i wonder when people start realizing that when it all began, techno and house 
 was (nearly) the same thing, both following the same asthetic, so obvious 
related to each other and so close in its structure, form & function to each 
other that i wonder why people still keep discussing the terms over and over, 
without realizing that it won`t chance the music, nor the history. it just 
doesn`t matter.

techno (detroit) and house (chicago) are just as close as both citys are 
located geographically and i couldn`t think of any early detroit techno-cat 
who would ever refuse CLEARLY stating that they were influenced by early 
chicago house, so why are discussions like this still neccessary 15 years 
after day one?

i`ve got a question for all who like playing genre-defining games:

what`s up with blake baxters "when we used to play" (co-produced by Kevin 
Saunderson) on KMS (a detroit record ofcourse)? house or techno?

i couldn`t tell and my answer would be either both, or needless to know or 
even worth wasting time to think about it ..... 

some people seem to have alot a free time to make thoughts about things that 
don`t matter .... 


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