YKY, what do you mean by "scruffie"?  Is that anyone who doesn't think FOPL
should be the core of an AGI?

About programming languages.  I do most of my programming in C++ with a little
bit of assembler.  AGI needs some heavy duty number crunching.  You really
need assembler to do most any kind of vector processing, especially if you use
a coprocessor like a graphics card or PS3 type hardware.  You can get hundreds
of GFlops for a few hundred dollars now, so why not use it?

About business.  Do you have any specific project goals?  Something that might
bring in money in the next 3-5 years?  It is OK with me if our goal is to
build something and give it away.  A lot of people have made money that way. 
Look at Linux.  I gave away my PAQ compressor and I've gotten 3 consulting
jobs as a result, not counting work I turned down, and I never even looked for
work.  I just don't want to make the same mistake as Cyc and build something
that nobody can use.  I know AGI has lots of potential applications, but how
are we going to show that our AGI is better than our competition?  

--- "YKY (Yan King Yin)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi =)
> I already have a project going on.. but it's still in the planning stage.
> The main difficulty is finding people who agree "in the main" about the
> basic theory.
> About my project:
> 1. Has to be for-profit, but openness is good.  Also it'd be quite different
> from conventional companies in that the project is owned by all partners and
> decisions are made by voting.
> 2. Knowledge representation is "basically" FOPL, perhaps with probabilities
> / fuzziness.  This rules out "scruffie" AI folks, sorry.  Everyone knows
> that intelligence entails a lot of things (eg vision), but I believe there
> should be a "core" that is based on a uniform representation.  Guess it's
> better to skip the scruffie vs neat debate, and simply let people coalesce
> to different projects.
> These 2 are the most important criteria.  I tend to prefer partners with a
> more theoretical slant, rather than churning out code at high speed.
> Some minor points:
> a) language -- unimportant.  I think I'll use Lisp for initial development,
> then switch to probably C# or Java.  It's so difficult to find the right
> minds that language should not be a cause of disagreement at all.  The
> entire project doesn't need to be in same language, but I also believe that
> it would not be colossal in size.
> b) reflection -- source-level reflection is not needed for a basically
> declarative AGI.  Note that this doesn't mean my AGI would not be able
> to program itself eventually.
> c) well-documented, sure.
> d) chat room:  I say let's start a chat room for AGI in general.  I
> have started one on freenode.net, channel = #General-Intelligence  (for some
> reason the names #AGI and #GI were taken).
> e) I'd like to be able to say "everyone can do their own thing" but there
> should be some structure that people can agree to, which I think is the KR.
> Cheers!
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-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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