On 8 Sep 2009, at 16:20, David Powers wrote:

I would argue that the USA and UK have regimes that are just as bad as China. By your logic DJ's shouldn't play at all!


You could but I have even greater difficulty with the Chinese Government:

1. The lack of free speech and free thinking:

2. It's active use of apartheid systems.

3. It's treatment of Tibet.

4. It's human rights record.

For myself, I just could not bring myself to support any of that in any way, shape or form. And where I can't avoid it (iPod/Laptop/TV) I give money to http://www.plan-uk.org/ and have done for 10yrs, we support a couple of people in China with a plan for people to work their way out of poverty - I even had problems with that at one stage because I was worried that it was patronising. I find their letters heart breaking and the fact that I have to watch what I'm saying or sending in my letters makes he even more angry.

It's very difficult/complex and I don't think I explained myself well enough yesterday but I really and honestly don't want a cheap holiday in other peoples misery nor do I want to play only to the expats and elite who can afford it, in my heart of hearts I know that it's not right.


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