Here is what I find particularly challenging about suggesting that folks who 
have chosen not to take the vaccine are not that smart.

  1.  Folks who do that never talk about that fact that this is not an FDA 
approved medicine/vaccine.   I took the Moderna vaccine, the paperwork clearly 
stated several facts.  Among them are:
     *   This is not FDA approved.
     *   This “vaccine” has not been proven to prevent the virus.   While we 
likely all agree that there is a very good likelihood that this “vaccine” will 
help prevent it, it is far from a proven fact.
  2.  The argument is, “there should be no reason to think this vaccine isn’t 
safe since people aren’t dying from taking the vaccine”.    Vaccines are a 
risk/reward type of medical treatment.   Every medicine you take has some level 
of side effect.   The vast majority of medicines have such negligible side 
effects, that they are considered completely safe.   The FDA approval process 
exists to ensure we understand the potential of serious side effects and drug 
interaction issues.   If you are 30 years old and folks are saying you have to 
take this experimental drug to prevent this incredibly small chance of you 
becoming seriously ill or dying, it seems like an intelligent thing to say “I 
am not sure the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from this disease 
outweighs the risk of using an experimental drug”.   It used to be that people 
relied upon a conversation with their doctor to determine personal risk of 
disease and use of a drug.    Apparently we no longer do that.   We publicly 
shame people into using experimental drugs.
  3.  Since it is not FDA approved, we don’t have a full understanding of drug 
interactions with other medicines folks need to take.   We likely understand 
the very common medicines, but, certainly not all.   We have FDA approval 
processes for good reason.   If for example, you were under 40 and were taking 
seizure control medication, it would be very fair to hold off on an 
experimental drug until it is fully understood if the vaccine might lessen the 
effectiveness of the seizure control medication.   An incredibly low risk of 
serious illness or death from the virus could turn into a good chance of 
serious injury from seizure.   As far as I know data like that is certainly not 
available yet.
  4.  Why do vaccinated people feel the need to belittle those that have 
decided not to get vaccinated by an experimental drug?    Does it make them 
feel smarter?   We have people not getting flu vaccinations every year, and 
that is with FDA approved medicine.   But now all of a sudden it is OK to 
ridicule folks that are making a decision based limited data on an experimental 
drug for which the majority of the population has a very low chance of serious 
illness or death?   And when they do ridicule folks, they never discuss the 
facts at hand, or want to have a serious discussion about the risk/reward of 
this particular vaccine.   Two years from now, with an FDA approval in place 
and a full understanding of drug interactions and effectiveness of the vaccine 
the conversation might look completely different.   Right now, I believe some 
very intelligent people are looking at the risk/reward and saying “not now, but 
probably some day as this will become the new yearly flu vaccine”.   Until 
then, my risk of virus related illness doesn’t warrant a decision to take the 
  5.  Why are people that are vaccinated so obsessed with people that aren’t 
vaccinated?   For those of us that are vaccinated, we are safe right?   That 
was the point of taking the vaccine.
  6.  Most of the science that seems most accurate right now points to this 
being with us permanently like an influenza sort of virus.   It will show up 
every year with little mutations that will require updates, or boosters, or 
yearly covid shots.    What ever you want to call them.     Is really so stupid 
to wait until this is FDA approved before participating?   If we have to do 
this without FDA approval, why does that process even exist?

I have always appreciated this list because it is usually very fact focused, 
and very good at exploring solutions to problems.   While some lists are very 
superficial and suffer from pat answers to technical problems, folks in this 
list have always tended dig deep and find tangible information related to the 
email topic.   I get that it is very easy to joke about the intelligence of 
those who have made a decision we don’t agree with, but I don’t believe this 
topic is nearly that cut and dried.

As Chuck mentioned, unfortunately this is a somewhat political topic.   I don’t 
understand why, other than the fact that some react more harshly to being told 
they have to do something.   This should be a scientific discussion.   If 
definitely shouldn’t be about public shame.   We don’t know the medical 
situation of those that chose not to participate in an experimental medical 

From: AF <> On Behalf Of Chuck McCown via AF
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2021 1:02 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
Cc: Chuck McCown <>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT somewhat political

They could sponsor concerts and barbecues that only admit unvaccinated...
How can I get that fake news to be picked up by the junk news feeds?

From: Forrest Christian (List Account)
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2021 11:55 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT somewhat political

I've wondered if it might be a good thing for the liberal side to start saying 
"take the vaccine or not, we don't care - in fact we would prefer that you 
don't so there are less of you to vote next go around".

On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 11:26 AM Carl Peterson 
<<>> wrote:
That assumes IQ==Comon sense.  Lots of smart people can be really dumb when it 
comes to sports, religon, and politics.   It seems a subset of people have 
convinced themselves that vaccines, and specifically the covid vaccines, are 
somehow a liberal thing.

On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 11:28 AM Chuck McCown via AF 
<<>> wrote:
If the covid variants kill only unvaccinated, then global IQ average will 
increase, right?  Always good when your team wins.
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