there's a fine line between lo-fi aesthetic and unpleasant on the ears.
theo can land on either side of the line. i certainly 'get' the lo-fi
thing (you're talking to a guy with a whole lot of lou barlow 7-inch
records) but when it becomes painful on the ears (which i've seen theo do)
then i vote with my feet and walk away.

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Kent Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >On listening on line to the tracks, I think it was the splashy
> hihat
> >sound on 'Ebonics' not the snare on 'Dusty Cabinets' that Shawn
> was
> >objecting to.
> shawn is just a theo hater. i dont discuss theo with shawn anymore
> because he is just irrational. i guess its sort of like if van
> gough (hypothetically) probably not being able to appreciate
> picasso because his art wasnt technical the same way his was.
> 75% of theo's greatness is his lo-fi sensibility.
> tom
> ________________________________________________________________

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