I never implied that the pavilion and the center were matched or 

should be matched. But your question is 'how did it fit before it 

was remodeled'. Well its unique to Asbury. Architecture goes through 

phases and certain buildings from the 50s/60s are recognized as 

worth saving. Its a record of the life of the town and in a larger 

picture a record of civilization."

    I agree with that.  Nothing is the same, and if it was, it would appear 

"You think everything should be plowed down or remodeled just because 

it can be ?"

     No, not at all.  I liked a lot of the old pavilions before they were 
worked on.  However, parts of their design I didn't like.  Some of them could 
have been edited to "open" them up more while keeping their already existing 
     Making the pavilions more open to ocean ave was a good idea in my 
opinion.  Before, all the pavilions had "back" doors facing ocean ave.  Picture 
driving behind a strip mall, seeing all the back singel doors to each 
business.  That is what ocean ave was like before.  It's nice the way it is 
now.  I just want to see some good stuff come into them!!


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