Bored with music?  What?  Bored with over compressed techno/pop
style production maybe...but bored with music?  I dont understand how
anyone can be bored with music/sound/noise.  I can't ever expect to
keep up between all the new and all the old 'before my time' music.
There is so much out there.
   And with all the tools we have at our disposal the biggest
roadblock we face are the laws of physics.  And with so many possible
forks in the road the greatest difficulty is knowing which turn to
   But I completely agree on the multi channel audio needing to come
into play more...and it is slowly...just not by techno/pop artists.
Hi-Def DVD audio...24bit 96k...(or 192 if sticking to stereo).   Then
there is 1-bit recording... . The CD
player and 16/44 format needs to find its way out.  And while I
appreciate and have a decent collection of vinyl there are just too
many limitations to the format.  Low frequencies always have to be
mono/centered?  How limiting is that?

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