On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 10:04:13AM -0700, Tom Jackson wrote:

> However if we could snap our collective fingers and have a multi-language 
> AOLserver tomorrow it would instantly be a huge minus. Because it isn't clear 
> how you would get two scripting languages to work togeather, you would have 
> to choose which one you want to use. You would lose everything written in the 

Tom, but that seems silly!  Dossy's posited goal is for AOLserver to
become a major cool new platform for Foo programmers, bootstrapping a
whole new, large, and active AOLserver/Foo community.  (If it DOESN'T
generate substantial new numbers of AOLserver users, it has failed by

If that suceeds, the older, currently existing AOLserver/Tcl community
certainly is not fragmented.  Yes, going forward, non-Tcl non-Foo
programmers coming to AOLserver would have to face the question of
which to use, but that seems unlikely to be a major negative.

> other language. The only upside would be that we could have our own
> little language war right here.

"lose everything"?  Why?  Making AOLserver/Foo really work well would
almost certainly mean building in excellent Tcl/Foo bi-directional
interoperability very early on.  Even a major Foo-bigot would still
want that at least for bootstrapping...

And in the "language war" case, at worse probably AOLsever/Foo would
just fork.  That seems unlikely to be disastrous for anybody, although
of course anything could happen with human personalities involved.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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