"Color has everything to do with how things are perceived and
marketed. A black building gives a different feeling than a white
building. You mis-understood what I ment by quality, i was refering
to architectural quality, although the building materials are
questionable also."

     No cheap building materials appear to have been used.  

"Isnt it obvious?, one end is orange, the middle is cream snd the
other end is yellow. I wasnt comparing it to the convention center,
its a building unto itself whose parts are mismatched. Cartoon
architecture. My understanding is that it had nothing to do with
HoJo (the design), but you are getting to the point, the whole
building matched originally, orange brick, details, etc."

     I don't have your original quote in front of me, but I thought you 
commented how the 5th ave pavilion looked out of place next to the CH???  The 
point I was making is, weather it be the newly remodeled 5th ave or the old 
one, both didn't "match" or go with the Ch to it's north.  Different stylings 
totally, nothing in comparison expect the orange color of the bricks and the 
few HOjo details.

"Not a classy building? WoW you must not get out often {a joke}. Ive
been to a lot of places and never seen anything like that. It is
soo cool and unique, but now looks nothing like when it was designed
and built. Have you ever been to Wildwood, NJ? They really take care
of their 50s and 60s, buildings. Here they all got ruined, the
Empress is another example, I'm wondering why."

     I don't consider the 5th ave pavilion to be classy in the same way that I 
would consider the CH is what I ment...  A building that is cool I don't th ink 
i'd classify as being classy.  I think the 5th is a very good building though.
     The Empress was remodeled a few years ago by the current owners.  Nothing 
to do ith the development plan of AP.  They did a lot of work, but i'll agree 
that I think it lost some of it's style during the renovation.  I don't 
remember the details, but I think they had a timeline to get the work done by, 
or else their ownership would be questioned.  Maybe someone else remembers more 
details on what happened there.

    Welcome to the group!



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