
Wanna reconsider that "liberals own this idea" ?? As I said, there were many liberals who spoke out about this as a horrible decision. Liberals were far from united. Here's one example and my last post on the topic. (Although I think that as far as secondary topics, this one hits as close to Asbury Park as any political topic ever could)

Homeowners Ask U.S. Supreme Court: Rehear Eminent Domain Case

Washington, D.C.-The U.S. Supreme Court has one final chance to correct one of its most-despised decisions in recent memory-its ruling in Kelo v. City of New London, which allows the use of eminent domain for private development. Today the Institute for Justice will file a petition for rehearing on behalf of New London, Conn., homeowners asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider its 5-4 ruling from June 23 that has already opened up the floodgates to eminent domain abuse.

“We will be the first to admit that our chances of success with this motion are extremely small, but if there is any case that deserves to reheard by the Supreme Court, it is the Kelo case,” said Scott Bullock, senior attorney at the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Justice. “This is the worst Supreme Court decision in years. Hopefully the Court will see the abuse of power that it has unleashed and will reconsider its misguided and dangerous opinion.”

from "The Free Liberal"

From the Dictionary
Free -- Not in bondage, servitude, or subjection to another
Liberal -- Unprejudiced, open-minded; respectful of individual rights and freedoms

-- from the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

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