Yep, totally agree. We need a 'webmummy' who wants to take care of this
business, someone to coordinate all of this. Who wants to sacrifies his/her
last minute of spare time? I suggest I'd be somebody from Detroit...

Can we already get some response here from people who want to contribute to
such a site? 

Count me in!


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 3:10 PM
To: electric seth
Subject: Re: [313] Idea, Solution to Question?

I think a 313 site would be better. There're a lot of
ppl on this list from all over the world. Underground
related stuff is happening in everyone's vicinity. Ppl
post a lot of localised info on this list but, a lot
of the time, ppl don't read it and just delete it. 

If major topics were put onto the site (as well as
nights and events from all over the world), ppl could
view it whenever, it would allow for a more summarised
version of this list (more preferable than reading
through 30 large posts to get to the point). It'd also
reach a wider audience so this could help for getting
ppl through the door for newer nights starting up...

Everyone is already contributing... We're the only
resource for information needed, we just need someone
to find a way to present it on the site...

Nick (Dj Pacific:) 
--- electric seth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > well, here's a simple suggestion (and I'm
sure you
> had thought of this as 
> well). I have been in several shops recently who
> don't know about new stuff 
> coming out, and I can think of many others who
> wouldn't turn down another 
> source on info, particularly if it came in one easy
> weekly package
> Since the Submerge mailings are so rare as to be
> almost useless, hardwax 
> doesn't have good reviews and the hyperreal network
> already has the facility 
> set up to send out mailings.
> Why not put together a weekly mailing (a zine of
> sorts) which could be 
> mailied out to anyone interested...shops, other
> zines, and mere fans... from 
> a more international standpoint
> we'd all get early info, and I'm sure you could
> count on most of the people 
> from various lists to subscribe for a start... in
> the interests of 
> expediency it should probably be left to a few
> people in each country to 
> review the relevant records, who could be recruited
> through 313 (I nominate 
> Tom Magic-feet for the UK, if he'd do it, maybe
> double up on the Overload 
> reviews or something)... I'm sure with a small link
> on alt.techno, submerge, 
> or hardwax the subscriptions would soon pile up and
> the labels would find it 
> especially worthwhile giving  promos (since it's an
> easy way of hitting the 
> precise target audience)
> I'm sure it's already being done somewhere, but I
> reckon there's enough 
> knowledge and eloquence on this list to make it
> worthwhile...
> I offer my services, in any capacity...
> Seth
> The Electric Press
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