Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> Can I suggest that you/we read up on correlated vs. uncorrelated jitter
> as they are different beasts...

>From what I understand, the word "correlated" refers in this context to
any non-random effect on the jitter spectrum, for example an effect
which is correlated with the signal itself.  However the signal in
question here is the digital signal, not the analogue one, and hence
the spectrum of correlated jitter (at least in the discussions I've
seen of it) has nothing to do with the music.  See for example the
third page of this:

Again, I suppose it is logically possible for the analogue part of the
audio chain to interfere with the digital part and induce jitter
correlated with the music, but I have not seen that mentioned anywhere.

By the way "uncorrelated" here means random (somewhat loosely defined),
for example gaussian thermal noise or power supply interference.

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