On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 10:42:25AM -0400, Dan Brickley wrote:

> > > It would be good if Atom were clear on whether repetition of the
> > > exact same name implies the two authors are distinct (eg. things
> > > written by father/son pairings, where they have same name).
> So we can be clear on the conclusions that can be drawn from an 
> Atom description of a document, eg. if creating an A-Z index of 
> authors (where two distinct John Smith entries might be needed), or 
> merging against other information about the author(s) (eg. their photo url,
> lists of interests, posts/comments in other systems, etc).

Why can't we just have the semantics that if you have two Person
constructs, you'll get the effects of having two Person constructs?
That way it's up to the producer of the feed - if they want the
semantics that they'll have identical names listed twice in author
lists, indexes or whatever, they can do that. If they'd rather not,
they can do the uniqueness filtering on creation. Baking it into the
spec strikes me as needlessly creating rules - we can be precise about
what the semantics are without this rule, IMHO.


  James Aylett                                                  xapian.org
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               uncertaintydivision.org

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