Yeah its strange, its not like i go out as much as a few years ago, but ive never heard anyone drop a FXHE track live. There seems to be lots of people like you and me though who are collecting them all for home listening. you say they are quite clubby in the main.

I played a couple yesterday. still sound great tbh.

From: robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mark Cullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (313) new Omar-S
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 16:27:03 +0100

And, as im on the digest someone may already have posted this, but just in case...
new Omar-S

Thanks for the headsup Mark.

Didn't I read on his myspace page that he was doing hiphop from now on (probs meaning the 110 ep)? This (111) sounds like house to me :)

An observation not a complaint, mind :)

Funnily enough I was going to post this morning how I'd got bored of the whole Omar S sound and his over use of loops (I've got pretty much everything he's done though so I do like something about it). I guess I need to hear this stuff on a PA though. No-one I know of plays it though....


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