I know who the judges were that supported it. What I'm saying is that all across the country there were "liberals" who
spoke out about the decision as flat out wrong.

This was, by no means, a totally liberal idea.

On Sep 27, 2007, at 2:15 PM, justifiedright wrote:

Gary, Gary Gary.

> This is where I disagree with you and people like Rush 100%. I
> very, very few liberals who supported that decision.

I guess you don't know the justices who made the Kelo decision. The
Justice who wrote the Kelo decision:

Stevens (liberal), was joined by:
Ginsberg (liberal)
Bryer (liberal)
Souter (liberal)
Kennedy (leans liberal)

These Justices Dissented:

Rhenquist (conservative)
Scalia (conservative)
Thomas (conservative)
O'Conner (leans liberal)

Now go take a look at every town in New Jersey that is using Eminant
Domian. Almost exclusively they are run by Democrats. Right here
in Monmouth County you have Asbury Park, Long Branch, Neptune and
Belmar. Democrat, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.

The facts are what they are. Eminant Domain abuse and disrespect
for property rights is a chronic sickness of the left and the
Democrat party.

I'm not saying you won't find a single example of a Re;ublican using
it. You will. But by and large, its the other way.

> IMO, one of the basic ideas of America is that you can own land
> not have the government take it away. The American
> Dream used to be of owning your own house. It should always be
> way.

Bravo I agree. Communism was based upon government ownership of the

So who in America gave us Kelo? The liberals. What town councils
are using it? The liberals.

Who are more likely to call for more regulation of land, as opposed
to deregulation? The liberals. Who wants to tax your land more not
less? The liberals.

You Gary, may be a conservative.

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