I think you'll find that its the correlated jitter that is the problem -
in the same way that level-related noise pumping is really annoying with
DBX companding, whereas Dolby (B) is just dull...(sorry -  best analogy
I could come up with).

The uncorrelated (to the music) jitter is less intrusive - hence the
"jitter scrambling" techniques of Altmann et al...

Now this could all be hokum...but I'd swear that it makes a positive
difference in my system.

I don't have access to any high-end CDP's anymore (sold them all!) so
it's hard for me to compare, but I am 110% positive that the SB2 (& 3)
is a better transport than all of the ones I've owned/tried in the
including some pretty funky esoterica!

BUT - and its a big but - this was all tested over several months with
the Altmann JISCO & UPCI in the chain (SB-TACT-"altmann boxes"-DAC) vs
CDP-"altmann boxes"-DAC - nothing else was changed in the system
although lots of CDP's (Linn, Naim, Chord, Meridian) and a few DACS
were tried (dCS, Chord, MF etc)

Also the differences (as a transport) were very small - maybe
non-existant in some cases.

As I'd already bought the altmann boxes, I never tested what happend if
I pulled them out of the chain. It's possible that these little boxes
were eliminating the differences in the transports?

Phil Leigh
Phil Leigh's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=85
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