Re: Monthly chat March 2016

@Steve, most odd, though I don't know having not played rebound on anything but windows, I'm not sure how flash games work. you should hear the ball sound and be able to move your paddle with the arrow keys to blast the barrels of toxic waste.

Well things have been mostly okay for me, at least as far as they go. my lady is being wonderful, doing stuff together and separately, tonight we finished Shrek with audio description which she'd not seen before but really enjoyed (shrek is awsome, at least for the first two films), I also sent off a review for arrows of the queen, which should be up soon, (they've posted my one for Phantoms).

I finished doom coalition season 2 from big finish, which was great. the eleven is such an awesome vilalain, a timelord with eleven encarnations all of whom have distinct and psychotic personalities, and what was particularly cool was a  walking robot power loader fight ala ripley in  Aliens, though hopefully with all the build up it'll be worth it sinse we still don't know exactly what the eleven is up to,  where he came from or much of his history, I'm especially interested given his eighth self was supposedly his one good regenration.

Also, shock horror this one involved river song, the schizo half timelord doctor's daughter from those really annoying moffat episodes, daughter of the annoying as hell Amy Pond.
What shocked me though is much as I hated this character, and actually groaned when her "hellow sweety!" card arrived in the Tardis, I actually didn't find her too bad, she was a tough, compitant adventurer, sort of like a cross between the doctor and indiana jones. Maybe Big finish and decent writing can redeme this character after all.

Well now I have to run off and make rocky road flavoured coco, so I'll be back soon.

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