I have the same problem here. My system freezes every once in a while. I'm 
using ALSA 0.9.5 and my card is a TB Santa Cruz (CS-4630). I've tried ALSA 
versions 0.9.2-0.9.5 with no luck. I built the driver with no OSS support to 
see if that was the problem. Then I used the ALSA plugin in XMMS but the 
system froze, too, so (at least for me) I think it's not a problem with 

I have a geForce FX 5200 card, and I'm using nVidia drivers 43.69, I tried 
'Option "NvAGP" "0"' in my XF86Config file but no luck. I read that the 
problem also appears in command-line, and although I haven't checked it I 
suppose it's not a problem with X. I'll try to reproduce the problem in 
command-line just to be sure. I use no screensavers, BTW. Has anyone with 
non-nvidia cards experienced this problem, anyway?

I noticed that my card was sharing IRQ 5 with my onboard USB controller. 
Everything else has its own IRQ, videocard included. My board is an ABIT 
KT7-Raid. In Windows the USB controller and the soundcard also share the same 
IRQ and there are no problems, but I disabled the USB support in BIOS and 
checked that the soundcard had an unique IRQ. I played some music and the 
system froze again.

I also tried "xset s 0 0 dpms 0 0 0" (disabling power management?) but doesn't 

I'm quite desperate. I replaced a Terratec DMX XFire 1024 with my current 
Santa Cruz just to get rid of the problem. My Windows system froze once 
playing music with that card. With that and the Linux problem I thought the 
card was damaged or something, so I bought the Santa Cruz. When I saw the 
problem again I troughfully tested my Windows system and I couldn't find any 
problem this time. That made me think of a driver issue, so I built the OSS 
module for my card et voilá! No more freezes. The free version of this 
drivers have limitations, and I don't want to pay 35$ just to be able to play 
4 streams at a time. I bought a hardware-mixing capable card for that matter, 
but I couldn't know at that time how much problems it would make.

Is there any hope for this to be solved? Has anyone found a solution? Last 
response to this thread dates from April 3rd, so I hope someone out there can 

Thanks in advance.

> Hi there,
> I have a problem with my soundcard. I have a "TERRATEC - DMX
> XFire 1024" (chip CS4624-CQ).
> The problem is that my system hangs up after an undefined
> time but only when the soundcard is in use e.g. when I hear
> music. It happens randoml
> y sometimes after 5 minutes or it could also happen after 3
> hours. More bad is that the whole system hangs up - mouse,
> keyboard and so on - so 
> that the only thing is I can do is to turn off my computer.
> All what remains is a terrible sound like a metallic buzz.
> Thereby the alsa-0.9 series drivers are really good because
> it supports the "Digital in/out" "3D" and so on and I can
> open the /dev/dsp more th
> an one times in opposite to the kernel driver (2.4.20) or
> alsa-0.5 drivers.
> Else I have to use the kernel driver (or alsa-0.5)  but
> there is no support for the 3 features I mentioned above,
> and I've also trouble to use 
> the gameport (but none of them hang up my system).
> I always tried the newest releases and as I was seen that
> the 0.9 stable version was out I was really hopefull but my
> system hangs up again aft
> er 20 minutes  :(
> I also tried some module parameters but without succes. I
> think that the "snd-pcm-oss" module is the problem but I
> have to load this module bec
> ause otherwhise my soundcard not works.
> I hope anybody could help me I'm on despair of...

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