On Dec 26, 2007, at 11:56 AM, Charles D Hixson wrote:

Samantha Atkins wrote:

On Dec 10, 2007, at 6:29 AM, Mike Dougherty wrote:

On Dec 10, 2007 6:59 AM, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >> wrote:

   Dawkins trivializes religion from his comfortable first world
   perspective ignoring the way of life of hundreds of millions of
   people and offers little substitute for what religion does and
   has done for civilization and what has came out of it over the
   ages. He's a spoiled brat prude with a glaring self-righteous
   desire to prove to people with his copious superficial factoids
   that god doesn't exist by pandering to common frustrations. He
   has little common sense about the subject in general, just his

Wow. Nice to see someone take that position on Dawkins. I'm ambivalent, but I haven't seen many rational comments against him and his views.

Wow, you consider the above remotely rational?
A reasonable point, but Dawkins *does* frequently engage in "premature certainty", at least from my perspective. I would find him less offensive than the theistic preachers if he weren't making pronouncements based on his authority as a scientist.

I don't agree he is doing anything wrong or sleazy. He is a scientist but his arguments are based on reason and pointing out religious absurdities and dangers. As a scientist he also points out that science does explain many things without dogma that religion claims to explain but does not. That all seems perfectly legit to me.

He is a good scientist, and I respect him in the realm of biology and genetics. When he delves into psychology and religion I feel like he is using his authority in one area to bolster his opinions in another area.

I disagree.  This is precisely what I don't see him doing.

If he were to make similar pronouncements for or against negative energy, people would be appalled, and he's just as out of his field in religion.

I don't agree that only specialists should speak about religion or its place in modern society. Also he is speaking up in favor of a naturalistic and religion free world view. Which I think is a very good thinc to have some active proponents for . Religion has been treated with kid gloves for much too long. A good airing out of the odious aspects of religion is long overdue. If it does contain "eternal verities" then they will survive. But much rot can and should be disposed of.

Unfortunately, so is everyone else. So he's got as much right to his opinion has anyone else, but no more. Ditto for Billy Graham, the Pope, or any other authority you might cite.

So who would you consider qualified? Or is it just a pointless subject? If so shouldn't someone at least be bothered to say so in the face of so many claiming it is the only important subject?

People don't usually even bother to use well defined terms, so frequently you can't even tell whether they are arguing or agreeing. When I'm feeling cynical I feel this is on purpose, so that they can pick and choose their allies based on expediency.

When the terms are murky but claimed as infallible certainties overriding all else someone had best speak against them.

Clearly much of what is passed off as religious doctrine is political expediency, and has no value whatsoever WRT arguments about truth.

So Dawkins is less offensive than most...but nearly equally wrong- headed. OTOH, he's probably not lying about what his real beliefs are. He has that over most preachers.

I don't agree he is equally wrong-headed as he actually bothers to question his beliefs and is open to discussion. This is very refreshing compared to most religious folks I have dealt with. He actually has reason and evidence for his positive beliefs. Again this is a large improvement.

I also hold with a naturalistic view although I think "nature" has quite a few surprises up "her" sleeve yet. In any event I don't think we will be "in Kansas" for a great deal longer.

- samantha

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