highdudgeon;141381 Wrote: 
> Is there any reason why you are on this forum other than to sell your
> device?Err, yes - I was on this forum before I even developed the SB+, and my
point in being here is to contribute what and where I can to the
community here.  I have also been helped and educated by many people on

I'm also a customer of Slim Devices, and I've sold, promoted and
installed their product to many other people.

One could argue, that without the likes of RW, Boulder, me and others,
Slim Devices wouldn't have been inspired to develop the Transporter at
all!  And FWIW, I am very confident in the performance of the SB+ -
even now the Transporter is available.

On the other hand you have consistently posted that there is no real
difference in any of this stuff, and that the standard SB3 couldn't
really be bettered either as a player or a standalone transport. 
Interesting you have now ordered a Transporter which kindof stuffs your
credibility I reckon!

So, do you have a reason for being here - other than to rage on about

Patrick Dixon

Patrick Dixon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=90
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28080

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