Myself, I think that the number of hours working alone might only need to be a small number (3-4). But what I value most is hours brainstorming with others who are of like mind and similar level of knowledge. That is a gold-dust situation.

I have been watching From The Earth To The Moon recently. Oh to be part of a 100,000-strong community working on one noble project!

Richard Loosemore.

Jean-Paul Van Belle wrote:
Interesting question you raise there, Matt (vs :) YKY
How many of us would be prepared to work FULL-TIME on AGI: (0) If a department of defense/military organisation paid you develop a secret AGI for national defense/intelligence purpose? (1) If a Microsoft, Google, Sun or IBM came along and hired you full-time to work on either
  (1a) Open-Source; or
  (1b) Proprietary AGI?
(2) A more 'friendly' research group came along (e.g. University, government agency) to pay you fulltime
  (2a) on *their* design/architecture or
(2b) on YOUR design but having to share your findings with the larger community (shared credit)?
(3) If you had sufficient funds of your own?
Re (3) I have often wondered how much time one could really spend continuously on working on AGI - refer to the Princeton Instititue of Advanced Studies where established geniuses (such as Einstein) were/are paid to devote fulltime efforts to thinking but actually not many earthshaking ideas have come out of it. Don't we need a lot of 'time wasted' on trivia such as a real job, leaking plumbing and family in order to have these 1 or 2 hours of creative thinking/work each day? Would it help to have consolidated 8 hour or longer blocks each day? Do people like Ben, Leitz and Peter (Voss) really have so much time to think creatively/design or is my suspicion right that a lot of their (your :) time is spent on fundraising, PR, communication, management? The grass always seems greener on the other side... Jean-Paul

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