It's not just a question of restricting his playing to "house clubs," is it?
It looks like he's decided to focus on just a couple clubs, likely
because the money is good and the hassles are limited.  Anyone who has
played out as a DJ knows the latter is maybe even more of a factor, what
with crapped out club sound systems, filthy DJ booths, lying/cheating
promoters and the never-ending parade of people trying to take a piece of
whatever it is they want from the DJ as a public figure.

someone writes:

>go check out ben sims, carola, hawtin, bone etc, people with a real hunger
>for what they do and a genuine love for the people who pay to hear them
>play. like mills used to have.

Don't make me laugh.  Jeff Mills long ago settled any question about his
dedication and love for what he does.  It's simply not an issue.  I like
many but not all of his records, am in awe of some of them, and in any
event his place in techno history is assured.  I've never seen him DJ but
reports of the special quality of his approach when he's on his game go
way, way back.  It's not for nothing he was known as the Wizard.  I just
can't understand this attitude that he somehow "owes" it to us to keep
doing whatever it is *we* think he should do.

He'll find plenty of better things to do with his time than hang out in the
sad dead-end circus that the club and rave scenes have become, where
sloppiness, greed and self-absorption long ago drove away musical quality.


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