although this seems weird to me
  because views are tied to snippets.)

  I think in light of the modularization discussion and the potential for
  snippet name overlap, it might be having the discussion about supporting
  arbitrary tags and arbitrary attributes in Lift's templating system.

  Anybody have thoughts?
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[Lift] Re: Creating your own tags?

2009-08-28 Thread marius d.

On Aug 28, 11:20 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Hey Marius

 Firstly I agree with your thoughts on LiftTagPF - im not sure that
 overriding the default lift tags would ever be a good idea for
 implementing users...

Well I was referring to overwriting (as those would take precedence
over builtin snippets) ... not much of an overriding.

 However, I do see a use case, in, for instance
 the CMS arena where having a specialized tagging mechanism would be
 beneficial because you simply wouldn't want to use the default lift
 namespace so that users could just do:

 lift:comet type=Whatever /

 All over their template code - you'd want to restrict what users could
 actually do whilst still keeping the templates designer friendly.

Such restrictions could be very tricky to achieve if the CMS template
is processed by Lift engine. Perhaps for specialized CMS templates a
dedicated templating definition and engine is more appropriate in
order to strictly process given tags that define the CMS templating

 This is one use case, and in my particular circumstances, I want to
 provide a degree of functionality that is succinctly separate from the
 lift functionality and I don't want the twain to meet (as it were) but
 its important for my purposes at least that the templates still play
 well with tools such as Dreamweaver (just as the lift tags do)

 What are your thoughts?

Related to my notes above if you define a set of tags for your CMS
template and you run that against Lift's templating engine how do you
prevent lift specific tags to be executed?

 Cheers, Tim

 On Aug 28, 5:48 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Personally I'm not a fan of such feature. To me this doesn't bring
  much benefits especially that snippets pretty much allow this support
  such as:

     something:notlift attr=whatever /

  ...yes the wrapping tag is extra typing but still I can't find a real
  problem where a custom tags solves it and snippets do now. To me this
  looks like ... what I'd call a false sense of extensibility. I mean
  at the first glance we allow people to define a tag soup (with or
  without naming overlaps) but then looking closely is that we didn't
  actually do too much. Snippets would do the job in a more
  standardize lift way IMO.

  For what I can tell the LiftRules.LiftTagPF should probably be
  deprecated. The debatable value that I could currently find in
  LiftTagPF is that people could overwrite Lift built in snippets with
  some proprietary implementation. However in practice this is not
  really needed .. I think.

  All in all I'd love to see some types of problems where custom tags
  would be a better fit.


  On Aug 28, 7:30 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

   Hey David,

   Id like to echo your thoughts - I see no issue with views being tied
   to plugins or other such arbitrary tags... as you say, they are
   already tied to snippets.

   What are your thoughts on how arbitrary tag / prefix support could be

   Cheers, Tim

There's been some discussion of this feature in the past.  The generally
outcome is that cost of prefix/label soup would become very confusing
because the views become tied to plugins (although this seems weird to 
because views are tied to snippets.)

I think in light of the modularization discussion and the potential for
snippet name overlap, it might be having the discussion about supporting
arbitrary tags and arbitrary attributes in Lift's templating system.

Anybody have thoughts?
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[Lift] Re: some questions on lift

2009-08-27 Thread marius d.

Tim has a magic articles bag :)

On Aug 27, 4:20 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 Checkout my article here on how to localize with Lift:  http://is.gd/1NXGN

 Cheers, Tim

 On 27/08/2009 14:08, surfman chinasmile...@gmail.com wrote:

  3) internationalization support. how does lift support this?
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[Lift] Re: CSS Override

2009-08-26 Thread marius d.

I'll take a look and get back to you. A resource is eventually read
using container's provided API (from the ServletContext.getResourceXXX
functions). The container first locates a resource from WEB-INF/
classes folder and then it looks up in the jar files.


On Aug 26, 8:39 am, Shane Gill tothegi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've been working through the book Exploring Lift.  I'm trying to
 override the CSS file for a CalendarMonthView widget without any
 luck.  The book says:

 provide your own style.css file under the WEB-INF/classes/calendars/
 monthview directory in your project

 I have done this but the style doesn't change.  I have tried messing
 with different paths and ResourceServer.allow but no dice.

