highdudgeon wrote:
> Patrick,
> Let's see...you have a product to sell, right?  So you're objective
> about this?

Patrick is very objective. He doesn't sell or even particularly promote
his products on these forums.

>  You have a product that is, well, eclipsed by the
> transporter?

Says who? The SB+ is a different animal to the Transporter. Besides, I
suspect he may well come up with a Transporter+.

>  I think the burden is on you to prove, with numbers and
> reasons, why your product is superior.

No it isn't. You listen to them. If you don't hear a difference or like
the result you don't buy them. Simple.

>  Ditto for Bolder and the Bybee
> stuff.  I shouldn't have to spend thousands of dollars on technology
> that is blatantly, at least in part, silly, in order to prove my my
> ears what a simple understanding of physics and engineering can
> disprove. 

You don't have to spend a penny. You just have to listen and choose what
you prefer.

Physics and engineering can't explain everything.

> But, again, as the seller can hardly be expected to be an obective
> reviewer, I submit that the burden of explanation rests on you.

No-one *owes* you an explanation. If you don't like any explanation you
might receive then you don't buy. Simple as that.


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