LOL....I am so glad I asked this question (my first posting!) and so
happy to see there is total unanimity <G>. It reassures me that I was
not missing something obvious to all. And that there is still room for
subjective experience. Once my head stops spinning from the excellent
comments, I'll have to make some decisions. I am not convinced yet that
the best SQ wouldn;t be from the Transporter and a decent quality
(around $1000-1200) DAC, but I wouldn;t refuse to spend less than that
if the SQ was as good. I also hate to give up my older Conrad-Johnson
preamp, although its not doing too much... other than adding nostalgia,
an additional set of interconnects, and the analogue volume control.
(I'm currrently using an older CJ Amp and older B & W speakers, but
auditioning newer everything). Oh, and while SQ is important, so is
domestic acceptability. Thanks, and please keep the excellent advice on
this subject coming.

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