 Any help would be much appreciated

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[Lift] Re: Codebase Organization...

2009-08-26 Thread marius d.

renaming sites to examples would probably be more obvious for people.
So fine by me.

About archetypes thingy that's an interesting idea. I like it.


On Aug 26, 12:39 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 Any objections to me renaming sites to examples?

 Moreover, I want to move some of these so called examples to be
 archetypes as it strikes me that they are better starting points than
 anything else (e.g. HTTP Auth, PayPal etc)


 Cheers, Tim
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[Lift] Re: Submit to different page

2009-08-25 Thread marius d.

Well you can put a regular lift form that submits to itself in terms
or URI, do the computation in your processing function and redirect-
with-state to your new page.

So this would imply a redirect which one can say that it is suboptimal
as it implies one additional request. Personally I see no reason why
not allowing for non-ajax form to have a different user-specified
action attribute. So IMO we could add this support quite easily. If
someone thinks that we shouldn't do this, I'd love to see the


On Aug 25, 10:38 am, Ulises ulises.cerv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey people,

 I'm trying to have a form be submitted to a different page (so, not a
 POST/GET back). The scenario is a search form which renders on a front
 page as well as on the search page.


   should include a form that submits to /search

   form that submits to itself

 Any hints on how to do this/were to look to learn how to do this? I
 guess that the form on the front page could be just static HTML
 however I'm not entirely sure how /search would deal with the form
 submission from a static form ...


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[Lift] Re: Submit to different page

2009-08-25 Thread marius d.

Something like that yes. Of course if action is missing current
behavior will apply.


On Aug 25, 12:34 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 So to clarify, your proposing:

 lift:MySnippet form=post action=???

 Cheers, Tim

 On 25/08/2009 10:24, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well you can put a regular lift form that submits to itself in terms
  or URI, do the computation in your processing function and redirect-
  with-state to your new page.

  So this would imply a redirect which one can say that it is suboptimal
  as it implies one additional request. Personally I see no reason why
  not allowing for non-ajax form to have a different user-specified
  action attribute. So IMO we could add this support quite easily. If
  someone thinks that we shouldn't do this, I'd love to see the


  On Aug 25, 10:38 am, Ulises ulises.cerv...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey people,

  I'm trying to have a form be submitted to a different page (so, not a
  POST/GET back). The scenario is a search form which renders on a front
  page as well as on the search page.


    should include a form that submits to /search

    form that submits to itself

  Any hints on how to do this/were to look to learn how to do this? I
  guess that the form on the front page could be just static HTML
  however I'm not entirely sure how /search would deal with the form
  submission from a static form ...


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[Lift] Re: Submit to different page

2009-08-25 Thread marius d.

Sure this is totally doable but I think we should be able to support
the case above where a form can submit to a different page.


On Aug 25, 2:05 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

 Am I missing something? There is nothing stopping you making a URL like:


 You can do that as it stands today...
 Just read in the parameter using S.param(for) //= Box[String]

 Seems like this would be the easiest route, no?

 Cheers, Tim

 On 25/08/2009 11:15, Ulises ulises.cerv...@gmail.com wrote:

  lift:MySnippet form=post action=???

  Interestingly enough that's the first thing I tried. I'm sure that
  there are good reasons for the restriction that I'm overlooking.

  As for the redirection solution, I did think about that and that would
  equate (someone please correct me) to a GET with parameters which
  (apparently) is the way to deal with search form submissions (because
  of reloads, blah blah).

  If my vote counts for anything lift:MyClass form=post|get
  action=other_url would get my +1


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[Lift] Re: Notes from 8/19/09 Lift Committers Call - LIFT SESSION REPLICATION DISCUSSION

2009-08-25 Thread marius d.

I understand your thoughts David ... but I'm not convinced that Java
serialization is the way to go. A more efficient serialization of the
dependency graph sounds more appropriate but also quite complex.


On Aug 25, 12:42 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Meredith Gregory lgreg.mered...@gmail.com


  Can one leave proxies in place for things that are not actually

 Anything that's marked serializable should be... and it's up to the thing
 that marks itself as serialiable to create a proxy.  Things that are not
 marked as serializable may or may not be... the issue is what kind of
 instance variables they have to determine if they could be serialized.

