Bhale ne?

>By all appearances and measures, it has  been working astoundingly
well.If anti->social behavior(
corruption,littering,jaywalking,spitting) is allowed to
> continue in the name of democracy, then that class of democracy should be
> thrown out of window--as simple as that

That is a mouthful. Why do think, some netters (I am one) do not think
Singapore is a model for India or even Assam to emulate?

Let me try and explain, if you will.
Singapore is considered the cleanest in the world. And how did it
accomplish this feat (that even a rich and advanced country like the
US hasn't)?

Simple, by instituting draconian laws and punishments on people who
misbehave, are corrupt, litter etc, etc. And sure enough, people fall
in line and do whatever the great leader stipulates (since 1959, if I
may add).

People will have to choose. Will it be law & order, or law & order
with a dash of 'due process' for people who break civic laws. There is
NO due process in Singapore. Would you want that in Assam/India? 
Inspite of what C'da thinks, India does have more 'due process' than

I agree that anti-social behavior should not be confused with freedom.
The problem, I see is in the applicability of such standards in say
for example Guwahati.

You ban jaywalking. Millions walk everyday. There are no crosswalks or
even cops to regulate pedestrians. How would you apply this law?

I can go, but you catch my drift. First the Guwahati authorities must
have a system in place, and then you can order people to follow the
rules. But you can't impose rules and regulations (and punishments)
and expect people to follow them when they just cannot.

If you ban littering. The last time I checked, Guwahati had little or
no trash pickups or dumpsters. The GMC just doesn't function well,
There are no thrash dumps that all the city garbage can be picked up
and processed. Then to top it all, after the rains every year, we
suddenly come to realize, that Guwahati actually doesn't have a
drainage system that works. Where will all that filth & muck go?

The other point is educating people. The rickshaw puller or the dhobi
has never been 'educated' in civic duties. How do you plan to get a
model civic society?

And what about those middle class people in nice homes. They manage to
keep their homes clean, and throw the trash out on the streets. I am
not sure they need to be educated on civic duties, but they too may
not have any other options than to throw stuff on the streets.

I don't know the answers. 
But the price in the Singapore model is just too darn expensive. The
price of having vastly curtailed other freedoms because I want my city
to look clean.

Its easier said - about this emulation business.


> Cd,  Mridul Bhuyan has said it all.You see,Singapore just does not fit some
> of our fellow netter's categories.By all appearances and measures, it has
> been working astoundingly well.If anti-social behavior(
> corruption,littering,jaywalking,spitting) is allowed to
> continue in the name of democracy, then that class of democracy should be
> thrown out of window--as simple as that.But then,folks of this forum seem to
> have mastered the craft of devising  means by creating new alibi or pretext
> or rationalization ( Whatever one calls it) in order to buttress their
> arguement.Fling in few catch-phrases like " democracy/political rights" and
> the job is done.Can anyone deny that India is a prime example of a
> de-administration--a system of administration,which is as dumb to the need
> of its citizens as a dead dodo?
> Well,well--set up "Institute of moral science" in every nook and crany of
> Assam and all problems will be taken care of, of couse, by itself!!!
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