> race has been talked into the fuggin ground as well, because yes it is a 
> very essential and important subject. i'm not sure what is being argued 
> here. actually, i see nothing being said at all, aside from some quotes
> mainstream hiphop.. yes there is racism inherent in all societies and it
> deeply entrenched in techno. and....?? digging deeper..?? what are the 
> issues being discussed, i missed something

ok, you want to know, what the issues were before ?

the main issues still are, that there are big race-problems in the US, 

(also on the whole globe) and the problems get reflected in some of

in titles, lyrics, samples, artwork, in interviews - 

but many people do ignore those messages, that artists do make 

to be heard - to communicate -  

- I got some mails here by some of the people with great taste 

(being writers, making music-pages, etc) saying that they just don´t care, 

what the messages are like - 

Also many reactions in the past showed up that many people 

do not agree at all that a strong fundament of 313-techno-music is based 

on black-culture and so they tried to proove that this is not true by 

highlighting many influences of white musicians in the world of music 

Then, also some people showed up they felt offended when it was about 

"blackness", "black artists" "black music" etc... for various reasons ... 

some called it "boring,  crap"

some seemed to have a good motivation, that they don´t want to make any

differences, based on the colour of the skin  

but I think it needs sometimes people to explain the messages to them 

that this is not the way the "world order"*  keeps going on in reality  - 

(* "world order" incl. about 50 % black soldiers in the us-army ? 

/correct me,  damn me, if I am posting wrong numbers/ 

over 80 % of the killed soldiers in Vietnam were black ? 

- just another xample - put this into the relation of how

many black people are locked in prison and how many 

black people are dying in the streets every day in the US) 

- theese were some of  the main issues I think that have been 

discussed here, but not at all in a way that you could say - 

it´s all clear now - 

also J.T., I think it´s good when the people do bring themselves 

and their history intoo the frame, their own perspectives and experiences 

about myself - I feel that my english and knowledge actually 

wouldn´t be good enough to to enter this discussion, 

but I did feel the need to speak up, cauze some people 

somehow keep trying to wipe out those issues from the list -  

I do know it´s a heavy case and I can´t sleep, work and 

stop thinking about it as soon as I concentrate on it myself... 

- when I talk with some black friends about this ...

 (just imagine, it could only be one word that would seperate us 4 ever) 

- when I wonder how much they can take, when I see the ignorant reactions

- when I remember how some storys about intelligence tests, spreaded by 

  respectabled university professors used to make me believe black people 

  wouldn´t be as intelligent as white people, when I was a teenager 

- when there was the biggest nazi-demonstration since the end 

  of the second world war, marching through Berlin last year 

- I worry, when I put postings about this subject on the list, because 

  I think I might be doing some harm to 313-culture cauze of talking shit - 

- and on and on - I do know it´s a heavy case - 

- but I was told, my worries ain´t a tiny bit as heavy, as it is to 

  be black and living in Oakland, Brooklyn etc... or some areas in DETROIT 



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