I have no plans to build stereo subs. I believe that your perception of
directionality (or "stereo") is due to room excitation (resonance). If
you were sitting blindfolded in an olympic sized swimming pool
(obviously    unfilled), and a sub was placed 10 or 20 feet from you in
any direction, and a 40 Hz warble tone was played right in front of you
at 100 dB, you would not be able to tell me where it is coming from.  I
have read that the absolute minimum threshold of bass directionality is
80 Hz, and that the average person can distinguish directionality at
about 180 Hz. Those are not really subwoofer frequencies though. I
think the whole point of a "mono" subwoofer is that you shouldn't be
able to distinguish directionality. Now, if you want increased output
without building  gigantic 3-ways or a refrigerator-sized sub, sure get
two smaller subs. But as far as directionality, that's utter rubish.

Edit: I should emphasize that, in practice, most subs probably are
operating somewhere b/w 80-180 Hz. If that's the case, then sure, you
can probably hear it. I specifically said, I want my subwoofer to only
play the absolute lowest (true SUB-woofer) frequencies. IMHO, anything
above 40, to be safe 60 Hz, is better left to midrange or smaller
woofers than the sub. But whatever floats your boat.

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