On Dec 22, 2007 8:15 PM, Philip Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dawkins trivializes religion from his comfortable first world perspective
> > ignoring the way of life of hundreds of millions of people and offers little
> > substitute for what religion does and has done for civilization and what has
> > came out of it over the ages. He's a spoiled brat prude with a glaring
> > self-righteous desire to prove to people with his copious superficial
> > factoids that god doesn't exist by pandering to common frustrations. He has
> > little common sense about the subject in general, just his
> > >
> >
> > Wow.  Nice to see someone take that position on Dawkins.  I'm ambivalent,
> > but I haven't seen many rational comments against him and his views.
> Nice?  Why?  I thought you wanted rational comments.  "Rational" by
> definition means comments giving reasons, which the above do not.

I used the term "nice" where perhaps 'surprising' or 'refreshing'
might have been more appropriate to my intention.  Many of the list I
have read are so anti-religion that I would not expect an AGI thread
to be equally anti-Dawkins.

my use of "rational" might have been sub-optimal also.  Typically
anti- groups exist because they are threatened by whatever it is they
are against.  It appeared to me that John Rose was making a somewhat
informed dismissal of Dawkins theory rather than a
kneejerk/conditioned priori reaction.  Maybe I assumed those opinions
were formed in response to common domain knowledge of Dawkins.

i responded primarily to your question: why  - Hopefully this explains
motivation for my original comment without introducing too many new
'irrational' arguments.   :)

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