  Best wishes,


  On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:55 PM, David Pollak 
  feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 12:36 PM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.comwrote:

  Just a FYI. I briefly talked with Martin and he said this idea is
  possible but quite tricky. Stephane Micheloud did something similar
  and he may share some of his work. I'm waiting some feedback from him.

  I think we can do it at runtime in development mode.  This is just for
  data gathering, not for actual implementation.  We just need to calculate
  whether a given class is serializable once... so we don't have to worry
  about cyclic graphs or anything else... just... are the slots (instance
  variables) for each class serializable.


  On Aug 24, 10:46 am, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Aug 24, 10:39 am, Viktor Klang viktor.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 8:13 AM, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com

 On Aug 24, 12:06 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
  On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 10:45 AM, marius d. 

   Hmmm .. I'm wondering if we can write aScalacompilerpluginthat
   transform functions provided to Lift's S/SHtml function etc.
  into a
   richer FunctionX implementation that knows how to serialize
   members. We could restrict the types that as LiftSerializable
  on top
   of primitives, Calenars, SessionVar/RequestVar etc. If users
   their own classes to be LiftSerilizable they would have to
   LiftSerializable trait.

  I think we can do it without explicit traits.  I think we just
  need to
  the graph for everything that's added to the LiftSession and see
  where it
  leads.  Any graph we can walk is something that we can
  serialize... even
  without Java serialization.  Any graph that ends in globals or
  some class
  that refers to native stuff (e.g., IO), then we're toast.

 Totally agree. The rationale for explicit LiftSerializable would be
 just for user defined types. Otherwise user's won't have to use it.
 Graphs may also have be cyclic paths ... it shouldn't be too big of
 pain though. Furthermore if a dependency graph path leads say to an
 reference maybe that's unintentional user code doesn't really use
 but compiler put it for whatever reason. If such cases are possible
 and could be determined maybe we could exclude that silently from
 serialization operation and add a compile time warning.

 I guess we need to dig more intoscalacompilerpluginsystem.

1. Isn't there a problem with references _inside_ methods that are

s = { Db.myCachedInfoNotInSession foo s  }

Regarding member references, a simple check for transient
(sca...@transient == java *transient*) to forcve people to use
members for non-serializable state.

But IMHO the serialization problem is a (negative?) sideeffect of
  Lifts rich
model GUID=Func approach.
Perhpas there is a middle way, a way where we can replicate just
  enough to
survive a node crash?

   That's exactly it. We probably don't need everything that Java
   Serialization does. Just enough to make it consistent ... the
   dependency graphs that is actually used by the user's function.



   On Aug 23, 8:30 pm, marius d. marius.dan...@gmail.com
At a first glace Java serialization is needed because of its
of the reference graph. But in the same time it does not
One way might be the byte level instrumentation that would
to figure out the reference graph and know how to stream-ify
  it using
a given efficient protocol. But that induces risks and it
tons of work. I think would be doable though.

The problem is not really the technology of propagating
information to other nodes. That's the easiest part, but
  tough one is
figuring out the low level reference graph

[Lift] Re: Submit to different page

2009-08-25 Thread marius d.

1. I just pushed a little change that allows:

lift:MySnippet form=post action=/search

2. You can also do

form method=post action=/search




In both cases you can use Lift's html abstractions such as SHtml.text
etc. and bind your function. In the second example we used a snippet
that has no idea about form ... it is just wrapped by a form. So in
both cases you don't really need to call S.attr to manually get


On Aug 25, 6:24 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:38 AM, Ulises ulises.cerv...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey people,

  I'm trying to have a form be submitted to a different page (so, not a
  POST/GET back). The scenario is a search form which renders on a front
  page as well as on the search page.


   should include a form that submits to /search

   form that submits to itself

 form method=post action=/searchinput type=text name=search
 value=/input type=submit value=Search//form

 In the snippet that handles the search page:

 val searchTerm = S.param(search) openOr {S.error(no search term);
 S.redirectTo(S.referer openOr /)}

  Any hints on how to do this/were to look to learn how to do this? I
  guess that the form on the front page could be just static HTML
  however I'm not entirely sure how /search would deal with the form
  submission from a static form ...



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