WKG is an application that takes spidering a few other common technologies
and ties them together.  Nothing really revolutionary...   this is the 3rd
prototype since 2000.  The first was written in Visual Basic 6, the second
in Delphi in 2002, and this version is a combo of C# and C++.  This version
will go on the market barring any issues.  I'm aiming to have a beta in
about 4 months depending on how things go.  WKG is one of those things that
as soon as it is released it will get imitated so I can't say too much on
what it is and have to push the technology as far as I can before release...
also it may just be ignored or used by just a few rare individuals and
organizations.  Either way I'm writing it and am compelled to get it done
since no-one has anything exactly like it or has done it yet.

So this doesn't say much, but WKG relies on the state of current technology
where we have fast computers and fast internet cheap, with large chunks of
the internet available for free within millisecond reach.  This open
internet may not be around forever and now is the time to somehow utilize
the situation...  Also with all this extremely valuable information building
a text only brain, not including multi-media, is next on my list.  The
internet is rapidly changing now with video and interpreting video is a
whole 'nother world... but a text processing based brain, where is one?  Is
it that difficult?  With all this advanced linguistics technology freely
available a text brain has got to be a no brainer :)

> From: Mark Waser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi John,
>     Could you tell us more about WKG - Web Knowledge Gatherer?

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