highdudgeon;141381 Wrote: 
> Patrick,
> Let's see...you have a product to sell, right?  So you're objective
> about this?  You have a product that is, well, eclipsed by the
> transporter?  I think the burden is on you to prove, with numbers and
> reasons, why your product is superior.  Ditto for Bolder and the Bybee
> stuff.  I shouldn't have to spend thousands of dollars on technology
> that is blatantly, at least in part, silly, in order to prove my my
> ears what a simple understanding of physics and engineering can
> disprove.  
> But, again, as the seller can hardly be expected to be an obective
> reviewer, I submit that the burden of explanation rests on you.  Is
> there any reason why you are on this forum other than to sell your
> device?
> There is  this, too: some people just plain like things that sound
> different.  I read a post somewhere about how a modded SB3 sounded more
> interesting, or something to that effect, than a Benchmark, which he
> admitted was more accurate (the term was "clinical").  Now, the fact is
> that these DACs are used by mastering studio engineers.  They know what
> they're talking about and their opinion carries more weight than Joe
> Audiophile.  A similar thing happens with amps: tube amps are not, de
> facto, as accurate and quiet as solid state amps.  Much lower damping
> factor, higher s/n, frequency irregularities, you name it.  However,
> that is not to say that they are all displeasing.  My favorite amps are
> solid state, because I care about accuracy in reproduction.  However, I
> also own a McIntosh tube amp that I bring out from time to time.  With
> some music, it is absolutely glorious and I forget about the fact that
> it is less accurate.  However, I will not claim that it is the "better"
> amp, because it is not; it is simply different and, in some ways, and
> for some uses, more attractive.  Live and let live, guys, and let's
> stop arguing about this.  If you ENJOY what you hear, than you enjoy
> it.  That's good enough for me.  However, it doesn't mean that I have
> to buy it and it especially doesn't mean that I have to buy into
> technology, like Bybee filters, that is a rip-off.
> Lastly, I have no doubt that the modded SB3's are, in one way or
> another, superior in terms of analog output than the standard.  I
> simply question the hype and the cost/benefit, especially when
> outstanding DACs and the Transporter are out there.
> Peace to you all.  No fighting, okay?  Peace.

(english is not my native language so sorry for mistakes)

No fighting? Yes, that would be nice. I guess we are all here to
educate ourselves, get inspired and even help each other occasionally
on different subjects. (including Patrick!?!)

It seems though that in some ways you are begging for a fight. The tone
that your first post is written in is far from containing the
objectivity that you ask for yourself. As is the way you address
participants of the thread. I can easily understand if you get flamed.

I find the subject in this thread interesting. I was the one who
provided you with the link for the comparrison of the Transporter and a
heavily modded SB2. So yes I do find it interesting.

I have NOT heard a modded Squeezebox. I don't have the possibilities to
audition one (before I made the decision of purchasing one) -so I read.
I have stumbled over many fine comparrisons from very serious and kind
people. People that have sold very (scientifically correct /or not?)
fine expensive equipment; pre's, dac's and cables. And are now running
straight from the analog outs from a -yes you guessed right, modded SB.

Off course you can get very good results using the SB with already
proven to be good DAC's. I would be stupid to say different. And the
Transporter is by no doubt a very fine piece of hardware. 

What is for me more interesting is that with the SB you have a chance
to get your signal path shortened. No CD player. No Pre. No (extra)
DAC, Less cabling. 
PC -> SB -> Power Amp -> Speakers.. Very clean and simple. Off course
there are other ways to do it. But this way is very interesting as far
as I am concerned. And this can be acchieved  for half the price for a
Transporter (for a medium modded SB) or about the same price as the
transporter -(MAYBE) surpassing it..
And reports of setups just as described has been good. Even if the
reports had been less good it would still be interesting in terms of
development. But now that the feedback is as good as it is it becomes,
THE BOMB. Just kidding. ~becomes even more interesting I was about to

I really respect all the modders out there. They do some great efforts
to research and push the limits. Private as small companys. Fraud in
this area is VERY limited as far as I can sense. Experimenting not.
Heavily exotic experimenting also not. But the desire to perfect -and
having fun while doing it is there by tenfolds.

Happy listening -and modding :-D


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