Hi there,

I have a problem with my soundcard. I have a "TERRATEC - DMX
XFire 1024" (chip CS4624-CQ).
The problem is that my system hangs up after an undefined
time but only when the soundcard is in use e.g. when I hear
music. It happens randoml
y sometimes after 5 minutes or it could also happen after 3
hours. More bad is that the whole system hangs up - mouse,
keyboard and so on - so 
that the only thing is I can do is to turn off my computer.
All what remains is a terrible sound like a metallic buzz.

Thereby the alsa-0.9 series drivers are really good because
it supports the "Digital in/out" "3D" and so on and I can
open the /dev/dsp more th
an one times in opposite to the kernel driver (2.4.20) or
alsa-0.5 drivers.

Else I have to use the kernel driver (or alsa-0.5)  but
there is no support for the 3 features I mentioned above,
and I've also trouble to use 
the gameport (but none of them hang up my system).

I always tried the newest releases and as I was seen that
the 0.9 stable version was out I was really hopefull but my
system hangs up again aft
er 20 minutes  :(
I also tried some module parameters but without succes. I
think that the "snd-pcm-oss" module is the problem but I
have to load this module bec
ause otherwhise my soundcard not works.

I hope anybody could help me I'm on despair of...

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