On Tuesday, September 5, 2006 15:50, Rick Gutleber said:
> Support for more popular languages (come on, let's say it together, I
> know it's hard, but "Tcl is not popular") is probably the most useful
> long-term technical change that can be made.  This isn't an indictment
As long as it is anything but PHP! This is not because I do not like PHP
very much but because - even though it is the most popular language - is
the only language that *doesn't* make sens to use in AOLserver.

I know this sounds strange, but think about: throughout its evolution, PHP
has always been closely tied to Apache. So you could integrate it with
AOLserver and expose the AOLserver API in it, but who would use it? The
majority of people will always use Apache with PHP and why would you write
a PHP app that isn't compatible with Apache? And without using the API,
what advantage does AOLserver have over Apache 2 running PHP?

Languages like Perl and Ruby are much more likely candidates. The only
"standard" thing when it comes to those for interacting with the server
they are running in are "CGI variables". If you want to do it right you'd
implement Perl:DBI to under the hood use on-the-fly generated AOLserver
pools, but that's about it.

That said: I still believe AOLserver is all about Tcl and the tight
integration with it. It would be a shame to fragment the community;
"sorry, can't help you, I only use Perl in AOLserver", etc. Add too many
of these things and AOLserver will just because another jack of all trades
like Apache.

Either make AOLserver an Apache module that kicks every other module's
arse (so much so Tcl is cool again) or keep it like it is, except better
documented and easier to get started with.

Just my thoughts,

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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