Meh - I shouldn't have started/continued this conversation as I don;t
reallyt have time to express my thoughts fully but:

>> What's wrong with "ex pats"
>> anyway? I lived in Amsterdam for two years and that put me in the "ex
>> pat" box - it's not a word I'd consider in a negative fashion.
> I just don't want to play to ex-pats and the rich mate, we won't play in
> Dubai for the same reason, our choice really, we just don't fancy it - it's
> no big deal and I wouldn't want to turn it into an issue and I did give my
> other reasons and I most definitely can't support any of those.

That's a real inverse snobbery vibe from where I'm sitting - "ex pats
and their rich friends" has such an air of assumption about it it's
just daft.

> We just wouldn't like the vibe but I can take on board that we may be
> completely wrong.
>> Of course there are many, many people in China who couldn't afford to
>> go to the gig in question - there's plenty of people in Glasgow who
>> can't afford to go the the Arches or enjoy the hedonistic club culture
>> it embodies but......I don't remember it stopping you playing there
>> Martin?
> Have you just compared China with Glasgow! Come on Jason, those are not the
> same, not even close. Apples for apples fella ;)

The point here is that there are bits of cities in every place in the
world where the residents are so poor that "clubbing" wouldn't come
onto their radar - daily survival is more important.  I'm sure there
are places in Sheffield every bit as bad as the worst in Glasgow but
that doesn't stop you/me/other people playing there (nor should it in
my opinion).

> On the subject of the Arches, I agree with you it does cost too much to get
> in and I'd rather play the Sub Club any time of the day but on the last
> couple of visits we've usual played somewhere else for less money and with a
> lot lower door fees - we just do what we can where we can. I've really grown
> to love Glasgow and the vibe there, to me it's better than Berlin and we'd
> do what we could to support the scene.

Sure - my point isn't an attack on you playing anywhere in particular
(or the Arches where  I've played myself many times over the years), I
was just saying some people can barely afford to put food in their
mouths, never mind going to clubs but that shouldn't preclude you from
playing anywhere in particular.

cheers - sorry if I'm not making myself clear!


> m

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