There were 5 or 6 totally mis-interpretations of my words in there,
Boris. Mis-interpretations of my words was almost the whole content of
your argument. I'll limit myself to the most important
mis-interpretation below.

On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 7:10 PM Boris Kazachenko <> wrote:
> ...
> Starting from your "contradiction": that's simply a linguistic equivalent of 
> my variance.

Is it?

What I mean by contradiction is different orderings of an entire set
of data, not points of contrast within a set of data.

E.g. if you take a group of people and order them by height you will
generally disorder them by age. But if you order them by age, you will
generally disorder them by height. The orders are (depending on
correlation of age and height) contradictory. It's impossible to order
them both at the same time.

Is that really what you mean by "variance"?

I understood your use of "variance" to mean something like edge
detection in CNNs. You write:

"... CNN ... selects for variance"

Are you now saying your "variance" is my re-ordering of sets, and not
"edge" detection or points of contrast within sets?

To clarify what you mean by "variance", can you give me a concrete
example, one which is comparable to my example of ordering people by
height or age, alternately?

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