Oh yeah this is what we are waiting for a discusion about wheter Moby's
music is real. For the 'techno-purists' amongst us Moby will never be real.
For others who aren't so purist-like really don't care that much. 


>  yes there is something in not mixing artists and art
>  but moby is case for it self.. i dont know wierd in
>  interviews, and everything. thing is that i never
>  heard him talk about music something that is not
>  linked to his music, he is always  moby this , my
>  music that. first moby should stop mixing him self and
>  music, than we can talk about his  emotional music,
>  wich i beleive he dont know how to make. 
>  respect
>  m.
>  --- "M. Todd Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Your all missing the point, who gives a F@@k about
>  > the money and the
>  > attitude we're (or so I thought) talking about
>  > music)  not about your last
>  > interview with so and so, or how blah blah blah
>  > never shook your hand after
>  > the show, or whether or not a whole show is
>  > improvised (christ even iggy pop
>  > rehearses his shows now).
>  > 
>  > His attempt at making emotional music has worked,
>  > his music is being used in
>  > commercials around the world, because it moves you. 
>  > You think its a pretty
>  > blatent ripoff, well to the trained ear maybe, but
>  > then again I could go on
>  > how about how Pepe Braddock ripped off Tribe who
>  > ripped off  the NY
>  > Philharmonic, and that's way more obvious.
>  > 
>  > BTW In your three paragraphs of writing you spent
>  > all but two sentences
>  > talking about music, your letting yourself get to
>  > wrapped up in the inner
>  > workings of the people behind the music instead of
>  > enjoying it for what it
>  > is (MUSIC).
>  > 
>  > Morrisey rocks!
>  > todd
>  > ----- Original Message -----
>  > Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
>  > Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 2:07 PM
>  > Subject: Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno
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