there is no discusion about influensces and other
music, i think if i listen techno all the time i go
crazy, i like music i live with music, but i love
techno, i know much about it and moby at the end never
did somethning revolutionary like some guys from
detroit or berlin or london or paris. 


--- Cyclone Wehner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I respect Todd's and others view (my antipathy is to
> Moby not you guys) but
> to clairify: the point me and Fred were making was
> that Moby has the
> opportunity to point out the real roots of the music
> and he doesn't, so how
> can people find out about Detroit techno through his
> work, then?. I gained
> my music education by being into Prince as a kid
> then tracing his work back
> to Sly Stone, Parliament, Miles Davis, etc, because
> in the few interviews
> Prince gave in the 80s (anyone heard the one he gave
> to E Mojo in the
> mid-80s where he goes "hey y'all motor city babies"?
> I have it on tape
> somewhere) he acknowledged his influences, as many
> musicians do.
> I guess I admire those who can isolate the music but
> music never exists in a
> vaccum; it reflects the values of the music-maker,
> among other things.
> Personally I don't think it necessarily has much to
> do with musical purism.
> Timbaland & Missy Elliott are like techno to me yet
> they're 'commercial'.

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