ja...@iridite.com wrote:

That's a real inverse snobbery vibe from where I'm sitting - "ex pats
and their rich friends" has such an air of assumption about it it's
just daft.
Where China is concerned do you really think that's an assumption? It may be daft/wrong but that's how I see it and it was confirmed by a friend who visited last week. Maybe I am an inverted snob who can't escape his working class upbringing but I know how I feel and I've done my best to explain it.

The point here is that there are bits of cities in every place in the
world where the residents are so poor that "clubbing" wouldn't come
onto their radar - daily survival is more important.  I'm sure there
are places in Sheffield every bit as bad as the worst in Glasgow but
that doesn't stop you/me/other people playing there (nor should it in
my opinion).

I don't see how this is connected with China Jason, what stops me playing China is it's lack of Freedom of Speech, Free Thinking, Use Of Apartheid on it's own people, it's treatment of the people of Tibet. I don't believe you are comparing like for like here and I really don't expect anyone to agree with me, I can't do any more that state why.

Hit me up off the list if I'm still missing something cos I think this list has suffered enough of my posting on the subject.


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