No idea what that is.

On Tue, 6 Nov 2018, at 1:13 PM, wrote:
> “Provocative?” 
> What is this 1988? Have you been watching Falcon Crest?
> On Nov 6, 2018, at 08:12, Steven Robertson <> wrote:
>> If I am, I really don't mean to be.  Guilty of poor communication.
>> Conversation very confusing.
>> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018, at 1:08 PM, wrote:
>>> Your tone is extremely condescending. I chose the emoji because it
>>> is rude.>>> 
>>> You could read my works. My latest essay that addresses Drexciya and
>>> UR and Moodymann and revolution is getting some pretty good reviews.>>> 
>>> I already shared the book in an earlier email. I’m arrogant, but not
>>> arrogant enough to post the link again.>>> 
>>> Also, I don’t care about 1 or 10 or 50 white people who are bigots,
>>> you’re all the same to me. I’m not gonna waste my energy debating
>>> with you about who you are. And I have to look like you. It sux. 😢>>> 
>>> Denise
>>> On Nov 6, 2018, at 07:42, Steven Robertson <> wrote:>>>> 
>>> Yes I suppose it did. I wasn't aware that I was thinking about it,
>>>> but as it happens I came across other information a couple of days
>>>> ago which opened my eyes, and I will admit when I was wrong. To be
>>>> fair, I am sometimes processing things well beyond a conversation.
>>>> I do not have a neuro-typical mind, and often struggle to keep up
>>>> with a conversation.>>>> 
>>>> The feeling I woke up with this morning was that James Stinson did
>>>> feel very strongly about it, that I should know, and I hand't
>>>> really listened to what he said in the interview. I felt bad about
>>>> it, because it was ignorant. In the same manner I would defend
>>>> other parties that fail to appreciate the sensitive nature of it,
>>>> as probably not aware of the insult. I just didn't see it that way,
>>>> that the interpretation as a listener probably just suited my own
>>>> world view. I want to be clear that I'm not disappointed if that
>>>> were the case, and I regret writing that I would be disappointed. I
>>>> am not personally ashamed, but I see no reason to be disappointed.
>>>> It's fair enough. I just don't really know enough about it, leading
>>>> to my ignorance.>>>> 
>>>> It's funny the emoticon you have put there looks like happy
>>>> surprise (though it probably depends on the image being used in the
>>>> particular email reader I guess). It's hard to tell if it's meant
>>>> to be. You seem happily provocative, and I don't really object to
>>>> that. I might go and read more of what you have got to say about
>>>> it. The music is something else in any case, but I accept that you
>>>> probably know a lot better the motivations behind the music, and
>>>> that you may be right.>>>> 
>>>> On Tue, 6 Nov 2018, at 12:15 PM, wrote:
>>>>> It took you this long to think of a response. 😲
>>>>> On Nov 6, 2018, at 04:07, Steven Robertson <>
>>>>> wrote:>>>>>> Denise
>>>>>> I woke up this morning having had a dream where I hadn't really
>>>>>> heard what James Stinson was saying to Andrew Duke, that it was
>>>>>> about racism, and that Denise was right. The feeling was strong.
>>>>>> Only 20 minutes later I'm writing this and I'm still half asleep,
>>>>>> but I know this was playing on my mind since reading an article
>>>>>> on the mostly unknown involvement of Scottish families in the
>>>>>> slave trade, and how Glasgow and Edinburgh benefited, and
>>>>>> honoured those families. It makes you feel sick.>>>>>> 
>>>>>> I'm not well read on history, but I also have read more recently
>>>>>> about the practically unknown, hidden and widespread occupation
>>>>>> of Scotland by the British army for many many years following the
>>>>>> battle of Culloden. Following that were the highland clearances,
>>>>>> ordered by land-owners in England. There's a monument to one of
>>>>>> them, the Duke of Sutherland, twice an MP in the British
>>>>>> Parliament, he later became the British ambassador in Paris.
>>>>>> People demand that the statue be removed, or at least moved. In
>>>>>> short, it says more about the British involvement in the slave
>>>>>> trade at the time, but Scotland is shamed. Ports were not
>>>>>> directly used, but they were used in some arrangement which was
>>>>>> directly involved with the slave trade. I felt that we had
>>>>>> nothing to do with that ugly business. I was born in Glasgow, and
>>>>>> my ancestors there were all poor working class families. I think
>>>>>> we should be taught this stuff in school. That's all white-
>>>>>> washing and as a result we are mostly ignorant. I will apologise
>>>>>> for my own ignorance, and appreciate that you may be right. I
>>>>>> certainly woke with a strong feeling that you could be.>>>>>> 
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, at 7:23 PM, wrote:>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>> I didn’t say that Black people would be, should be, or are
>>>>>>> offended. Read my original statements. I’m confused by your
>>>>>>> rage. Better yet, you’re confused by your rage.>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>> Denise
>>>>>>> On Oct 24, 2018, at 13:33, Joe Marougi <>
>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Even though English is my second language I just looked 
>>>>>>> it up
>>>>>>>> and I feel that it was an accurate description of her
>>>>>>>> intentions based on >50% of the synonyms being a match.>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>> Could I have used another word?  Sure, there are many synonyms
>>>>>>>> to choose from.  I think “not being fair” and “not applying
>>>>>>>> proper moral principles” is precisely what she’s guilty of:>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 10:19 AM kent williams
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>>>>> I think it's fine to 
>>>>>>>> disagree, even to argue, but putting on
>>>>>>>>> my 313 List Administrator Crown and picking up my 313 List
>>>>>>>>> Administrator Sceptre, let me say this:>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>> I think that calling other list members 'unscrupulous' is over
>>>>>>>>> the line.  And in this particular case, patently absurd.
>>>>>>>>> Denise has strong opinions and you can argue about them all
>>>>>>>>> you want, but she is not unscrupulous.>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>> To quote Inigo Montoya,  "I do not think it means what you
>>>>>>>>> think it means.">>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 12:03 PM Joe Marougi
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>>>>>> Agreed,
>>>>>>>>>> However I do feel that unscrupulous race-baiting should be
>>>>>>>>>> called out just as much as actual racist views/comments.>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>> Next subject? 🤓👊🏿
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 9:48 AM
>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>> Heh - you obviously weren't 
>>>>>>>>>> part of our.....discussion about
>>>>>>>>>>> Dixon Avenue Basement Jams a year or so ago on Facebook 
>>>>>>>>>>> :)>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>> ANYWAY....let's move off the insta-drama and on to the
>>>>>>>>>>> music..much love, massive respect, nuff said>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Oct 2018 at 17:42, kent williams
>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Cox got the fuck 
>>>>>>>>>>> out of the 313 list when the getting
>>>>>>>>>>>> was good. He's still as opinionated as ever, still doing
>>>>>>>>>>>> battle with the sucka MCs (aren't we all?), but I think he
>>>>>>>>>>>> mostly stays out of trouble these days.>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to remember when he posted to 313 last.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Something like 15 years ago?>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 11:38 AM Martin Dust
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On 24 Oct 2018, at 17:36, wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Where's Tom Cox when you need him?  He's always got a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > calm and measured response in situations like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > this.>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Proper LOL

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