Shawn is just particular, I know he doesn't care for some Theo
records, but hey it's OK not to like stuff. Just so it doesn't devolve
here into some sort of Shawn- or Theo- bash-a-thon,  I've never heard
Shawn disrespect Theo as a person or a musician.  Beyond the fact that
Shawn is a great musician, he's a long time studio rat, and NOTHING
comes out of his studio that isn't exactly how he wanted it to sound.
There are enough great records in the world that Shawn can do his
thing without Theo records in his case.

My feeling is that I love most of what Theo does, but as a (much,
much, much) less successful producer, I hear things in otherwise great
tracks  that are 'wrong' in a way that is a sharp stick in the ear for
no discernable artistic reason. Some tracks I want to remaster -
mostly run them through a De-Esser, compress the low end to keep it

I get the feeling that he just pushes his mixer and EQ's past where he
should, and leaves it be because in the moment it felt right, and the
moment when he's mixing down is the moment of creation, and to go back
and fix the mix would lose the feeling he had when he was doing it.

For the rest of us audio geeks, it just sticks out as something WE
know how to avoid, or fix. You always have to realize though, that
even if you could have scooped that SR-16 hihat out  3dB at 4 Khz, and
managed the high end so it doesn't sound like frying eggs when Ron
gets done cutting, you ain't making no Theo tracks, so respect where
respect is due.

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:35:42 -0500, Thomas D. Cox, Jr.
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Kent Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> shawn is just a theo hater. i dont discuss theo with shawn anymore
> because he is just irrational.

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