Re: Computer hardware upgrades and tinkering question

I dunno. If it's low-end stuff you're after, then I think mass-produced stuff is always going to undercut you. But if it's higher-end stuff, and you don't mind having nobody to call when stuff goes wrong or having someone to blame but yourself for reliability failures, then it can work.

My personal opinion (but one, remember, who has flown on winged feet to iHeaven) is that it's mostly not worth it. Builders are available who will do the work for you, and slap on a warranty to boot. And you can go to the big name vendors--for a price, naturally, that is more premium than the low-end--to get your reliable, fast, if generic, boxes. My last rig was self-built in 2005, and as a bleeding edge box, it bled more often than not. I won't be doing that again. But yeah, if you feel you want to, go for it. Just don't be leaning too heavily on economics.


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