Most here agree with your point of view Martin.

The differences are all in the way we choose to handle it, that's all.

You've got some admirable stuff going on with respect to trying to make a 
difference to the lives of a few people there.

That's probably the most that we as individuals could hope to achieve: the fact 
that you're achieving that is the most important point in my book.

Disclaimer to the Off Topic Po lease:

This has been off topic I know - but we're discussing this because it's a part 
of the discussion about artistic freedom and how political regimes can have an 
impact on that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Dust []
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:51 AM
To: list 313
Subject: Re: (313) Playing In China

On 8 Sep 2009, at 16:20, David Powers wrote:

> I would argue that the USA and UK have regimes that are just as bad
> as China. By your logic DJ's shouldn't play at all!
> ~David

You could but I have even greater difficulty with the Chinese

1. The lack of free speech and free thinking:

2. It's active use of apartheid systems.

3. It's treatment of Tibet.

4. It's human rights record.

For myself, I just could not bring myself to support any of that in
any way, shape or form. And where I can't avoid it (iPod/Laptop/TV) I
give money to and have done for 10yrs, we
support a couple of people in China with a plan for people to work
their way out of poverty - I even had problems with that at one stage
because I was worried that it was patronising. I find their letters
heart breaking and the fact that I have to watch what I'm saying or
sending in my letters makes he even more angry.

It's very difficult/complex and I don't think I explained myself well
enough yesterday but I really and honestly don't want a cheap holiday
in other peoples misery nor do I want to play only to the expats and
elite who can afford it, in my heart of hearts I know that it's not


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